Incredible quality amplifier by Graham, prepare your ears for it

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Hello Sparkle, Graham sent me a new schematic

A fresh brand new design, simple and easy class A amplifier.

With reduced number of parts.

I will listen at it too.




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Nordic, your uncle is here, good Samuel....thanks Diegot

I also perceive is Graham..... he has near the seventies....and i am tweaking his amplifiers....dear Graham turn divided inside himself.

One part is loving me because i am a constructor machine doing those tests for he is saying wow!...more!...more!

His other part turns not so happy as i change everything in his schematic.... i do not respect his values of capacitors and i go tweaking as i know what will happens reducing this and increasing that.....but i am sure he do not like.

This amplifier was shown by Graham to be used as Class A...and the voltage to be used had to be 25V simetrical.

Fast i decided that i will make it Class AB, and the supply will be plus and minus 36 Volts.... i made modifications in resistor values to compensate that voltage increase and now i will switch the amplifier on (will it work?)

This time, i cannot change bias pot just simply adjusting it....Graham had supressed the Potenciometer...ahahahahah!

But i will do it...despite of that...will work class AB is beautifull...Nordic is lovely...Samuel is courageous and fair...and diegot a nice folk.

I feel good!




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So many provocations and Graham do not return to God, the guy really turn old

You can see here that the amplifier is assembled...i have installed fake transistors only to show you their position.

They are still removed.

I will be listening this afternon...and morning is 3 hours i will be here telling what i perceive...or if is do not works because my errors.




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I am so happy with my simple method...i use it since 1969..but no one

is interested....but maybe, when some Big guy start to use John Nelson Hugh Graham Maynard...well..those big folks..

Them maybe i will see more folks doing it too.

I ensure you that is easy, natural, direct, fast, simple, dirty and cheap.

One "God" have to recognize it as good.... that's life...but...i fell good!




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Hummm...too much complicated to my taste

Very crazy voltages, starting in the differential.

Circuit checked 4 times....resistors measured once again, transistors removed and checked twice, board examined serching for open circuits or shorts and nothing.

Unballance of stand by current...enormous off set.... voltage amplifier not biase...crazy.

Related this one i will give i have many other one to make...this one was made in simulator...and sometimes those sons of simulator do not works.

Also sometimes the constructor do not work fine.




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Off course, despite the double check, i am human and some error could remain

But in the reality, i will have to modify the circuit to match my make another one...a new one!

Well, this will take hours...and during that time i can construct one amplifier and test two that i have waiting for testings,

Also i have a TDA2052 to construct and listen.

And also some circuits result of talks with my friends...things to test in real life.

GEM is beautifull...but this one...well....this one...well..let's say that i was not lucky.




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If someone wants to fix it...or to construct it, or even checking it.

I will be happy..i will keep my board for future references.

It may work another day.... i will repeat, it is not uncommon my mistakes during construction...this can be the sittuation now...try it by yourself.... i am not a computer....a man only!

I feel 99 percent good!


Hi carlos,

I have been reading the thread on your trials and tribulations with Grahams amplifier design and have found it readily interesting. Although your interest in 1% distortion tells me you like your amplifiers to have a sound of its own silkscreened over the music to enhance the recordings further from the truth ,which is just fine in the name of eachothers personal taste. The only dissagreement I have is with the blameless amplfier, atleast in concept being a crab??. I have found with a couple current source topological changes, well thought out vas/differential transistor specimens it can be an absolute gem provided the individual is interested in a sound that is both truer to the source and very engaging to listen to "pre-recorded music" with. This is my opinion, I am coming from a standpoint of being a musician for the past 20+ years drums,guitar and bass and find the blameless concept to present music that is both engaging and accurate withut giving me the feeling that something is added that shouldnt be there which can work fine on some recordings "mostly rock" and questionable on others .. Music is already very colored in the recording process, why compound that by adding more in the chain that is not already there??... I very much admire your spirited posts even though I through being human can be skeptical about much of the hype on here...

