Hifiberry DAC+ Pro - HW mods anybody?


I can tell you why industry professionals are not posting anymore.
As soon as you become professional you'll face a serious conflict
of interest! ( If you go beyond product support )

And if these folks still show up, they do it for a purpose.
They just repeat common knowledge at best. They won't ever tell you everything.
For them a forum like this becomes a marketing channel.
I personally have no problem, if these folks stay away. I'd actually force them to.

And kudos to those, who realize this on their own and just stay away.
Joined 2003
Paid Member

I can tell you why industry professionals are not posting anymore.
As soon as you become professional you'll face a serious conflict
of interest! ( If you go beyond product support )

And if these folks still show up, they do it for a purpose.
They just repeat common knowledge at best. They won't ever tell you everything.
For them a forum like this becomes a marketing channel.
I personally have no problem, if these folks stay away. I'd actually force them to.

And kudos to those, who realize this on their own and just stay away.

There are plenty of industry professionals posting everyday, people like (in no particular order) 1audio (Spectral), Vasillis (Mamboberry), Peter Daniel (Audio Sector), Nelson Pass (Threshold, Pass Labs, First Watt, has his own forum here), Jonathan Carr (Lyra), Joachim Gerhard (AudioPhysics), Bruno Putzeys (Hypex, Kii, others ), Bill Carlin (Phoenix Engineering), John Brown (ECDesigns), Russ White and Brian Donegan (Twisted Pear Audio), Ioan (Allo.com), Barrows (Sonore), and many more. Go through the posts of these people and outside of the designated commercial forums you will find a only a very few commercial-focused comments, but mostly just a lot of good information for us DIY'ers.

For example, here are John Swenson's last three posts:




Don't seem very commercial there! Very informative though... and beyond 'common knowledge'!

I see very little sign of conflict of interest in the posting of most of the professionals here AND a wealth of good information for us DIY'ers. I see these forums have much more to lose than gain if we push away these folks. Watch them for shameless promotion and push that into the commercial forums, yes. Harass them and push them out, no. And continue to gain from their generious sharing of knowledge.

Larry did the best comparison tests of all on this thread AND freely provided EVERYTHING to all. We should all ascribe to these standards!

Back on topic, I've been running my modified HFBD+P on a Kali in slave mode. I did compare this to the stock configuration when I first got a Kali and found this better than stock configuration using the on-board clocks. Anyone else try this and have any feedback?

Once I do a bit more rework to my Mamboberry (sync-mode clock lead from u.fl coax, thanks Soundcheck, un-power the clock, adjust the clock feed series R), I'll do some swapping and try the stock vs on/Kali comparison on the HFBD+P again.

Greg in Mississippi
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Joined 2003
Paid Member
Howdy Greg,

I suppose I was a little too fast with my preconceptions, won't happen again :)

It's only 2 years ago or so when I discovered that USB DDC's could bring much higher SQ from my dedicated AudioPC to my spdif based dac instead of the onboard spdif output.

Taking the route from building an expensive DualPC setup, both with AudioPhile Optimizer and Jplay, ControlPC in gui and AudioPC in cmd only, I went from modifying a Gustard U12 (see headfi forum) to a complete overhauled Melodious MX-8 (see headfi) which competed with and outperformed AudioByte Hydra-Z.

I then tried isolated XMOS interfaces with I2S output, which outperformed all previous connected spdif based DDC's. I do prefer Amanero based interfaces above Xmos btw.

Since all USB strugglings, cabling, regenerating and so on, influencing SQ, I decided to ditch USB based DDC's en finally went the low computing route with RPI.

First test was with modified HFB DAC+Pro (modified with NDK NZ2520SD's and and powered 3.3V and 5V with 0.8uV low noise psu's listened to analog output. Not bad at all. Finally I only used it for I2S output to feed my MonsterDAC. Combination of RPI and Ian's FIFO II kit brought me a very big increase in SQ, and I didn't need HFB DAC+Pro's I2S anymore, straight I2S into FIFO II did the trick.

