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GB Thread for Salas SSLV1.1 BiB shunt reg

Joined 2006
Paid Member
Hi, new to this. I need a positive/ negative rail shunt reg. What is the status of the GB? Is there a kit, including what? I need the shunt for +/- 26 volts, 1 amp. I continue my research inside this thread, however I really appreciate your support.

Many thanks


Hi Emil
The GB is still active. It will close probably towards the end of the summer.
Minikits are available, parts listed in blog.


You should read the build guide on post #1 to determine if this board meets your requirements.
There is a also a calculator there to order some of the other parts needed to set specific voltage.
I believe 1A is on the outer edge of specification.
Hey Marc. Have you read the build guide on the first post? If you have, then read it again... then again... Once you feel you have a grasp of the concepts, download the Excel calculator on the first post, and calculate your base component values for your targeted load.

Salas shunts can provide phenomenal PS performance and are not difficult to build - but require more planning/understanding than many DIY projects. Do the research, choose your values, then come back to the forum to vet/verify.
then what about the i/v stage?
I was looking at opc ntd1 or legato

The Legato require at least one ±15VDC bipolar supply, so that still means you could get away with just one SSLV1.1BIB board.
If you are buying the minikits too you would want one IRF+ and one IRF- as well as the BJT+

I got it.
SSLV 1.1 BiB x1
BJT x1

You will have to add yourself to the spreadsheet, didn't see your name when I looked earlier.


Sent a long time ago from a Galaxy [Tab] far far away using Tapatalk HD
The Legato require at least one ±15VDC bipolar supply, so that still means you could get away with just one SSLV1.1BIB board.
If you are buying the minikits too you would want one IRF+ and one IRF- as well as the BJT+

You will have to add yourself to the spreadsheet, didn't see your name when I looked earlier.


Sent a long time ago from a Galaxy [Tab] far far away using Tapatalk HD
Thanks a lot Ive decided to go with NTD1 which has on board PS.
So I think I will be good with 1 sslv and 2 bjt (one more for other projects).