Who knows the absolute may be rigth...the one that can give us the final

sentence, the one able to judge those things is God.

I use to call him by phone, by i think he is too much busy because of wars happening and many never answered me.

Being a musician, and saying that Blameless do not include colouration in the sound, you are showing us that it is good as an instrument...a high fidelity reproducer of sounds...maybe a monitor amplifier to Studio purposes. home use i would prefer those other ones...the less perfect ones, as my ambience to listen music is not perfect.

Also, the amplifier judgment, to have to be fair, in my point of view, must be done using A to B comparison.... of course to compare a reproduction with a live orchestra may kill any amplifier and speaker, but you may do that to conclude how much high fidelity one system can be (you will be deceptive..very deceptive)...also, my belief, result of long time experience, inside Recording Studios and working during shows, is that we cannot stay too much long time listening bad sounds because our ear/brain make adjustments...if people can perceive bass listening to small portable radios...brain construction, filling empty musical gaps...because of memory.

I hope you are happy with your Blame...this is what we deserve, as we are always searching for something that we accept.

You have found it....just do not forget it inside my home, as my shotgun is already here, and it is beeing used for technical purposes only...hehe

Well, those things, opinnions, are something subjective, personal and different from one to other....or related different group of in ideas is something very natural.

Congratulations because you have found something very good..the real fidelity amplifier.... you are better than i am, i could not perceive it this way, and worst, i am searching for more than 45 years long, and i could not find "the one"

Show us images of the Blameless you have apreciated.... the version, as people made some "changes" lets say.... and tell us how it sounded compared to many different instruments.... go ahead with your musician experience, as this may be very good for all of us.

there is sometimes a fine line between when an amp, even sounding good... makes everything sound the same... I had some silly mixups with my Mauro Penasa amp and even though it played very nicely, I was always aware,, how everything sounded the same... smae tonal quality, asif evrything was recorded in the same studio... if you get what I mean...

On reboxing I discovered my mistakes and well the diffirence is earthshattering... sudenly there are many textures and ambiances going around, sometimes even within one song...

But, it didn't sound bad before, just less lifelike...

I don't think an amp has to be perfect, it just needs perfect relationships.... even if your curtains are blue, you know when you look at a white piece of paper... although it looks blue.. the brain is wonderfull...

But now back to the Graham Maynard stuff...

I made a layout before for it, but never built it... after reading this thread, I learned that his schematics seems to be drawn exactly as built (physicaly - layout wise)...

So, I thought I'd try it with the Graham Maynard preamp, and I think my latest PCB layout is closer to what he would have in mind..

Does it look ok? I'm still green when it comes to anything woring with transistors... I know about decoupling chips etc... but transistors, is big gray area... makeing it hard to just build schematics, as I don't know what is assumed as logical and left out...

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

and my pcb is attached for your comments... I just tried to copy the layout style of other GM circuits... BC547 = BC550, BC556 = BC560, just used similar pined components to draw...


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Part Number = CQX35
Manufacturer Name = Various
Description = Dome-Style LED Lamp
Package Style (Basic) = Flanged
Color = Red
Peak Wavelength (m) = 660n
Half-Intensity Beam Angle(Deg) = 30
Iv Min.(cd) Luminous Intensity = 6.0m
@I(F) (A) (Test Condition) = 20m
V(F) Max.(V) Forward Voltage = 2.0
@I(F) (A) (Test Condition) = 20m
I(F) Max. (A) Forward Current = 30m
Overall Height (mm) = 8.6
Lens Diameter Nom.(mm) = 5.0
Lead Stand-off Clearance(mm) = 3.2
Package = LED-2b

This is all I could find on the LED, should be reasonaby easy to get a replacement...

I decided on RS Stock No. 284-1437
3mm,yellow intensity matched,diffused lens, LY3366R made by Siemens
V(F)typ. 2v
I(F)typ. 20mA
I(F)max 30mA
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