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GB Thread for Salas SSLV1.1 BiB shunt reg

testing my bib, it's been running for 30minutes and leds are still working. this will be powering dcb1 xo.

using 2x15V toroid, my target output is 12Vdc. ccs use 2pcs 10R paralel, measured 2.3V on those resistor. chassis bottom plate only get warm, not hot.

thanks for this great shunt regulator, fun to build


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I did not have a good luck on original DCB1 board, somehow 1 rail always failed so I just cut it and use final output only and it had been powered by LT1085/1033 regulator for more than 1yr, now bib time :D

those matrix board is 2way DCB1 active crossover for my OB speaker, will try 12dB first and add additional 12dB filter if required


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Joined 2006
Paid Member
GB for Salas Boards ends 4/30/2017

The current GB for Salas boards is open until 4/30/2017. You must pay by then. If you signed up on the spreadsheet, I should have sent you a private message with details. If you have not received a private message, then send me one.
Joined 2006
Paid Member

I am currently awaiting the boards arrival.

The board house unfortunately shipped the circuit boards to another country.
This is a first.

They were unable to get the customs department for that country to re-direct package to me. So the boards are back in production line.

I hope to ship the boards out in less than 2 weeks. My apologies for the delay.