Still listen to this setup on a daily bases, but I experience some troubles with Ian Canada's FIFO II kit, which probably is defective right now.
It sometimes skips fractions of music sections ahead, 1/4 second or so, and it also accepts 176,4 kHz only for the moment, not good at all,,,,,
Ian is very busy lately, but I am very confident we can solve this in one or another way,,,

About Soekris, I will definitely try one in the near future, or maybe an Audio-GD R2R board. Soekris, at least the current version, is too difficult to mod to power it the way I prefer, and, also the programmable clock isn't an option I would choose for, would love to see possibility to power ALL the psu lines independently (external) AND have the possibility to have two exchangeable audio clocks on board. Not sure if the upcoming version does provide all this features. I'm very confident it would be a REAL killer if we could lay hands on such a version and power it the way I did within my MonsterDAC.

Many people think I am crazy when looking at my MonsterDAC, but, the ones who listened to it lately all are convinced of the monstrous design :)

Hope Allo releases their Isolator HAT real soon, waiting for Ian's isolator too.

Have a good weekend!

Howdy back Alex,

Interesting path you had to I2S. I luckily only flirted with S/PDIF a little and avoided USB audio entirely. My computer audio journey started with a cMP/cPlay setup using a Juli@ sound card for the output device. I did try it a bit with a S/PDIF input Audiosector NOS TDA1543 DAC, but generally stuck, with the analog out of the Juli@, expecially after doing a linear-hybrid supply with 2 heavy duty llinear supplies feeding a PicoPSU and the other the CPU P4 directly. The success of this led to modifying the Juli@, then adding separate power supplies for it, and finally replacing the Juli@'s analog output card with a DIY'd I2S-only DAC card.

My only experience with USB through this was in how much improvement I got removing any USB devices AND eventually cutting USB out of WinXP entirely.

Of course, this was only a path for DIY'ers to follow UNTIL the advent of things like the R-Pi SW and the DAC HATS.

And reclockers like Ian's and the Kali have made the lowly Pi a reasonable high-ish end source. I DO have a couple BeagleBoneBlack to try with Acko's S03 synchronous reclocking interfaces (functionally the same as Twisted Pear's), but the distro/software environment is so much more vibrant in the R--Pi world.

And like you, I am eagerly awaiting the 2 promised isolator HATS to try. I'm hopeful they will be good positive add-ons.

I now remember your postings around replacing the HFBD+Ps clocks with NDKs and that was where I first saw a picture of your MonsterDAC. I'd sure like to read more about it, do you have any place you've posted details?

And PM me, let's take the rest of this off-topic stuff to email.

Take care!

Greg in Mississippi
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Most of the names you bring up IMO fit the picture.

Either they do product support or contribute with common knowledge.

The interesting stuff is kept in the pocket -- unless they have the feeling that
nobody is capable of copy their stuff anyhow.

They'd be stupid, if they'd act any different.

And I forgot. There's another type of (commercial) folks. Those who develop (grabbing valuable input) and test products and products ideas over here first and then become 100% commercial.

The newest breed are those business folks who sell "hardware" and give opensource, community build software "free of charge".
The funny thing is that these products wouldn't be working at all without software like e.g. squeezelite or e.g. mpd.

I just read this:


It basically says that the DAC+ Pro causes that much RFI/EMI
that it heavily interferes with the PI3 Wifi.
Which makes onboard or closeby Wifi pretty much useless!!

It seems that HifiBerry tries to fix it with a HW redesign.


the DAC+ PRO wifi works great on max2play.
on other software don´t work ok.. so i think is not an hardware but a software issue.

This issue is not new. It has been thoroughly discussed
between the RPI folks, HifiBerry and others since quite some time.
Somebody even made measurements proving the issue.

Finally HifiBerry agreed to or better announced a redesign.

There's nothing to "believe" in or having an "opinion" about.
It's just the way it is.

If your DACs works. Fair enough. Under certain conditions
the DAC is known to work. Just read what's been discussed
over there.

I couldn't care less. I don't even use HifiBerry DACs anymore.

hi to everyone. i am very interesting about use pi3 in sharing my nas music.
I am a newbie in "audio raspberry sector".. i've seen that there are a lot of board and configuration (it s a good thing .. more product more choice).

I will use my pi3 with a technics pre + amp (it a sistem from 90')... i like listen music and a want a powerful "top level" sound board...

