HLCM - Horn loaded compact monitor

The planar measured nice but had some problems with power response and dynamics. I think they are a reasonable value for people that want a high sensitivity treble driver and want to us with a direct radiator system. I prefer a good one inch compression driver in this system.

The Fane Studio 8 8" turned out to have too much high order distortion - They have an initial attraction of a psychedelic ?? LOL sound where some instruments stand out but over time they wore on me and I'm back to the B&C 8PE21. I think the best use for the Fane is lead guitar..
Here I will try to use the new tymphany 40 dollar driver in BIG 220 hz radial. I will listen for a while as 2 way with midbass horn crossed to the radial around 500 cycles (somewhere where it gels)

1/48 smoothing 4 feet

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The Tymphany / BRH horn combo matches up real well with 2A3 amps. The Tymphany driver sounds very good. I just wish it were a bit more efficient. It's around 6db less sensitive than the large format driver/horn combo I have been listening to so it marginal with the 45 SET but what this little driver big horn combo offers is a less complicated two way with excellent tone and coherency mated with the 8Pe21 in the midbass horn. Best two way I've had including using TAD, Altec, JBL, hybrid stats, ect.. finding a small format driver that has this range, tone and extension has always been a problem. The TAD 2001 doesn't go this low and can be annoying in the treble, the JBL 242* series has poor response, the celestions are great drivers but only good to 1.5k, the B&C 250 sound is really fake sounding with spitty treble and only good to 1.5k, the Beyma 380 is close but does not offer this type of tone density and detail. Peerless has a winner for 40 bucks. :) Keep in mind this is in a large horn for a small format driver and is being used below the manufacture's recommended crossover point.
horn is a community radial , this is a great driver for a 2 way - a smaller horn is fine, just crossover higher. I am pushing the limits here crossing so low. I had the driver in a faital tractrix horn and it really worked well 1200 Hz up. It very well may end up there for me. I am experimenting with this (for like 20 years lol) I have no idea what the exit angle is.
I've got some little radials - sitting out in the elements as ran out of room awhile back - made a good high xover midrange with Symbiotic Altec, ring radiator and 421-8 in a Karlson - patterns were probably weird but subjectively good on vocals - I could not get Edgar's cone driven tractrix to mesh with the K. K-tubes mesh with K.

Jamcam camera quality on a bad day

about 28" back to the bolt on 1" driver throat plate - the Community BRH must be taller - maybe wider than my SFW horns

I really like the vocals and midrange through good radials. to me they have more depth and "image density" than comparable size round tractrix. Plus they load better in the bottom range. Radials can have a sense of ease about them that other horns miss. natural softeness and 3d detail combined as a whole.

I've got some little radials - sitting out in the elements as ran out of room awhile back - made a good high xover midrange with Symbiotic Altec, ring radiator and 421-8 in a Karlson - patterns were probably weird but subjectively good on vocals - I could not get Edgar's cone driven tractrix to mesh with the K. K-tubes mesh with K.

Jamcam camera quality on a bad day

about 28" back to the bolt on 1" driver throat plate - the Community BRH must be taller - maybe wider than my SFW horns

conclude after brief listening of the Peerless 1"driver it is a very good deal for somebody building a small 2 way system and wants to crossover below 2K to a direct radiator.It lacks dynamics and sounds compressed with good dynamic recordings and lacks real life shimmer and neutrality in the treble. If crossed over too low I hear the smearing of transients and details that I do not get with better drivers. If used with a direct radiator system and to somebody that is used to hybrid horns and cones this may not be an issue. for my system i'm Back to splitting the 600 Hz range up between two drivers.
I am still pursuing a wide way 2-way. It has brought me to the mid size format drivers. Of all the mid sized drivers I have on hand I find the Faital HF144 a really decent compromise. In the Big White Whale horns they load well down to my crossover point and can actually be used 400 Hz up with no treble horn. However the 8K up region is a bit ragged and has some nasties that distract from an otherwise Holy Sh*t! midrange - the big DB Keele Ev HR9040 horns are sounding their best. this is the first time I've actually really preferred a wide radiation midrange horn over a narrower pattern in this room. Above 8k the celestion 1" cdx1430 is being used in a 140 degree Faital WG101.

FaitalPRO | HF Horns | WG101
The Horns are coming along quickly now. I have rebuilt the bass (40-100 cycles) system and replace JBL 18's with an array of six 15's per side as well as settled on upper midrange and treble horns.



Looking forward to discovering what he's building in there! We have the right to know!! :)

Seriously, looking forward to understanding how you are laying out the six 15" per side. SLOBs?

What is the midrange driver and horn you settled on? BTW, I continue to experiment with horns for the M5N12. Yet, keeping an eye on what you are doing for that range ;)

And midbass TBD, right?
Midbass is still the horn loaded B&C 8Pe21, eight of the 15's went into the cabinets the four JBL 224n 18's were in and four are in cabinets I built for Celestion 1530 years ago. Nice midbass and I could get the midbass low midrange horns within a few inches of the plane of the woofers. Midrange is undiced between M200 Community and Faital 144 (in different horns) and the treble horn is Celestion CDX 1730 in eith Faital tractrix or Faital line array waveguide - determined by the midrange driver and horn. The Community is probably going to be the winner with a tight radiation radial hor matched with tight radiation faital tratrix and the Celestion. The Faital 144 are bloody good though in the Big White Whale horns so it is a win win either way
Midbass is still the horn loaded B&C 8Pe21, eight of the 15's went into the cabinets the four JBL 224n 18's were in and four are in cabinets I built for Celestion 1530 years ago. Nice midbass and I could get the midbass low midrange horns within a few inches of the plane of the woofers. Midrange is undiced between M200 Community and Faital 144 (in different horns) and the treble horn is Celestion CDX 1730 in eith Faital tractrix or Faital line array waveguide - determined by the midrange driver and horn. The Community is probably going to be the winner with a tight radiation radial hor matched with tight radiation faital tratrix and the Celestion. The Faital 144 are bloody good though in the Big White Whale horns so it is a win win either way

Which horn are you using with the M200?
Finally making serious progress in my horn array.

The BC 8PE21 has been dethroned for the upper bass low midrange and replaced by Fane studio 10m. The studio 8 failed with too much coloration where the BC edged it out. The Studio 10m is a different animal with what i feel is as close to reality in it's range ever in my room. It goes 20 cycles lower and has usable response to 1.2k. In this system it is used to 600 cycles and down to around 85. The 10 keeps all the speed and impact of the 8 BC but edges it out in the upper bass resolution and dead on TONE.