IanCanada's Latest RPi GB Goodies Impressions... and your tweaks, mods and hints...


I'd suggest you trying ES9028Q2M at true sync mode for both DSD and PCM.

For true sync mode, its DPLL works better than ES9038Q2M. Might be because of ES9038Q2M needs something else for DoP decoding and we can not disable this function. But I could be wrong.

Good luck,

I just installed xmos216 to play DSD512 on Ian 9038q2m+FifoPI in TrueSync/DPLL 0/OSF Bypass.
I'm using Daphile to upsample audio files.
Everything is working well, no pops(I only play DSD512 so no change to pcm), no stuttering.

Music sounds great, I would say larger soundstage, better "density" and details.
But maybe some psycho audio is at work.
I will compare it to my allo katana when I'll find time to install USBbridge SIG.

For those who upsample to dsd512 too: What DSD noise shaping are you using? sdm-4, sdm-5,sdm-8?
I read that sdm-5 is recommended for DSD512 rate.


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Thanks for your help guys! Yes, that is a good article Randy - thanks for the pointer. The mistake I made was to think that Ian's card overcame the Pi's limitations...my mistake.

But I managed to get 352K PCM playing using the i-sabre driver last night and I'm going to try the hifiberry tonight. Sounded excellent!

To play dsd 256 using dop, I used Ianfifo ii driver with fixed rate of 32/192.
Terry22, can you tell me where I can find Ian's driver please?
Thanks for your help guys! Yes, that is a good article Randy - thanks for the pointer. The mistake I made was to think that Ian's card overcame the Pi's limitations...my mistake.

But I managed to get 352K PCM playing using the i-sabre driver last night and I'm going to try the hifiberry tonight. Sounded excellent!

Terry22, can you tell me where I can find Ian's driver please?

It’s in moodeaudio distribution but I guess it it also in the other ones.
My report, which probably can help to eliminate the main problems of using Raspberry Pi (3B in my case) as endpoint for Roon Player.
I found that the most useful method of playing music on Ian's DM ES9038Q2Mpi DAC - is to enable true sync mode (and OSF bypassed btw), but in this case the very loud click occurs when you change the sampling rate (according to the music file) - it is simply dangerous for the equipment and especially for loudspeakers.
Considering all the aboved issues I found the way to eliminate all of them.

1.Dedicated Server for RoonCore based on fast 8-th generation Intel core (i3 9100F in my case) with upsampling all the material to DSD512 (no divider switching - no clicks inside 9038 board in true sync). Have tried my desktop computer with its i5 760 - DSD256->DSD512 stops few seconds after playing - processing error (70-80% of CPU usage) - modern computing is really needed.

2. RPi absence as the end point for Roon (atom based SBC works fine now, but I will try BBB and IntelUp boards soon). May be the fresh aprroach of USBridge signature will allow to use RPi - I do not really know and it would be great if so (I have no this motherboard).

3. USB-I2S board connected to the endpoint capable to work with DSD512.

As the result I have a flawless smoth playback with all the benefits of DSD512 (even CDDA format sounds ucomparably better at DSD512!) quality and Roon approach advantages. And the volume control from ESS controller works fine too! Flawless Victory! (@Mortal Kombat@)

I want try upsampling to 32/768 and DSD1024 in future, but I need to change XOs from 45\49 to 90\98 at first and USB-I2S board capable for DSD1024 in second case. DIYinHK DXIO768K may be ??? - how it is compared to I2SoverUSB anybody knows?

So, if i understand well, updating server cpu to a recent one is enough to get rid of clicks when file sampling rate is changing?
Or something else is needed?
I use an i5-4570S in my PC and i get loud clicks anytime i play a file with different sampling rate than previous or just stop a file playing, in hqplayer (converting all files to DSD256, true sync mode active, i2s connection, naa on sbc)
Hi Luca72c,
Are you sure that the status of incoming data is always stays the same: DSD256 (on ESS controller)? Try to enable mute (it is enabled by default on ESS controller). And what naa means?

Sorry, i was too rushed to write and i didn't explain well.
I'm kind of a infiltrator here, as i don't have Ian's gear but a 9038pro dac and BBB scb with i2s connection and Cronus reclocking. But i have find you were talking about a problem similar to the one i have (loud clicks at file change in true sync mode), so i was interested in your discussion. :blush:
I have automute enabled on my dac, it works flawlessly in normal sync mode, but it seems not enough in true sync mode (maybe automute time is too short).
If i play two files of identical frequency/format in sequence in a playlist (in an album, for example), both converted to DSD256 by hqplayer, then no clicks. But if i play two files of (even slightly) different frequencies/formats, both converted to the same DSD256 format by hqplayer, the clicks occur in between. No clicks if i don't perform DSD conversion and play PCM files normally.

