Hypex UcD AS2.100

Will this be an issue when using one module for woofers, and another normal amp for tweeters crossed over by a miniDSP?

Hi Matthijs,

I don't know - I was just wondering what caused that strange phenomenon of dispersed sound location the reviewer experienced.

I will only be able to check for myself in the coming weeks, when I will be building a system with 2 AS2.100s using Manger Schallwandlers as fullranges from roundabout 300 Hz upwards. These drivers will certainly reveal if the AS2s can produce focussed imaging or not...

I have also found a DIY report using ONE AS2 in stereo configuration and a fullrange driver being VERY ENTHUSIASTIC about the focused imaging.

I assume that good image focussing is dependent on both channels having perfect time-alignment. In studio work, when using several independent digital processors, using a masterclock and synching the devices (mostly BNC-connection) is mandatory in order to have sample-perfect processing across the units. Without masterclock, the system tends to smear the sound... And the SPDIF connection between two AS2s is no good provider of stable clocking.

That's why I asked if analog in is sort of a roundabout, like just letting everything go its route timewise instead of introducing SPDIF-related jitter ...

I am curious to see how that works out with my AS2s. I will try both analog and digital.

Further down the road, once your long-awaited multichannel DSP becomes available, there will be an alternative. For now I went for the all-inclusive package...

Will this be an issue when using one module for woofers, and another normal amp for tweeters crossed over by a miniDSP?

Then you are having two unsynched DSPs from different vendors doing their thing, with two different processing delays etc. - doesn't sound especially promising to me...

I personally have now gone from DSP crossovers (via AS2.100) to passive line level crossover. Will probably never use DSP again.

AS2.100 + Filter Design


I don't understand how Filter Design is calculating the frequency response from the impulse response. To figure it out, I generated the impulse response for a low pass 1. order (y(t) = e^(-t/tau), where tau = 1/(2*pi*f)) for f1=100Hz and f2=1000Hz. When I load these impulse responses in Filter Design, the frequency response looks OK (-3db @ 100Hz/1000Hz is correct). But the 100Hz low pass has an offset of ~+12db and the 1000Hz low pass ~+1db. How can I control the offset? Normalizing the impulse response didn't help. Thanks for your help.

Have anyone had any luck with using two of these modules in a stereo setup?
I'm really tempted to do this, but remain sceptical due to the issues with soundstage described here in this thread...

Hi Defo

I have 2x AS2.100d in my stereo setup. I have truly no issues with soundstage or jitter or anything described in some previous posts.

My setup speakers contains
seas excel millenium tweeters
seas excel 6½ woofers (cant remember model)
LINN k400 as interior wiring.
Playing directly from PC using SPDIF digital input.
Tv and other inputs through analog input.


Room is acoustically in pretty good condition. I have some acoustic treatment done.
I'm considering the three AS2.100's for my multichannel system, one each for LCR with analog input to each speaker. But I'm curious about startup options on the AS2.100, as I'm both lazy and concerned about energy efficiency. :)

Assuming no linkage, does the trigger turn on with a standard 12V trigger input from an AVR or pre-pro?

What exactly does "Automatic on during power-up" mean? Is that a signal-sensing feature? If so, how long must it be silent to turn off?

The manual wasn't clear on either of these points.

If the above two features don't work as I hope they do, is my only remote on/standby option to set up the keypads next to my Harmony Hub remote's IR blaster, and if so does anyone have a model number of a device in Harmony's database from Philips or whoever that uses the same codes? (While I haven't looked, I assume "Hypex AS2.100" is not in their database.)
holco, with REW you simply have to export the impulse response.

Hypex if you are listening. I am reading back through this thread, and hear of some promises to add the ability to load frequency response data into the software back in 2009. Is it still on the to-do list? We are now at version 4.0 beta software and the feature is still missing. Loading FRD can provide more flexibility than just IR as I can load pre-processed data such as merged near and far-field measurements.
Hello all,

I was wondering if any users of the AS2.100 have had similar issues to me connecting over USB? Successful connection for filter programming is VERY patchy, with only approximately 1 in 100 attempts working. I've tried 3x computers using a variety of operating systems, the best is an ancient Vista laptop, but even then only ~ 1 in 100 attempts work. It might take 1 to 2 hours to connect, with constant reboots and power cycles.

I have managed to update both my units to the latest firmware, and i'm using the latest PC software. Both units work perfectly well, I have them set up as full range amps with volume control at the moment, but can't really do any DSP development as it might take 4 hours to update the filters once.

I've spoken to Hypex support and they've tried to help, but have asked me to send the units in. I have resisted this as it is a long way to go (from Australia), I'd be more inclined to buy new units in that instance. Note that Hypex support have been very helpful especially considering that the units are way out of warrantee, this is not a criticism of them at all.

Any tips and tricks? I should point out that I have lost the original USB-A to USB-A cables that came with the units and I'm using a cheap replacement. Anyone think that cable quality could be a factor? Cables of that form factor are hard to find these days. Any ideas?
I would replace them with the FA122, way way way better!

Very strange recommendation from a manufacturer. The old products make problems, so just buy the new one!?

I would and will not buy Hypex again -- way way way safer (to use your words). I also have trouble with my AS2.100. It's not connecting reliable to the PC in addition to other software problems. So why should one buy an additional product when the latest firmware release (from 2013!) of an existing product does not fix all problems, but the product was still sold for many years.

Others also reported problems with the new FA plate amps. But before the product is even stable you decided to increase the prices more than 10 % (retail prices have gone up about 15 %). Really? Go figure!
Very strange recommendation from a manufacturer. The old products make problems, so just buy the new one!?

I would and will not buy Hypex again -- way way way safer (to use your words). I also have trouble with my AS2.100. It's not connecting reliable to the PC in addition to other software problems. So why should one buy an additional product when the latest firmware release (from 2013!) of an existing product does not fix all problems, but the product was still sold for many years.

Others also reported problems with the new FA plate amps. But before the product is even stable you decided to increase the prices more than 10 % (retail prices have gone up about 15 %). Really? Go figure!

First of all, I do not work at Hypex.

The AS2.100 is a ten year old design and can't keep up anymore by today's standards. USB connection problems are not firmware related but can triggered by bad cables and compatibilty problems with USB 3 ports.
Or the usb port in the AS is broken.

Every update in HFD is always tested on older products like the AS range and the usb problems never show up.

The FA range was extensively beta tested but some bugs only show up when a product is used in the field. To be frank it was a very short list and already fixed in the recent firmware update.

The price increase is caused by rising part prices and was communicated at a early state.
While I have to say from my experience that the AS.100 modules are only usable in mono (due to the missing sync between modules), and I can also confirm recurrent problems with the usb connection parts inside, it needs to be pointed out that Hypex in my experience are willing to repair the modules for free, even when outside official warranty.

So this is at least a 1:1 score...
While I have to say from my experience that the AS.100 modules are only usable in mono (due to the missing sync between modules), and I can also confirm recurrent problems with the usb connection parts inside,
For me the missing sync which limits the usage to power passive speakers was also an unexpected severe downside I learned about after the purchase. :-(
it needs to be pointed out that Hypex in my experience are willing to repair the modules for free, even when outside official warranty.
Not in my case. :-o