FR58EX and AC130F1 micro-FAST / WAW

Progress Slowed

My apologies to the folks interested in this project. I had amplifier problems and also health issues in my family. I got some guidance from John Hollander over at Parts Express on the preparation of the files needed for crossover work. We used Jeff Bagby's Blender and Response Modeler and I believe we have good files that I will post. I have tried to come up with a good crossover but I am not very experienced. Maybe someone here can make it work. I have listened to the speaker I built quite a bit and enjoy it, even with no crossover.

My files are .frd and .zma. I get a message that they are invalid. What do I need to do?
The box is 12 inches tall by 7 inches wide. The AC130f1 is centered and mounted 1 inch from the top of the cab. The distance from the top of the cab to the center of the AC130f1 is 4 inches. The FR58 is centered and its center is 4.5 inches from the bottom of the cab. The offset between the two drivers was 1.47 inches.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Using the files you provide above, here is my first cut at the XO, at a nice FAST frequency of 600Hz. I was not able to make it a transient perfect - as I had to invert the tweeter. However, that may have something to do with the drivers acting electro-acoustically like a 2nd order crossover despite being 1st order electrically. You can tweak it from here - but this would actually sound pretty good. I am not sure why the FRD has such a big peak at 170Hz as the AC130F1 is really quite smooth. The Xsim DXO file is uploaded as .ASC. Rename to .DXO to use in Xsim.


Frequency and Acoustic Phase:

Imepdance and Elect Phase:


  • FR58EX-AC130F1-FAST-XO-v01.dxo.asc
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  • FR58EX-AC130F1-XO-Imped-Phase-v001.jpg
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  • FR58EX-AC130F1-XO-Freq-Phase-v001.jpg
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  • FR58EX-AC130F1-XO-Schematic-v001.jpg
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Here is a XO at 1kHz, which might give a little more power to be delivered from the woofer as a midbass. There is a high impedance peak near 90Hz that I have not dealt with yet... But here are standard Parts Express part numbers for all the components.

Schematic for 1kHz XO:

Freq Response:


I have a question, what is your box alignment? Sealed or bass reflex? The peak at 170Hz might be result of too small a box and not enough damping.


  • FR58EX-AC130F1-XO-Schematic-v002.jpg
    71 KB · Views: 4,354
  • FR58EX-AC130F1-XO-Freq-Phase-v002.jpg
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  • FR58EX-AC130F1-XO-Imped-Phase-v002.jpg
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