The problem seems not related to an output data format change, as loud clicks are there even when a file/playlist stops playing, even if i don't start another file: so it looks like the problem occurs when a DSD conversion is ceased/changed and dac control momentarily released. I suspected hqplayer conversion was to blame, but then why the problem does not occur when dac is in normal sync or async modes? Hqplayer conversion should not be affected by that dac mode change... Or it is?
Anyway, i could find no solution in 9038pro nor in hqplayer threads :(

Naa is hqplayer term about player implementation on a separate sbc. In my setup, server side (and DSD conversion) is performed by an i5-4570S pc, player/naa side is performed by a BBB running NetworkaudioD (hqplayer naa software).
N.B. Clicks are attenuated by direct volume control on 9038pro registers, so the problem seems not to be on naa side but about dac itself (in facts, using normal sync mode the problem does not occur).
True sync mode requires a specific MCLK for each audio rate and since Chronus cannot change MCLK rates on the fly (as far as I know) you're stuck with only one rate you can play (or one per . The problem is that some drivers I've seen switch to the 48000 Hz rate at the end of playback which would lead to the DAC receiving data which it does not expect. You can check with Miero on this site if he can do something about it since he wrote the Botic driver for the BBB.
True sync mode requires a specific MCLK for each audio rate and since Chronus cannot change MCLK rates on the fly (as far as I know) you're stuck with only one rate you can play (or one per ...

IIRC, ESS suggested before to used Clock_Gear to reduce effective clock rate in Synchronous mode if desired. However, if DPLL can be set to 0 then ASRC is truly off. In that case the dac is operating synchronously even if not at the lowest possible synchronous clock rate. Whether it is 'True Sync' or not is hard to say since that name first seemed to come from TP. Not sure if ESS defined the term originally.
Hi Ian,

Could you show a picture of the other side of you DAC stack?


Hi Do,

Here is the picture of the other side of my DAC stack.

From the top they are:

1. Bisesik transformer I/V
2. ES9038Q2M DM DAC HAT (with GPIO I2S terminator board)
3. ShieldPi V2.0
4. FifoPi Q2
5. ReceiverPi
6. RPi

The USB streamer is connected to ReceiverPi through an isolator board. Actually this isolator can be eliminated because FifoPi is built-in isolated. But I just don't like the noisy PC ground.

ShieldPi V2.0 has double layers shield. It also has a open window for XOs of FifoPi so that taller XOs such Pulsar can be used. The window also makes it possible to swap XOs without disassemble the DAC stack.

With my new ultra capacitor plug-in update, I really like the sound and enjoy music with it every day.

Happy Thanksgiving

by Ian, on Flickr
Can you guys give me an advice for building my Raspberry Streamer.?
ATM im using a Hifiberry Digi Pro. with RoPieee

I have to following requirements:

i2s over HDMI Output.
i2s over USB Output
highest Possible Rates

What would be nice to have:

Optional a coax output
Bluetooth input. (maybe that will be better implemented via usb bluetooth dongle?)

As Powersupply i think i will use a
Audiophile Super-Netzteile, High-End Analog Netzteile für DA-Wandler; Raspberry Pi
(I dont like to have lipos in my system)

Or do you think it will be better using something different then a Raspi?
Can you guys give me an advice for building my Raspberry Streamer.?
ATM im using a Hifiberry Digi Pro. with RoPieee

I have to following requirements:

i2s over HDMI Output.
i2s over USB Output
highest Possible Rates

What would be nice to have:

Optional a coax output
Bluetooth input. (maybe that will be better implemented via usb bluetooth dongle?)

As Powersupply i think i will use a
Audiophile Super-Netzteile, High-End Analog Netzteile für DA-Wandler; Raspberry Pi
(I dont like to have lipos in my system)

Or do you think it will be better using something different then a Raspi?

I didn't see a 3.3V option for your PS. You need 3.3V for the DAC, and should use a good 3.3V supply for the fifopi too.

I think Ian's ReceiverPi may let you hook up I2S signals from a USB/I2S converter or a HDMI receiver, but don't know any details for it.

Good luck.

GPIO I2S/DSD terminator

GPIO I2S/DSD terminator

To be Plugged into the last piece of the stack, normally the DAC HAT. Works with FifoPi and all other RPi audio applications that use GPIO for I2S/DSD signals. Making some compensation to improve signal quality a little bit and reduce the over all noise fed into DAC from the GPIO digital audio signal and ground.

by Ian, on Flickr

Joined 2018
Paid Member
^^^Obviously better than leaving the last pins open then. Interesting.

I recently added 3 rails to the dual mono dac. Used an Ebay LT1963 module with 3 separate regs. All at 3.3v naturally. Sounding very good. I need to add some supercaps after my last attempt with Panasonic 0.33F buttons wouldn't clear the board beneath.

Shall hopefully soon be sorting a fifo board and the new receiverpi looks great....I really want an optical input.

I did purchase a DIYINHK optical port . The dual dac has some pads to connect to for spdif input. How is this wired?
And also how do we actually listen through this optical input. Just by powering down the Rpi so no i2s signal present?
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