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GB for F6 Convertible Clone boards

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Joined 2006
Paid Member
So another couple of angles to consider. Not that I am full of sage building advice -

1. The boards should 'power on' with Toshiba FE JFETs in, and no outputs.
2. The boards should 'power on' with Input/output JFETs in but no attached transformer (did this one experiment quite by accident). LED's at least will light.

3. Hooking up tranformer backwards will cause a short (did that)
4. Not getting the pads from daughter card to transformer, and from female pins to main board all soldered in (especially where we see the the cream colored copper traces) will cause a short.

The Cinemags are mounted correctly to DC board (only one way to do that) Letting faces front end. All units the circle on DC faces the caps.

I did all things things building the 4 different protoboards and two production boards I built :) All in the name of troubleshooting :rofl:
yes, one should try with IRF's (even small ones) first before moving to SemiSouths.

If you go unbuffered, leave the 1K/47K in signal path. I did this without, even with a low R source, and still got some motorboating on speakers.
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
Look for the circles to match in direction.

Just to show how cool the boards are:


PKI, it looks like your transformers are on backwards on the main board.
The little circle you can see towards the top needs to match the circle on the main board. They face the caps. You front one looks to be heading backwards.

Keep in mind, hooking the transformer to the daughter card the first and second pins on all models are 'keyed' sort of with pins 1 and 2 close together.
But the pins themselves are not keyed, so the circles need to match.
OK took the jfets out and jumpered the input to the xformer input. Is there anything else I need to do for unbuffered?

I can not get the mosfets to bias up now. Running 2 blue LEDs each rail.

Do I really jumper the source resistors? They are 0.5 ohm. I also have the harmonic pots in place. Do those really need to come out and be jumpered?
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Assuming the jumpers are on the pot positions near the source resistors -

Here is a pic from blog with jumpers over P3 and P4. They connect 'to the right' of the Pot.

It may just be that you need to bias the crap out of your IRF's.

Regardless of output FET types (R100 or IRF etc), this unit bias's up from nothing to a lot very fast. Always have the plug ready to pull!
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The cost of the parts kit is $63.10. It includes all the components in this schematic. I am using PRP, Caddock, and Elna Silmic II. They are excellent quality for not much money. I will post a link to a GB sheet in next couple of days. I will also look into the the cost of both Jensen and Cinemag transformers and at that as an option. Do not forget about the toroid GB going as well. It is our best chance of getting a quality power transformer at reasonable prices.


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