Hifiberry DAC+ Pro - HW mods anybody?

some pics....


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Hi guys !

Amazing threat !

I have quite a bit of question but I'll start by one.

I've seen on volumio forum someone replace the entry level xo of his Sabre9023 with a TCXO, and it seem that the results are very conclusive.

I thus wonder if you ever thought to do the same on the Hifiberry Dac+Pro and if it would bring any improvement ?

Hope this hasn't been coverend yet, I haven't read all yet, but I'm on my way !


dac board
Hi all, I did not read all posts so perhaps my question has already been answered.
I would like to use the clock generator/switch circuit of Hifiberry Dac+Pro (or AroioDAC) in order to drive both my raspberry3 AND my DAC (PCM1794A dual mono, slave mode).
Actually I use KALI but I'd like to use a more "philosophically correct" arrangement.
Is the schematic of clock section available ?
Any thoughts or suggestion on this arrangement ? Thanks...
Hifiberry dac + pro streaming

Hi All,
I've been happily using my system for 6 months now: All music ripped losslessly to FLAC, PC running Mediamonkey server. Sent via two wired routers to my RPI3 /Hfifberry Dac +pro. Then into my valve amp.

Here's the problem: As a project, I've started modding a Playstation PS1 for CDs. (don't laugh) I'm halfway through the mod and thought I'd do a spot of blind A/B comparison. Playing the CD against the DAC I was shocked at hoe good the Playstation was. The Pi based playback was flat (a bit like playing 128mbs mp3). Things like snares sounded mushy on the Pi whereas with the playstation, I could here the wires under the snare resonate. So what's going wrong? AFAIK, I've got all settings on Hifiberry and Media monkey correct - there's no downsampling activated.
I don't know if it was already here.
On the new pcb version hifiberry dac + pro (HW 2.6) no 3.3 V connection to the U4 system. ;)
Therefore, there is no MCLK signal on the P4 header.
You only need to connect 3.3 V with a short cable to the appropriate U4 foot and you can use another dac using i2S connection.
Hi All,
I've been happily using my system for 6 months now: All music ripped losslessly to FLAC, PC running Mediamonkey server. Sent via two wired routers to my RPI3 /Hfifberry Dac +pro. Then into my valve amp.

Here's the problem: As a project, I've started modding a Playstation PS1 for CDs. (don't laugh) I'm halfway through the mod and thought I'd do a spot of blind A/B comparison. Playing the CD against the DAC I was shocked at hoe good the Playstation was. The Pi based playback was flat (a bit like playing 128mbs mp3). Things like snares sounded mushy on the Pi whereas with the playstation, I could here the wires under the snare resonate. So what's going wrong? AFAIK, I've got all settings on Hifiberry and Media monkey correct - there's no downsampling activated.

I realize you posted a while back. Did you ever get this solved?
Hi Pistolerro, on the picture of the hifi berry dac + you have changed the couple capacitors in the audio output line. Right? What are the other 2 elements beside the capacitors (2210 F 2,2 µF? ) you changed. Is this modding hearable ?
I have already progress by offering a unique 5v power supply for the dac, seperated from the raspberry supply.
Greetings from Hamburg, Thomas