Hypex UcD AS2.100


Yes, PC as a source is more and more common these days - I haven't used a CD player to play music for about 5 years! Although I do have a record player in the house...

I've used the analogue inputs to the AS2.100 too and to be honest I can't tell the difference between using this and the digital input, if you have a decent source DAC. I understand the logic of not wanting an extra digital to analogue (then analogue to digital) conversion in the system, but if you look rationally at the system as a whole and where distortion is introduced, I don't think it's that significant (especially compared to the speakers themselves). So it might be ok to just go with the standard AS2.100 - using the analogue inputs simplifies the whole process - that's for sure. Of course the digital version gives you flexibility, which can't be a bad thing!

Any idea if the Ncore "trickle down" tech mentioned in the WP will make it into the as2.100 or psc2.400?

If so, when?



NCore will not be implemented in the PSC2 or AS2 series. The NCore technology would be a bit of overkill for this kind of DSP and it will simply not fit. The AS2 and PSC2 use the Hypex OEM products and the new NCore module will be DIY and therefore has different connectors and functions.
Hi there,

I'm currently looking for replacing my UCD400HG's with an active setup. AS2.100 and PSC2.400 are both looking good. With the AS2.100 I really don'y know about the power... Right now, 400W is far to much for me, but 100W maybe to little?

Can I replace the toroidal of the AS2.100 with one with a larger voltage? Since the new AS2.100 are fitted with UCD180OEM's, they should be able to cope with that. How about the rest of the board?

Since I run almost everything digital, it would be a shame to feed both AS2.100 and PSC2.400 with analoge. AS2.100 has a convenient volume control, so that is fine. PSC2.40 does not, It can only be controlled via USB. Are there any options to get this done any easier (and you'll have to control two of them)? I'd see two options:

- get some more info on the volume control part of the USB protocol, and implement this in a uC.
- Use some kind of SPDIF/AES volume control, I didn't find much about these on the net. Any ideas?

Another option would be to have a Windows PC at the ready, but since I don't own such a thing, and will need to use a VM to program the DSP already, I don't consider that a serious option.
So, any more on using a higher voltage to get more power? Or even use a SMPS400 or SMPS180?

Best and safest to do is to keep the same voltage but with more power (VA). The design is based on the current voltages. If you'd go for higher voltages some components need to dissipate more and produce more heat.

A SMPS will be a bit of overkill because there is already a power supply section on the board.

The extra 10VAC could be made with manual windings or indeed with a second transformer.
Hi there,

I'm currently looking for replacing my UCD400HG's with an active setup. AS2.100 and PSC2.400 are both looking good. With the AS2.100 I really don'y know about the power... Right now, 400W is far to much for me, but 100W maybe to little?

Can I replace the toroidal of the AS2.100 with one with a larger voltage? Since the new AS2.100 are fitted with UCD180OEM's, they should be able to cope with that. How about the rest of the board?

Since I run almost everything digital, it would be a shame to feed both AS2.100 and PSC2.400 with analoge. AS2.100 has a convenient volume control, so that is fine. PSC2.40 does not, It can only be controlled via USB. Are there any options to get this done any easier (and you'll have to control two of them)? I'd see two options:

- get some more info on the volume control part of the USB protocol, and implement this in a uC.
- Use some kind of SPDIF/AES volume control, I didn't find much about these on the net. Any ideas?

Another option would be to have a Windows PC at the ready, but since I don't own such a thing, and will need to use a VM to program the DSP already, I don't consider that a serious option.

You better wait until we'll have the DLCP ready for ordering.... This project is again in our developments plans..., starting will be somewhere in January.
So that would lease my other option for the PSC:

Use a digital volume control via one of the ASRC chips available (most of them have some kind of attenuation register that is usable for this). This would also mean adding an extra ADC for analog.

Al of this will also cost money and needs to be designed and tested..

So the last one would be using the USB protocol to do this. I guess Hypex won't reveal the volume part of the protocol?
Dear friends,
I am about to order 2 AS2.100 for my speakers. Each will power two SB Acoustics SB17NRXC35-8 in parallel for the low-mid freqs and 1 ESS Great Heil in a bipole/dipole. The xover would be around 1600-2000hz. The whole thing should be quite efficient at 92db. I am wondering if the AS2.100 would provide enough power to drive them loud without distortion. I wasn't able to find any data about THD/THD+N at full power and (for another project) the power output under 8 Ohm load for the AS2.100.
Thank you in advance for any help.
Dear friends,
I am about to order 2 AS2.100 for my speakers. Each will power two SB Acoustics SB17NRXC35-8 in parallel for the low-mid freqs and 1 ESS Great Heil in a bipole/dipole. The xover would be around 1600-2000hz. The whole thing should be quite efficient at 92db. I am wondering if the AS2.100 would provide enough power to drive them loud without distortion. I wasn't able to find any data about THD/THD+N at full power and (for another project) the power output under 8 Ohm load for the AS2.100.
Thank you in advance for any help.


The AS2.100 uses two UcD180LP modules, you can find more information about the THD and power in the datasheet. Do note that in the AS2 the power is limited by the transformer and therfore max 90 to 100Watts in total.

At 8Ohms the UcD180LP could deliver up to 120Watts on a more powerfull supply.
as I see it, because of the limited supply of power, the as2.100 should not be able to reach power levels where thd could become a problem. I'm still wondering if the watt output would be sufficient to drive my 4 ohm 92db speakers in a 25 square meter room.
Sorry for that, but, as you probably noticed, I'm still a novice at DIY