Help me design a speaker that my wife will let me build!

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While this is the multi-way forum, since it appears you've nominated the Alpair7.3, the Pensil7.3 can be a fairly inobtrusive WAF friendly enough enclosure that sounds quite decent as well.

I cross mine over at 110Hz via the HT receiver, and run a pair of dual 7" driver woofers for the LFE channel.

Then there's the FH3 (MAOP7s shown here in cherry veneer with removable supr-baffles) - some gals like them enough

Of course, if you want a true multiway with A7s, that's quite doable as well (these one are active with PLLXO)


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Hi onni...
I think that you should find something that suite you
something that you like by sound and aesthetic...other wise you will not be happy ;)
and if you are not happy, your wife will not be too ;)

my even didn't like small sonus faber concerto, on stands, she say that they look like ''trafic lites'' ?!?

and now I build those, and she is o.k. with it ;) (am not saying that she loves them, just that she accepted it :D )

I see that you post some design what you would like to build, and there suggestions about some other designs and topology...

I think that you can build some real nice speakers by your self, and some times finishes help with WAF

for me, I like those from tony gee ''orfeo''...but don't know will thay sute you...
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Humble Homemade Hifi

for me difference, be twin those form Tony and all other, ''box'' a like speaker, is in finish...maybe something to have in mind ;)

maybe you should stick with first design, cube on top of cabinet, but make cabinet ''curved'' B&W style
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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It's the "WAF Challenge"!!!!

Tougher than the Ironman, Paris-Dakar Rally, and walking across Africa all put together!

But, make something she likes:
1) Just make the same kind of towers she is now OK with. Maybe a bit deeper, but not wider or taller.
2) In-wall, with enclosure for better sound if possible. Show her pictures of in-wall grilles. Parts Express has DIY setup you can put your own drivers into.
3) On-wall, maybe with decorative cloth to look artistic.

Then, build a sub(s) that can go under some of the furniture.

You are simply not going to get good bass out of anything she will visually accept in the main speakers. No way, sorry. You already know that in your heart anyway.
What is your wall construction? If hollow, you may be able to build in-wall speakers that have all of their volume hidden.

Of a similar principle, you can build subwoofers into socially-acceptable furniture like coffee tables and couches, and that can be quite invisible if they're down-firing. If you have floorboards and are very adventurous, substantial subwoofer boxes can go underfloor... Using those sorts of hiding techniques for LF drivers, you can possibly get away with very small/discrete speakers that are easier to sell.
It is hollow, but very thin (45 or 70 mm + plasterboard), I'll add it to the list. Putting subwoofers in the couch could be a good idea, got to check how hollow it is :)

Hi onni...
I think that you should find something that suite you
something that you like by sound and aesthetic...other wise you will not be happy ;)
and if you are not happy, your wife will not be too ;)

my even didn't like small sonus faber concerto, on stands, she say that they look like ''trafic lites'' ?!?

and now I build those, and she is o.k. with it ;) (am not saying that she loves them, just that she accepted it :D )

I see that you post some design what you would like to build, and there suggestions about some other designs and topology...

I think that you can build some real nice speakers by your self, and some times finishes help with WAF

for me, I like those from tony gee ''orfeo''...but don't know will thay sute you...
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Humble Homemade Hifi

for me difference, be twin those form Tony and all other, ''box'' a like speaker, is in finish...maybe something to have in mind ;)

maybe you should stick with first design, cube on top of cabinet, but make cabinet ''curved'' B&W style
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
That is some gorgeous woodwork (first pic)!

You are right that I should build something that suits me as well, best case is that I find something that we both like :)

The B&W diamond series is pretty in my opinion, I'll add them to the list (maybe slim the design down a little).
It's the "WAF Challenge"!!!!

Tougher than the Ironman, Paris-Dakar Rally, and walking across Africa all put together!

But, make something she likes:
1) Just make the same kind of towers she is now OK with. Maybe a bit deeper, but not wider or taller.
2) In-wall, with enclosure for better sound if possible. Show her pictures of in-wall grilles. Parts Express has DIY setup you can put your own drivers into.
3) On-wall, maybe with decorative cloth to look artistic.

Then, build a sub(s) that can go under some of the furniture.

