Fast, fun, Inexpensive OB project

Jogunast.... Welcome to the world of simple OB! The mirror image is important as it helps spread diffraction effects while working to preserve sonic imaging. Just for fun, you can mock up a heavy card board baffle and try out a centered tweeter and and offset tweeter location and see what you think. If you try it, please let us know what you think of the results. Good luck with your build! J
Boswald and John thank you for replies.
Grill cloth is option I considered (boston a200 for example), but adding another frame on top of baffle can also change the sound..
In my experience with vintage hifi speakers mirroring the drivers produced more compressed image with timbre that was poorer in harmonics compared to two identical source configuration. But this is completely different design from closed box so I will play with configuration mirror vs identical and report the results. If mirror wins, grill cloth it is.
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With perf material you can do without a frame.
A good sheet-metal worker can form a shallow box with no frame.

Years ago, Allison used perforated ABS plastic.
It worked very well, but environmental factors(children, animals, drunk people, cigarette smoke etc.) limited its life. So metal.
Just received my parts and I am almost ready to assemble my 15 inch version. I could not buy the 4.7mH inductor so I bought the Jantzen 5mH 20AWG inductor with the intention to modify it. I dont have induction measuring tool so I wonder how many turns approximately I should unwind to get to 4.7mH?
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About 6% ;) I don't know how many turns that is, but I do remember seeing some online calculators years ago that would help with that. Maybe someone here knows.

Good look with you build! And start with the 5mH until you can figure how much to unwind it, it will work but will drop the highs a little more than normal. Depending on your room, that can sound correct.
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You are well within the ten percent rule- if everything else is spot on, and one component is off by that little, you're fine.

Also, this is a very gentle filter, it takes a lot of inductance to make much change(something a lot of people have noticed when trying to make simple passive sub filters).

Worst case scenario is you have to add one or two ohms to the TC9(hard surfaces close to the speaker/your head).
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I picked up Dkalsi’s Manzanita-inspired open baffle speakers and am fooling around with placement.

Fast, fun, Inexpensive OB project post #2531+

I LOVE these speakers. Dkalsi did a wonderful job building them and designing the crossover. They sound exceptional. They’re taking nearly everything the VFET SE can throw at them to get loud in my room (I rarely listen to anything anything above 80db) and it is a blissful, immersive experience.

I know I’m preaching to the choir in this thread, but if anyone is on the fence about trying the Manzanita or similar open baffle speakers, DO IT. If you have the space to bring them out in the room, there is something very special about well-designed OBs. I feel like it’s a must for any inquisitive speaker and amp builder. :D

Cheers. Thanks again to Dkalsi, John Busch, and Pano. This community ceaselessly continues to enhance my enjoyment of this hobby.


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Good to hear that you got them and that you like them. :up: Also good to see that you have them out in the room with space to breath. OB really needs that to shine. I like your speaker stands. :p

Are you doing OK with the VFET? I find the Manzies to be power hungry, like my Magnepans, I used to run mine off a 700 watt pro amp that I had dialed back to 150 watts. In a small space, about 50 watts did OK. John is always hooking them up to tube amps that I feel don't have enough power, but he gets them to work great. Maybe I'm just deef.
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I am very happy with how they sound with the VFET, which is the lowest powered amp in my regular rotation. I will likely swap out to experiment with the other good amps I have, including an F5, a DH-220C, and a TPA3255-based amp. I even have a couple big pro audio amps (Ashly FET-2000M) to try.

If I get really adventurous, I can biamp the Manzies with different amps, or even bypass the passive crossover and go active with the MiniDSP 2x4HD I have. But I really don’t think that’s necessary. They sound so good already. I’m already hearing surprisingly new things in moderately familiar songs.

I’m glad you like the stands. :D I ordered a couple of inexpensive plant stands from Amazon just for these speakers. I knew three legs wouldn’t wobble. A more sturdy solution may be in the cards.
Hello Von Ah.. Thank you for posting your impression(s) of your new Manzanita's! A bit envious of dkalsi's build! Looks so good, professional! Kodo's!! I think you will find significant differences in how each amp you list will soiund. One thing about the Manzanita is it reveals down stream components, especially amplifiers. It will be interesting to read about your impressions of each you try. Congrats on your Manzanita acquisition!
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Yes you can mount them to the back of the baffle. The wavelengths at the crossover point are fairly long, longer than 3/4" for sure. A round over or 45 degree angle is nice, but not nearly as important with the woofer as it is with the tweeter. Again, wavelength.
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Those look great, svobodin. I’m sure they sound wonderful.

I particularly like how you wired the crossover through the frame, and the feet are great!

Because of the feet, I was reminded of the skiing robot from Wallace and Gromit’s adventure on the moon. :D


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Thanks, Pano. ;) “Crackers! We forgot the crackers!”

I’ve started the weekend of amp comparison with my Manzanitas.

Just connected my TPA3255 amp-in-a-vintage-chassis.

Class D Amp Photo Gallery

Sounds very good so far. Very resolving and enjoyable. Nice to have meters. :D

I’ll live with this for a day. Then move to the F5. This is by no means scientific. A lot of fun, regardless.


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