Funniest snake oil theories

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Joined 2003
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If the stuff weren't about a hunnert bucks a meter....sheesh.
Unfortunately, superconducting cables still obey that darn maxwell guy...L and C will still do the same thing..

But, but...but R, i mean its R =0, not almost. We need that in speaker cables. I kid of course.

On anothing kidding note, i can see some of the cold from the liquid nitrogen battling it out with the heat from a class A Pass amp. The front lines of the battlezone would have its own weather system: miniature hurricanes, hail, etc...
speaker oil for better sound

Having rescued three scratchy old speakers now by liberally spraying them with WD40 I think I know why it works.

Basically, when you soak your speaker cone with WD40 it makes it more slippy so the sound particles can fly off it better. Don't know why I didn't think of this before!
Having rescued three scratchy old speakers now by liberally spraying them with WD40 I think I know why it works.

Basically, when you soak your speaker cone with WD40 it makes it more slippy so the sound particles can fly off it better. Don't know why I didn't think of this before!

Well, WD40 is a mixture of several oils I've read. Maybe one of them is Snake. Wonder how many snakes needed to get a an ounce of oil?
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