You are simply not going to get good bass out of anything she will visually accept in the main speakers. No way, sorry. You already know that in your heart anyway.
1) Like an elliptical tower that is deeper than it is wide? Sounds like a good idea, I'll try to do some sketches.
2) Might work, the walls are thin. I'll add it to the list of suggestions.
3) Main idea for the moment. Found the DTS D-One for inspiration:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Are you sure that 20 l sealed box with some shallow 12" subwoofer wont be enough? I tested the Pioneer TS-SW301 (recommended volume of 14.2 to 28.3 litres) in 20 l, got this (WinISD):

If I add a linkwith transform (20 Hz, Q=0.71) i get

for 40 W input power. The cone excursion for that is

For one, I'm planning on building two. I doubt that I will play higher than 100 dB. Add a third subwoofer under the couch and I should have all the LF i need, or am I missing something?

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Speaker Sculpture.
Objects of Art.
Designed to be SEEN and HEARD.

(pic of Sony SS-AR1 TMWW construction)
Finish in black, or cover with black nylon sock.
Roll on wall paint to blend in.
Tweeter at 39" - 42" ear height puts TM above cabinet.


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The problem is WAF...

My wife doesn't like music, so no sound system in the bed room, and often I have to sleep in the audio room :D

But there is one question that has never escaped my head "Is it a matter of sound quality?"

Many people like music ONLY IF they like the sound. Me for example, I prefer no music than one with below standard sound quality (price is not relevant).

I have several experiences where my wife (who I think doesn't like music) started to stay close to my system when the system sounded "good".

There was a system in our living room but she once sneaked into my audio room several time to play her music CD there. I remembered how the sound came from behind the wall and how soundstage was a lot bigger than the room. But I didn't keep this speaker.

My current system is only accessible by me (too many cables and electronics around so she wouldn't enter the room). But when the system played the songs that she knew, I often found her to come closer (out of the bedroom for example) and sang along.

May be if wives like the sound, the shape wouldn't matter at all? :confused:
Are you sure that 20 l sealed box with some shallow 12" subwoofer wont be enough?

After many years in car audio, yeah, pretty sure.

That is basically a car audio sized box put into a living room. The rolloff is a lot even with room gain. If you have a LOT of power it can compensate.

But there is no such thing as "soft" bass. Maybe I overstate, but "Subwoofer Performance for Accurate Reproduction of Music. Louis D. Fielder and Eric M. Benjamin" was a nice paper, saying that if the bass is too quiet, we simply cannot hear it.

Maybe with a lot of power-if the drivers can take it-and several of those subs it can be OK for moderate volume, but I just don't get a good feeling. There is a reason commercial subwoofers are larger and generally ported. I think you should look at alternative possibilities under furniture, especially up front. Your main speakers due to being small won't go very low unless inefficient, so it's good if the "subs" can be up front with a higher low pass frequency than usual, to avoid the "Bose hole"
After many years in car audio, yeah, pretty sure.

That is basically a car audio sized box put into a living room. The rolloff is a lot even with room gain. If you have a LOT of power it can compensate.

But there is no such thing as "soft" bass. Maybe I overstate, but "Subwoofer Performance for Accurate Reproduction of Music. Louis D. Fielder and Eric M. Benjamin" was a nice paper, saying that if the bass is too quiet, we simply cannot hear it.

Maybe with a lot of power-if the drivers can take it-and several of those subs it can be OK for moderate volume, but I just don't get a good feeling. There is a reason commercial subwoofers are larger and generally ported. I think you should look at alternative possibilities under furniture, especially up front. Your main speakers due to being small won't go very low unless inefficient, so it's good if the "subs" can be up front with a higher low pass frequency than usual, to avoid the "Bose hole"
+1 :up:

