Hypex UcD AS2.100

Yes cutting off the sensor would do the trick but is a permanent solution. I can tell you we're working on a update where you can also select 2 types of IR commands. The first is the current one (TV-codes) and the second one is the one that matches our new "Hypx-remote" and will not responde on other remotes. I hope to release the new version soon but I can't give you a hard date for this.

Gr8 news, Thank! Ill keep tuned and be waiting for update!

Please take in to consideration to add tick box to hypex control panel to "disable volume controls and save current volume settings" ;)


I am planning on building a set of Proac Studio 100 clones. I cannot decide between using the Hypex Plate amplifiers or using the Hypex Modules. Which will be the better sound? The plate amps will offer many more options with the active crossover and will save much time in constructing two monoblocks. If the sound result will be equal or better with the plate amps will the AS2.100 do the trick or will I benefit from the higher powered PSC2.400?

Beforehand I would like to say the as2.100 is a really great piece of electronics.

I just came around a really annoying problem. My old trusty laptop just died and my new laptop with Win7 64bit won't recognize the as2.100. What can I do?


Hi Jochen,

This is a know issue and fixed in the latest version, firmware V2.7. But to update the firmware you obviously need a USB connection. I'd like to send you instructions for a workaround through email, could you contact me (or anyone else with this problem) at matthijs at hypex dot nl.
Hi Matthijs,

I did the update to firmware V2.7 and now everything is fine and feels even more stable than before.


P.S. It would be great if you could download the memory of the AS2.100 back to the filter designer.

Good to hear you can notice the improvements.

It's hard to load the filtersettings back from the modules because of some technical issues but to have it kind of fixed we made the file-name function.
First the user must create a file before it can load the filter settings. And together with the filter settings the file-name is on the AS2 or PSC2. You can readback the filename under "about". By this you can see what filtersettings are loaded.
Hello Matthijs,

I am using a pair of AS2-100d to power two-ways speakers with a compression driver for the high. The high sensitivity of the compression driver makes the residual noise of the DSP/amp combo quite noticeable.
So far I am using Lpads to reduce the level after the amp (in fact I am using an autoformer, which is better, but still not ideal). I would like to know if the gain can be reduced between the DSP and the amp?
I see that the last revision of the DSP2W module (as used in the PSC400) has jumpers to reduce the output gain by 10dB. Is this also possible with the low profile version used in the AS2-100?

Dank u
Thank you for your anwser.
So nothing can be done, even by removing or changing some smd resistors?
I guess I am stuck with the autoformer (and condenser, until I am fully confident the dsp will never "loose" its parameters and send 20Hz signal to my compression driver ;) ). That is not that bad: the USD180 should have a very low distortion on a 64 ohms load :D (-18dB setting).

Also, would it be possible in a future firmware update to prevent the "clic" that the unit does when acquiring spdif sync?
I usually set the volume on the speakers at 0dB and control the volume on my source (PC or TV), so the click are quite loud. Is it the same on the PSC400?

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To Matthijs and others+
After some 30 years the PA virus begins to wake up again, may alzheimer. I plan to use two hypex400 dsp´s to build some bluetooth blueboxes with 2 SA 1205 chassis and home brewed ribbon highs. I was planning to use HolmImpilse for measurements because they have a panasonic mic calibration file. The test response files from Holm seem however not compatible with the Hypex filter software for import. Can you advise which programs can measure and produce compatible files to be loaded in Hypex Filter Design.

Thanks in advance and have a good week/end
Thanks, I have Arta running but it seem less than Holm. For Holm I have a Panasonic calibration file. I am trying to convert the tekst file out of Holm to fit the Hypex Filter software, so far no succes.

I now try to convert a file from Arte (because you said the can work with the filter prog to and back from Holm, no go yet.

What is the Hypex Filter software expecting for response text input?

Any suggestions are welcome

It's easy to strip and prepare impulse response data files from other measuring software to import in Filter Design. Only the frequentie response that Filter Design shows is very different from the source or measurements made directly in Filter Design. Filter Design seems to zoom and centre the measurement dat around 0 dB. Imported other data is displayed from 80dB to -20 dB without scaling or zooming possibility. I 'll keep fidling.
Panasonic eletrets are coming shortly, DIY PA ribbons almost ready.