Hypex UcD AS2.100

Hi all.

First off all, i want to thank you Matthijs and Co for taking care of my modules. I cant assume any better service. I had some odd problems with units turning off itself etc...

Modules visited factory and arrived few weeks ago like a new.

Thank you very very much!

Anyway my question:

I am playing most of my music through itunes with tiny pc running WinXP hidden in living room. Machine is running Itunes, Spotify and hypex filter design / Control panel.

Music is located in NAS.

I am controlling itunes with small 7" android pad using some itunes remote app.

Now, do you think oculd it be possible to build some sort of link between itunes and hypex control panel volume level. Or have own remote software for controlling input and volume setting.

One thing I've wondered: ( I assume that the PSC2.400 works in the same way so I ask here)

Is it possible to configure the two channels separately while both having mixed audio from L and R as source?

I'm considering using one or two PSC2.400d for a multisub arrangement so would be nice if it was possible =)

Thanks in advance
Digital and analog on AS2.100


I searched this thread but without finding anything. I have two questions:

1. Is there anyway that two AS2s are synced clockwise? I read a review ([Review] Hypex AS2.100 active speaker module - [English]) where the reviewer pointed out that soundstaging and image focussing was not on par with the overall quality of the modules. This could be an issue of poor filter definition in his application - or it could be a problem of high jitter and no proper clock syncing of the dsp.

So I wondered about that.

And if so, would analog in be sort of a "workaround"?

2. Can the analog in be modified in order to accept a bona fide balanced connection? As I guess, internally the topology is balanced anyway...


I searched this thread but without finding anything. I have two questions:

1. Is there anyway that two AS2s are synced clockwise? I read a review ([Review] Hypex AS2.100 active speaker module - [English]) where the reviewer pointed out that soundstaging and image focussing was not on par with the overall quality of the modules. This could be an issue of poor filter definition in his application - or it could be a problem of high jitter and no proper clock syncing of the dsp.

So I wondered about that.

And if so, would analog in be sort of a "workaround"?

2. Can the analog in be modified in order to accept a bona fide balanced connection? As I guess, internally the topology is balanced anyway...



1. It is not possible to sync both dsp clock but I also don't see how this could help. Do you think that with synced clock the audio performance will get better?

2. No, the module only has an unbalanced input. Only the PSC2 series have balanced inputs.
Hi Matthijs,

I don't know - I was just wondering what caused that strange phenomenon of dispersed sound location the reviewer experienced.

I will only be able to check for myself in the coming weeks, when I will be building a system with 2 AS2.100s using Manger Schallwandlers as fullranges from roundabout 300 Hz upwards. These drivers will certainly reveal if the AS2s can produce focussed imaging or not...

I have also found a DIY report using ONE AS2 in stereo configuration and a fullrange driver being VERY ENTHUSIASTIC about the focused imaging.

I assume that good image focussing is dependent on both channels having perfect time-alignment. In studio work, when using several independent digital processors, using a masterclock and synching the devices (mostly BNC-connection) is mandatory in order to have sample-perfect processing across the units. Without masterclock, the system tends to smear the sound... And the SPDIF connection between two AS2s is no good provider of stable clocking.

That's why I asked if analog in is sort of a roundabout, like just letting everything go its route timewise instead of introducing SPDIF-related jitter ...

I am curious to see how that works out with my AS2s. I will try both analog and digital.

Further down the road, once your long-awaited multichannel DSP becomes available, there will be an alternative. For now I went for the all-inclusive package...

My experience / DLCP question

Hi Matthijs,

just to let you know:

After using the AS2.100d in my Manger project my impression is that, indeed, not implementing a masterclocking mechanism that two modules can use for syncing degrades stereo imaging considerably.

This is a real pity, as the DSP chip used offers a means for implementation:
http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/data_sheets/ADAU1701.pdf (cf. p. 18).

My listening experience is that one module on its own delivers amazing quality which far exceeds the price tag of the AS2.100. But add a second module for stereo and use the digital in, the soundfield is everywhere and nowhere. Resolution and drive is still there, but the left and the right channel just don't come together.

The situation is improved by not using the digital ins, but the analogue ones instead. Imaging becomes better, resolution is reduced though. Still, analogue in is the only way, for me, of sensibly using two modules.

A pity, really. So, on to the DLCP. I assume that all DAC stages in the DLCP are masterclocked? Could you please confirm this?

Thanks a lot,
Hi Matthijs,
Do you solve the issue with USB protocol on AS2.100 to run them directly with MP3/iPod players?

Solve? The AS2 USB connection is only capable of communicating with a socalled "host" e.g. a PC, no USB mass-storage devices can be attached.

A pity, really. So, on to the DLCP. I assume that all DAC stages in the DLCP are masterclocked? Could you please confirm this?
Yes, all 6 channels on the DLCP have the same master clock.
Analog input on a microcontroller.

Can you expand and maybe link to anything I need to look at as this isn't my area of expertise I'm afraid. It was specifically related to the AS2.100 controlling it's volume with one input and input selection with another, similar to a conventional amplifier with rotary controls.

My thanks
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