I read about hifiberry dac+ pro and read about sabre v3.. those seems good product.. considering that i will use it via touchscreen pi screen or my phone .. what is the suggest? what is the best performer?

i am open mind.. if there are other card like Kuman I2S with premium sound let me know

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I am succesfully using Picoreplayer 3.11 - USB - WaveIo -I2S - Buffalo II and also tried i2s output from Pi3 gpio into Buffalo II, it was working.

Now i would like to connect Buffalo II directly to I2S output of the Dac+ Pro.

I tried connections from this page:


Buffalo---- Dac+ Pro

GND-------P4, Pin1, GND

DCK--------P4, Pin 3, Bit clock 32/64* sample frequency

D1----------P4, Pin 4, Frame clock (frequency=sampla rate)

D2----------P4, Pin 5 Data

i am getting only digital noise.

Any hint ?
Hello to all. I know this thread is alf dead but....
Finaly i made some of the mods described on this thread.
3.3v on digital, 3.3v on analog and low pass filter. I have to say that I am impressed with the quality of sound.
I used two 5v ultra low noise ps lt3042 and after the silent switcher for 3.3v.
On the filter I put cadok 132 resistors and polystyrene caps...
Result: big improvement in sound. Much cleaner, it's like I m listening to other dac.

Thank you all who helped doing this mods...:)
Happy listenings!!!
I am succesfully using Picoreplayer 3.11 - USB - WaveIo -I2S - Buffalo II and also tried i2s output from Pi3 gpio into Buffalo II, it was working.

Now i would like to connect Buffalo II directly to I2S output of the Dac+ Pro.

I tried connections from this page:


Buffalo---- Dac+ Pro

GND-------P4, Pin1, GND

DCK--------P4, Pin 3, Bit clock 32/64* sample frequency

D1----------P4, Pin 4, Frame clock (frequency=sampla rate)

D2----------P4, Pin 5 Data

i am getting only digital noise.

Any hint ?

I checked all connections and installed the newest 3.20 picoreplayer release and now i2s from DAC+ pro into Buffalo II works perfect. I have only problem with dsd files, everything else sounds very good.
I have built a new streamer. After reading endless discussions on different forums i did this:

Raspberry Pi3 with Hifiberry Dac+ Pro with three power supplies:

1. iFi ipower 5V ps for Pi with 9400uF caps buffer connected directly to GPIO pins 6 (gnd) and 2 (+)

2. 3.3V ps with LT3042 for clocks and the digital part of DAC + pro connected to pins 20 (gnd) and 1 and 17 for (+). You have to bent PI3 pins 1 and 17 on gpio header, than DAC will not get 3.3V from Pi

LT3042 400mA DAC power supply xmos | eBay

3. 3.3V ps with TPSA4700 for the analogue part of DAC + pro. You have to remove R14, than DAC will not get 5V from Pi and then connect the + on the output leg of 3.3V reg

TPS7A4700 Ul IAAOSwSlBYts6j | eBay

One 50VA 2x6V transformer for ps 2 and 3, already ordered one 100VA and more caps for regulators ...

I have changed caps C7/C8 after PCM1522 for Digikey P/N PCF1457CT-ND Panasonic ECH-U1C222GX5. SMD parts are nightmare.

Sound quality wih Moode audio player is phantastic. DSD files sounds soooo good ...

PS After i did this picture i connected 4TB 2.5" hd with my music files (wav, dff, dsf) directly to Pi. In this way i have the best sound quality, better than playing from NAS. Adding better rca outputs and one nice case is planned :)


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hello... i´ve been listening all the past week to the dac... i found the sound stage closed compared to other dacs i have... and the highs are not so natural as other chips too... (i can live with the highs but without sound stage is more complicated.
but in terms of information i ear the same details, textures etc...so its very clean.
i will to put a bigger cap on the analog side... to see if it helps the sound stage...
any suggestions?
Hello all,
I revisited my hfb dac pro again.
This time i feed the clocks externaly and user some oscons on enter of the board.
Used Salas reflector D on analog side and some tantalum near dac chip analog side.
The sound is better..stronger dynamics and very musical.
If this little chip sounds like this i could imagine how it sounds a pcm1794 :) done right.
Are this thread dead? Lol
No more hfb dac pro love....around here?