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Group Buy for the Through Hole Folded Cascode CEN IV boards

Joined 2003
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RickRay - 1
manniraj - 1
obh - 1
odessamarin - 1
DtotheG - 1
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tadek -2
ihear21khz (David) - 1
asanden - 1
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Reserved by XEN Team - 8
Joined 2014
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hirscwi - 1
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RickRay - 1
manniraj - 1
obh - 1
odessamarin - 1
DtotheG - 1
darrr - 1
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ihear21khz (David) - 1
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Joined 2019
Paid Member
Thanks everyone.

I’m using a Salas Ultrabib for power. On all of the jfets I was able to provide near perfect matching. The bipolars were matched by polarity, with a slight increase in HFE on one side. The mosfets were the biggest challenge, but I was able to compensate with provided instructions.

Straight of the gate I was in the 30-35mV range of positive offset. Ended up using 300-400K in resistance to compensate, per instructions. I’m now around 4-6mV positive, and I’m sticking with that.

Patrick, good catch - I completely forgot the thermal compound. I’ll address that soon.
Joined 2019
Paid Member
Great job Cody, I won't be attempting my build till the holidays, but would surely appreciate any pointers you can give the rest of us.
The only real tip I would have is to stock up on the smaller SMD parts. The gate resistors (0603) are the smallest SMD I have tackled, and I can't imagine (myself) being able to go any smaller without some proper tools.
Joined 2019
Paid Member
Here’s an underside pic.


  • 54CC7E9F-D381-47E7-8DC0-CDBC1DD8E51D.jpeg
    542.5 KB · Views: 155
Again, well done @codyt !! Don't forget to post your listening impressions when you have time.

Folks - something that came up in conversation. Its almost hard to go wrong with the placement of resistors and caps.... but bear in mind that the boards are mirrors of each other. That means that some components are oriented differently on each board. Its far easier to double check this before you solder a 3 legged bug ;):cool:!!
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Reactions: 1 users
Joined 2019
Paid Member
It’s everything I hoped for :) I haven’t measured THD or anything, but the level of clarity and detail suggests that it’s a fair bit lower than the Zen IV it has replaced. It’s quieter, uses more manageable 15V rails, AND doubles the output. Dynamics are better.

All in all, it sounds like a new, improved Zen (which is exactly what I wanted!).

Happy camper 👍
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Reactions: 1 user
hirscwi - 1
Kokanee - 3
samoloko - 2
cristianr - 1
tistvan2 -1
madeleeuw - 2
Paddygarcia - 1
av-trouvaille - 1 or 2
RickRay - 1
manniraj - 1
obh - 1
odessamarin - 1
DtotheG - 1
darrr - 1
tadek -2
ihear21khz (David) - 1
asanden - 1
swak -2
nopants - 2
secanbj - 1
baggerpole - 1
cv - 1

Reserved by XEN Team - 8

( 1 set added above XEN team)
hirscwi - 1
Kokanee - 3
samoloko - 2
cristianr - 1
tistvan2 -1
madeleeuw - 2
Paddygarcia - 1
av-trouvaille - 1 or 2
RickRay - 1
manniraj - 1
obh - 1
odessamarin - 1
DtotheG - 1
darrr - 1
tadek -2
ihear21khz (David) - 1
asanden - 1
swak -2
nopants - 2
secanbj - 1
baggerpole - 1
cv - 1
kumori - 1

Reserved by XEN Team - 8

( 1 set added above XEN team)