F5 with 2SK2013/2SJ313

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While waiting for the little Toshibas to come from Zhoufang (10 weeks lead time :sad:), I’ve been attracted (and who has not?) from this http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/pass-labs/172770-balanced-f5-question.html thread, so I thought to a 313/2013-based version. The attached schematic comes directly from that thread, and the values of R1/R101 and R2/R102 (widely commented) so as R7/R8 and R9/R10 are copied from EUVL’s schematic (see attached), so consider them as tentative values.
Is this beast feasible? Are there alternative values of supply voltage / idle current that could be considered in order to achieve the “sweet spot” or even lower the overall dissipation (at the price of a lower max power output)?
I’m aware of dissipation issues, so we (in fact, I’m representing a bunch of ardent DIYers) are already thinking to a very ambitious (for us) case, but this is another story (another case, in fact ;)).

Juma (or any other), could you comment please?

Guido (poor Padanian Man)

wondering if different source resistor for SK170/J74 is needed or not... especially with the feedback situation...
Finally, my Mosfets have arrived from Utsource. Now begins the hunt for 2sj74s. In the meantime, I might even try 2N5461 for the P-channel JFET and try out the amp.

Just two questions, should the 4K7 NTCs be disc type or screw-type and if discs, should they be in contact with the heatsink?

Will a bias of 1.6Amps be O.K. for 4 pairs of Output devices at rail voltage of + -20 Volts?

I have 18-0-18 volt 160VA torroids that I am planning to use with Juma's published Cap multipliers. Thanks.
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