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GB for F6 Convertible Clone boards

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It is a sign of the times everyone had cut back on inventory, My build time on equipment I design gets pushed back months waiting for equipment they stocked a year ago. On top of that I have to pay inbound freight and a higher price usually. To do it for a living is one thing as a hobby I don't blame you not wanting to do it anymore. Most of us have so little extra time for our hobbies as it is. I greatly appreciate your efforts on your group purchases and hope I can return the favor.

I realized at end of last week tha I had ordered .1R resistors for the outputs of all the kits. AS most people will be using IRF fets, I ad to order the .47R instead. EVerything arrives tomorrow and all else is packed. I wll start contacting people tonight to confirm resistor choice and t confrim address. Its finally going to happen.....hopefully.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Parts kit arrived

Parts kit arrived today. :D
Many thanks to buzzforb, superb!!!


  • PARTS F6.jpg
    PARTS F6.jpg
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I tried replying to your direct email that came through the forum. It was kicked back twice, saying that it was un-deliverable. I have not received any responses to Pm's that I have sent either. I apologize, but wonder if the email account you have linked to the forum is working properly. I guess we will see if we can handle it here. You are one of the names that have marked as unpaid on my list. This may be an error on my part, but I need to confirm this. If you have the invoice number that you paid, please send it to me. Also please confirm your order and shipping address. I have you signed up for two Cniemag transformers and a daughter board from TeaBag. Is this correct? I will be out of town a couple of days for vacation, but will ship when i return.
Hi buzzforb,

It looks like you got things mixed up. Last message I received from you was you got my payment through PayPal OK, the message was sent thr. this forum's Private Message. That was the channel we normally communicated so I presumed you should use Private Message to get to me if you experienced problem with my email.
My email should be OK because that was where I received your PayPal invoice.
I forwarded the PayPal invoice to your email once again so that you can make use of the shipping address that was printed on it and also the stuffs I ordered.

I ordered four Cinemag transformers and will be used in four channel bi-amp system, so it is important to have four trans from the same manufacturing lot. I hope you can take note of this because you got me worried you never ordered my trans and is going to send me some left overs.
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