F5X -- the EUVL Approach - The Build Thread

Patrick, I'm pretty mutch in this bissiness and you are totally correct. Our board engineers, layout, lab support and outsource assembly (where I work) do not ussually do any better than we all have. And they are highly paid "experienced" proffessionals! And, all the people I just mentioned work in the same building!!! It was our DIYAudio crew's first crack at it!
Ussually it's all in the management, but managers that get paid, only manage there bosses salery, hoping to increase their own. This was a unified effort amongst people dedcated to getting the job done right!
I thank you for tolerateing all of us and perservering graciously 'til the completion. I'll help you out again any time.
Sorry about the spelling... :Pawprint:
We made a mistake with the BoM.

The cap should be Digikey P6921-ND, Panasonic ECO-S1VP223DA, 22000uF 35V.

If you do want to use the TS-HA series, you need to use P6668-ND 15000uF 35V for the first C after the rectifiers,
and P6591-ND 22000uF 25V for the second C in wither CRC or CRegC.

Our apologies. I did not spot this one.
Hope Dave (author of the B0M) will make an update in the F5X thread soon.

Hi Westley,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This is the only error we are currently aware of from the original BOMs posted in the main thread.

We are reviewing the power BOM and Cascode options BOM among the group and will post them here once review is complete. We have also reached out to the moderators to remove the BOMs from the original thread so that this will be the only source for the BOM to minimize confusion.

For reference I want to point out the the BOMs in this thread are revision controlled. The "1.0D" indicates that the BOM is for PCB revision 1.0 and it is the D or fourth incremental version of the BOM. Future changes if necessary will increment the letter only. If the PCB were to change for some reason, the "1.0" would change in the BOM title to match.

I appreciate everyone's patience as we better understand the implications and potential pitfalls of supporting a major project here.

I do not have the Gerber next to me, so I cannot check the suffix a,b,c.
But next to the Trimmer, there are space for 2 resistors.
One should be 1k (R14b in BoM), the other 1.5k (R14c in BoM).

And when you are done with adjusting output bias, you may (but do not have to) replace the trimmer by a fixed resistor of the same value.
For Mark (who is less skilled in electronics), I left the trimmers on.

Hope it is clear.

Dave will clean up the mistakes later. Apologies.

Last edited:

The moderators were kind enough to remove the original pre-release BOMs from the main thread. Thank you. This will now be the only source for this information and hopefully will avoid some confusion down the road.

The updated power supply BOM is attached.



  • F5X_Power_BOM_1.0D.pdf
    23.7 KB · Views: 805

One cascode option has been tested by a test team member to ensure the PCBs are correct. Other cascode types have not yet been tested. We also have not measured or done any comparative critical listening to know if a cascode is worthwhile on the standard build with 16V rails. Because of this and our desire to "do no harm" we will not be publishing the BOM or other details until we have it completely checked out.
