Full range on wall for home theater?

Thanks everyone for your replies. I suppose it's gratifying that I can trust my ears, old that they are. I'm also pleased that the padding I put behind the driver is a good thing - obviously I had done it for the Frugel Horns and had read here that reflections can come back through the driver so it seemed like the right thing to do. As I said in my earlier post, this peak is a minor irritant, most of what these speakers do is remarkably good.
Chris, thanks for chipping in with your expert view on these drivers. I have a friend over on Lenco Heaven who has a pair of the 7.3 metals. Interestingly we compared our drivers in Frugel Horn cabinets at a recent meet. He preferred his and I preferred mine, the power of ownership :D but general consensus was that the metals had a better top end, the papers had more lower down. Maybe I'll try and borrow his drivers.

XRK, the B80s you refer to - presumably this is the Visaton driver?

I have bought a little Dayton Audio iMM-6 mike and plugged it in to my android phone. I bought the Audio Tool app but I'm having trouble figuring out how to use it. I tried a pink noise file which gave me a graph but although I can store and reload the file it, it just doesn't show up on the files when I search for it on the laptop. In any case I really haven't a clue what I'm doing with this!

Cheers, Ian
I've finally decided to try my skills at foam-core by making a variant of this design with Alpair 7.3 as cornu seems to be a little hardcore for a first-timer :)

I want the enclosure to be rectangular, like in this design:

Can somebody explain how is the line length calculated? It looks like measurements are done by drawing a straight line which lies in between walls. Does the fold count affect it in some way?
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I've finally decided to try my skills at foam-core by making a variant of this design with Alpair 7.3 as cornu seems to be a little hardcore for a first-timer :)

I want the enclosure to be rectangular, like in this design:

Can somebody explain how is the line length calculated? It looks like measurements are done by drawing a straight line which lies in between walls. Does the fold count affect it in some way?

You could do it like this by earlier post:


Regarding line length - draw lines from inside corner to outer vertex and make TL length pass through the mid point on all corners. This is close to the TL effective length. A 180 deg hairpin turn equals 4 segments of 45 deg wedges. Typically for uniform line width the midpoint length is half the width per 45 deg segment.
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I started at 4in but tuned it to 1.5in in the end by. Adjust to taste - a telescoping tube would be good. I am not using BSC when wall mounted it seems to have good balance. The SMSL 36A is also what I used at first. Now switched to TDA7297. Both great amps but I don't need as good of an amp for mono duties at work. Plus BTL class D can't be tied together for mono via two resistors.
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Finished my first prototype. Aesthetically it looks quite good, sound quality is worse than the BR enclosure of the same volume :(

I'll try to add some more bracing and will try a longer tube sometime soon.

Nice build - what I noticed was that the SQ was better with a shorter vent vs longer. About 1.5in long brought the bass volume higher. What don't you like about the sound vs an equivalent BR? It should have less baffle step than a smaller prismatic box of same volume.
BR has way more bass, but maybe it has something to do with how I attached the top (front) layer. I've used black silicone, which I've also smeared between side walls and front/back panels. Inner parts are glued with hot melt. The good thing about silicone is that I was able to remove the top easilty by cutting and peeling it off. Next time I'll probably add a paper layer beneath the top and glue it with PVA. I'll do some proper measuruments as well.

Anyhow, that's quite an acceptable result for the first time. Next stop - 50cm cornu :)