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GB For Salas SSLV1.3 Ultra-BIB

My boards arrived yesterday. Very nice!
One question: Why did you pack Nichicon Muse BP elcaps in the minipacks, not Nichicon KZ like in the BOM proposed? I am hesitating using these instead. I probably have missed any inforation about that change.
I have used Muse Bipolars in non-polarized coupling circuits but never in a psu.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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He eventually run out of 50V KZ. Not as much stocked as in 100V (nicer but big). My build guide has both KZ & ES types listed. The Muse ES (BP) 33uF/50V critical termination capacitor (C3) measured better for DF and ESR than its KZ brother on my LCR actually. See post #96 here about ES (BP) suitability and posts #16 #23 in the UltraBiB's main thread picturing ES in measurement and use.
Thanks, that makes sense. I will try and use them anyway. But it still is a bit strange to me that the BP measures better than a normal elcap. They are internally a kind of series of two polar caps, aren't they?
Anyway, maybe I should have read the thread a bit more closely.

I nevertheless have to correct myself, I have indeed used bipolar caps (red Blackgates) for one of my numerous (!) Dacs with good effect. The (visible) board (AudioSector) populated with several red Blackgates always make my friends jealous... unobtainium may create greed...
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diyAudio Chief Moderator
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I don't know what tricks they do at Nichicon, but fact is for Pana FC 100uF/50V 10mm diameter I measure 0.116 1kHz DF when for ES BP 33uF/50V 0.042 (!) Even at 100Hz which is the realm of a PSU application capacitor the FC measures 0.032 DF but the ES BP 0.031 which still amazes when considering its having three times less capacitance than the FC even if it was equivalent PSU polar capacitor type to the FC (!)

Measuring 100kHZ Rs (ESR) for the 33/50 ES BP its 0.116 Ω but more for the 100/50 FC (!) 0.158 to 0.163 Ω (depending on sample (5pcs) and on how I handle the Kelvin clips)

Which is bang on the datasheet figure in Panasonic's FC case so thumbs up for their reliable published data. That one proves my calibration is reliable for measuring the Nichicon correctly too. No doubts there.


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Salas, do you have the original datasheet form Nichicon for the ES Series? I can only find page1 on the net, without the individual specs.
Thanks for the apparently correct measurements anyway. I think this is very astonishing and there should be a technical reason for that.

Nevertheless, thanks Tea for "pushing" me into that experience. Sorry for my complaints.
diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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No difference between ES & UES I think, and apparently there is none more analytical datasheet. Its surprising how well the ES bipolar manages when a Panasonic FC 33uF/50V is reliably listed for 0.600Ω 100kHz impedance but I found a much lower 0.116-0.124Ω* 100kHz impedance in my ES (BP) 33uF/50V samples (!)

*depending on ambient temp and sample and/or the meter's set up details regarding ambient temp and the DIY Kelvin clips dressing (0.120Ω mean).


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You should be able to use this, it's linked in first post. It still omits R1 , as that needs to be calculated. Resistors could be other brands or models as well.

UltraBIB Minikits - Google Sheets

i just ordered all the parts in the exrtra section of this document and i calculated R1=2 ohm so i ordered vishay 2ohm 2 watt 1% (5 of them just to be safe). but then i realized that it doesnt specify positive or negative. so these extra parts is it for the positive or negative or both?
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Joined 2006
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i just ordered all the parts in the exrtra section of this document and i calculated R1=2 ohm so i ordered vishay 10% (5 of them just to be safe). but then i realized that it doesnt specify positive or negative. so these extra parts is it for the postive or negative or both?

They are common to both polarities. For the most part, only transistors are of issue in +/- situation. However, the layout may change of course.