Hifiberry DAC+ Pro - HW mods anybody?

I hope the PCP folks added the "known" PI audio patches to the kernel.

LOL. I doubt that.

I've re-based the rest (ie. DMA part is now included in RPi kernel) of the upstream backport I2S/clockmgr to latest rpi-4.4.y branch, rpi-4.4.y-msperl.

I'll make a new single branch which adds the other parts to it, 384k support, simple-card enhancements (specify bclk ratio), dedicated ES9023, when I get time.

The 384k, ES9023, simple patch sets aren't going to be included in a "official" RPi kernel. If Martin ever resurfaces, and based on the fact that they intend 4.4.y to be default for some time to come, I'll push again for trying to get clockmgr/I2S backport into rpi-4.4.y, which I already added another placeholder for, Rpi 4.4.y msperl i2s/clockmgr backport.

I'm a bit lost. I didn't really keep track for some time. Don't know what I2S/clockmanager
is !?!

Is there a 4.6 kernel branch with all the/your stuff (DMA/384/ES9023/integer..) in??
I'd use that for the time being on my Arch installation.

What I don't understand is that they want to stay with 4.4 kernel. I mean the most recent kernels supposedly improve networking performance, graphics and probably more.
I'm a bit lost. I didn't really keep track for some time. Don't know what I2S/clockmanager
is !?!

I'll write a couple of lines of explanation, when I have a spare 10 mins. Leave it with me.

Is there a 4.6 kernel branch with all the/your stuff (DMA/384/ES9023/integer..) in??
I'd use that for the time being on my Arch installation.

I'm about to switch to 4.6 as being the default kernel on my Fedora 24 Pi images, so will start looking at getting everything to apply to rpi-4.6.y.

What I don't understand is that they want to stay with 4.4 kernel. I mean the most recent kernels supposedly improve networking performance, graphics and probably more.

Yes, I don't really understand that either. I thought they'd be keener to move forward with 4.6..... It seems they are happy that Open/LibreELEC is using the rpi-4.6.y branch, while everything/everyone else continues with 4.4. Although Dom did say, that he suspects there will be a change required by the Open graphics stack, that will be too painful to backport, and he could foresee that as being a reason to move to a later kernel version, even if there were no plans to do so at the moment.
I just received the Mambo Lite. Looks quite nice on the first glance.

Decoupling. Check.
Two separate regs. Check.
Routing. Check.
5V supply. Check.
Cinch sockets. Hmmh. Cheap stuff. I solder my stuff right to the board anyhow. Not any $100 WBT silver binding post/socket could beat that - a $0.02 soldering joint. ;)
DC socket. I'll bypass that one too.

Plan is to power the PI and Mambo with iPower first. Later I'll try to power the Mambo separately with 2*LiPoFe4 + low noise reg from inmate mravlca.



Sorry for bugging you again.

From what you said I got the impression that there's no branch of any kernel,
with all (?) patches available for now. Hmmh.

Is there any branch I could use at least working with
1. DMA and
2. dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacpluslight-es9023-audio,bclk_ratio_int_div,384k
( If that overlay is compatible with the MamboBerry ES9023)

Or I could also apply patches to any kernel base ( or better the best base you can think of) myself, if I had a set of patches at hand.



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Is there any branch I could use at least working with
1. DMA and
2. dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacpluslight-es9023-audio,bclk_ratio_int_div,384k
( If that overlay is compatible with the MamboBerry ES9023)

Clone rpi-4.4.y-simple

and ALSA card name is


and ALSA card name is
Joined 2003
Paid Member
New Mamboberry DAC Hat

I just received the Mambo Lite. Looks quite nice on the first glance.

Decoupling. Check.
Two separate regs. Check.
Routing. Check.
5V supply. Check.
Cinch sockets. Hmmh. Cheap stuff. I solder my stuff right to the board anyhow. Not any $100 WBT silver binding post/socket could beat that - a $0.02 soldering joint. ;)
DC socket. I'll bypass that one too.

Plan is to power the PI and Mambo with iPower first. Later I'll try to power the Mambo separately with 2*LiPoFe4 + low noise reg from inmate mravlca.


Thanks for the great picture and assessment of the new Mamboberry. The dual regs, one for the DAC chip and one for the clock, should be the main reason for the reported improved sound. I'd say this version is more optimized for a fully separate power supply (BYO supply with a regulated 5v output) while the original one was more optimized to allow just AC from an appropriate transformer. The regulators used on the newer Mamboberry are good, but not necessarily improvements over the ones on the older Mamboberry.

Both versions should be better with the Pi powered separately and I couldn't say which will benefit most from that arrangement.

Also very curious on how it sounds in your setup.

At some point I will likely modify my original Mamboberry to separately power the clock and DAC chip, it looks like it can be done fairly easily after cutting one trace. But that is pretty low on my work-list right now.


Greg in Mississippi
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hi soundcheck,

This looks like fun, have you checked it out?


You might like the Dac also... notice the big Inductor, he's filtering the pi ground noise properly.

Very interested in the reclocker, I hope to be able to try one soon. I DO wish it had isolation, but understand why they didn't.

I also had looked at the DAC when it first was announced, also interesting.

I suspect DACs like theirs (and the non-Pro HFB DACs, the IQAudio one, among others) that don't feed the clock to the PI (like the HFBD+Pro) or do a local reclock (like the ES9023 in the MamboBerrys) will benefit the most from the reclocking. AND if they also introduce an add-on isolator board later, even better!

In the realm of news, did anyone else notice that Soren is working on a version of his R2R DACs designed to fit on a Pi:


Greg in Mississippi
I suspect DACs like theirs (and the non-Pro HFB DACs, the IQAudio one, among others) that don't feed the clock to the PI (like the HFBD+Pro) or do a local reclock (like the ES9023 in the MamboBerrys) will benefit the most from the reclocking. AND if they also introduce an add-on isolator board later, even better!

I'd rather stay out of the hardware discussions..... But I'll say this based on my experiences...... The Sabre will benefit least from the re-clock. Any TI PCM5xxx board using PLL SLAVE'd to Pi BCLK will benefit most!
Picoreplayer 3.0

just check the website, Picoreplayer 3.0 is fixed but need to download and reflash the image and not online update. I did and not sure whether is it my imagination... it sound much better than 2.06 :eek:) but I was running in some cap on my DAC so cannot be sure is it the 2.06 -> 3.0 can has this sound. Please help verify.

Or is this the Soundcheck and Clivem magic in 3.0?


I havn't compared old/new. I can't tell if they made a step up.

Today I listened first time into the stock MamboBerry Lite + PI2 hooked up to a single Anker and a slightly modified pCp 3.00.
I have the DAC attached to my desktop Adam A5s for now.

First impression is promising. Crisp and clean.


My magic?? Nope.

The 4.4. kernel might have done some good. I don't know how many
of the audio related patches made it into the piCore8.0 kernel.

They might use a new squeezelite or a newer gcc compiler.

Everything can make a nice difference. That's the problem.

What matters is: Progress!


piCorePlayer 3.0

IMO piCorePlayer 3.0 is not stable yet.

piCore 8.0, the base for PCP 3.0, is still in beta4. That would explain some issues I have.

I guess they'll do some more changes to the GUI.
The 3.00 correction last Sunday was a quick hack without stepping up the revisions.

I'd say there'll be another update coming soon.
It's kind of bumpy here and there. I'd recommend to wait a little.