Full Range EQ


$150 amp in parts... + 20 hours to build/test + at least $40K in Nelson's time.

People underestimate the cost of IP (intellectual property) and labor.

What are those tweeters to the left of the amp in the background? Next to the XA25 huh? JVC you said? HSW1101-01A Leaf Ribbon?

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Looks like Pioneer PT-R9. Likely the same that Devon Turnbull use. But his system is not a full range driver system.:ROFLMAO:
Joined 2014
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I have little experience with pricey drivers. The ones i have had have not been outstanding.

If i had to pick just one, Markaudio Alpair 10.2 MAOP in Frugel-Horn XL, Pensil, or similar, Silbury if you want a big box and have a room to support them.

Thanks, Dave. I really appreciate your suggestion. Madisound is out of stock so I'll be casting about to find them.

Joined 2001
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The Alpair 10s are nominal 5.25” drivers.

Due to the need for more material for the high performing plastic basket, and the large bezels they (ie Madisound) often charaterize thia generation of Alpair baskets a size larger than they are.

With any Markaudio the actual cone size is in the name. Alpair 10 has 10 cm diameter cone. Alpair 7 has 7cm cone.


Note that Bare bought a set of the least desirable MA drivers for those with Western taste (ie one of the few MAs voiced specifically for the Japanese market) and has branded the entire range on this one example, and often interjects a disparaging comment
I think that quite a few of us went through the Mark Audio/Madisound confusion as to what a real 8" driver was. In fact, things like this seem to vary from brand to brand, or I wouldn't have had to make different brass adapter rings every time I turn to use a new driver in the same cabinet. I can easily say that both the 10P and 12P drivers were among the best that I have owned regardless of price. Plumbing and audio must be related in some way. When it comes repairing or replacing parts, you only think that you are about to succeed.
Joined 2001
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I'm getting confused about Alpair and MAOP.

Alpair is Markaudio’s top range. Some few are MAOPs. Cones are bombarded with electrons which converts the top few molecules into a ceramic like substance (and almost flat white). Yeild is low, so they are rare and expensive. Demand has made them widly more available. You used to have to give your eye teeth and then wait till they made more.

Alpair 10.2 MAOP is currently the one that gets the most love. Called MAOP 10.2 for short. There was an A10 MAOP. There is also a MAOP 11 based on the Pluvia 11 (not as good in my estimation).

Stefan at KJF Audio in the UK is also worth contacting.

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Thanks, Dave. I think I've ordered the right drivers. I've just been worried since the price was about half of the price offered by Madisound. I should know in a few days when the order arrives (at least I hope it's only a few days.

I plan to try them first in the Pensil cabinets.
Joined 2014
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FWIW I have not seen need for significant EQ on the upper mid / top end of Mark Audio drivers, making them unusual for this category. And of course the bottom end is application dependent. ..

This means, of course, that I now need to purchase another set of FR drivers and build a second set of speaker in order to use the equalizer (is this the "cart pushing the horse"?) Maybe the SEAS FA22RCZ mentioned earlier?
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A good excuse to buy another set of FR speakers :D
Btw, I use Alpair 10.3. No need for EQ with that one ;)


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