Have always done a mix, starting with home audio, which was mixed in with car audio when I hit that age cars became accessible back when max power 3.5w @4Ω or 7w bridged. Never liked the typical auto sound and the solutions to solving the complexities of auto sound reproduction. Like with Fletcher?Munson curves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia where we do not hear below certain levels, road noise can mask the music if not addressed. The cabin gain of such is impressive to be sure, but that is effectively the mouth of a horn and you are sitting in acoustic gain environment. In order to achieve a flat response we choose a driver with a higher F3 and a -6dB/oct acoustic rolloff (typical) to compensate (this is not the boom boom your hear sound type system).
Rooms or for that matter Van's do not have this gain associated with them and are dominated by the modal. Without this associated acoustic gain most autosound type setups require far more power to overcome the loss, not that it can't be done. Is rather silly to waste that much power, associated inefficiency and high (4x) Xmax requirements for a small box auto solution aka compromise. :)
Let's turn this around "Help me design a speaker my room mate , husband, person I share rent with will let me build" Remember the little girl looking for a man with true grit? , no lets not even use the preface "true grit" let us just assume the poor girl is looking for a man, (many still are, apparently looking in vain) I swear I am not trolling here. How about "Lisa, my A7s are very important to me, but you may design the entire room around them if you wish instead of just your portion" Guys, that is your house too, the garage is for your cars. "Man Cave" is offensive. It is your house, and yes I am currently single but it made no difference. How to judge a mate. 1. How the kids are treated. 2. How large your speakers are, and those measures work both ways!!!!
After many years in car audio, yeah, pretty sure.

That is basically a car audio sized box put into a living room. The rolloff is a lot even with room gain. If you have a LOT of power it can compensate.

But there is no such thing as "soft" bass. Maybe I overstate, but "Subwoofer Performance for Accurate Reproduction of Music. Louis D. Fielder and Eric M. Benjamin" was a nice paper, saying that if the bass is too quiet, we simply cannot hear it.

Maybe with a lot of power-if the drivers can take it-and several of those subs it can be OK for moderate volume, but I just don't get a good feeling. There is a reason commercial subwoofers are larger and generally ported. I think you should look at alternative possibilities under furniture, especially up front. Your main speakers due to being small won't go very low unless inefficient, so it's good if the "subs" can be up front with a higher low pass frequency than usual, to avoid the "Bose hole"
Alright, I was mostly concerned that they were designed for car audio and therefore focus on SPL and no SQ. My biggest problem (sound wise) with my current setup is that too much of the LF output is coming from the back of the room and not the front. What about some other type of subwoofer driver that works well in a small sealed enclosure? Maybe more Tang Band W8-740P (Q=0.7 for a 0.11 cu ft box) or Dayton TIT280C-4 (0.34 cu ft) or Dayton RSS265HF-4 (0.53 cu ft)? I need to make a little deeper box, but I don't think that would be a problem.

onni, if you like the idea of a Flatbox, you can build a Cornu style horn. Same shape, wall mounted and you can add a silkscreen or something similar to cover the driver(s) if you like. It's fun and rewarding build.
They have been discussed earlier in the thread, and yes they are interesting :)

Let's turn this around "Help me design a speaker my room mate , husband, person I share rent with will let me build" Remember the little girl looking for a man with true grit? , no lets not even use the preface "true grit" let us just assume the poor girl is looking for a man, (many still are, apparently looking in vain) I swear I am not trolling here. How about "Lisa, my A7s are very important to me, but you may design the entire room around them if you wish instead of just your portion" Guys, that is your house too, the garage is for your cars. "Man Cave" is offensive. It is your house, and yes I am currently single but it made no difference. How to judge a mate. 1. How the kids are treated. 2. How large your speakers are, and those measures work both ways!!!!
Woah... Let's all calm down on the thread title. I was on rant mode when I wrote the first post. It's not like we are having a huge problem, I just would appreciate building the speakers more if my wife ends up liking the design.

Woah... Let's all calm down on the thread title. I was on rant mode when I wrote the first post. It's not like we are having a huge problem,
But you don't know that. Many young men think that different "personality" between husband and wife is more challenging and interesting. That's misleading. You need similarity to get along well. Because wives want their husbands' time. If she needs you going to places and you prefer stay at home, you're in trouble. Audio hobby is very "costly" and hardly acceptable. You want to listen to your system all day and she wants you to turn it off. What do you expect then, her "understanding"?

Many couples with similar audio interest have harmonious life, but those who dont they mostly divorce.

So if you are like us, having different personality/interests, it is important to have a system that is liked by both sides.
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