Iron Pre Essentials Kits For The DIYA Store - Register Your Interest


Thanks! I usually don't put this kind of effort into a front panel. This is a black walnut block that sat for many years as I got the courage to cut a 'slice off the old block'. A friend of mine is very good with a CNC machine of his, so he did the lettering/engraving. The rest was my effort. I buy these brass discs from Lee Valley of Canada and use them for all kinds of stuff. They make great footers for components and furniture. They are actually intended for use as skiting a line around a work piece by placing a pencil in the center hole of the disc. You then can trace the work piece with them, making a larger sized line around the work piece. I guess that I am not so good describing such an unusual brass disc and its purpose for drawing.
The little brass points are actually small decorative nails and the make great indicators dots.
Here is a shot of the rear panel.


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That is absolutely correct sir. So I have made project dedications to certain family members and this one is for my mom. She is 96. Here is the story. Mom grew up in a logging camp in Wyoming. The camp supplied the Lead S. Dakota's Homestake goldmine's need for lumber. Moskee was the name of the camp. Funny thing though, the word was made up by one of the workers who said that that it meant 'I don't care' in Chinese. The name stuck because the postal service got the mail misaddressed for two of the camps that had the same name and Moskee was one of them. Don't recall the original name though.
So yes, I wanted something to resemble the times back then, hence no LED's are used. The black walnut wood came from a customer back in the day who was very appreciative to finally and forever have his telephone line correctly replaced/repaired. In the past, a 'temporary line' was laid on the ground, only to be left to nature's wildlife and weather to tear it up. Without going into it much, it took some ingenious thinking by my work partner and a whole lot of pole climbing to get the new line in. This guy was practically in tears because so many people in the past had 'repaired' it unsuccessfully over the years. It so happened that we were both woodworkers, and went into his workshop and returned with a fairly large block of black walnut intended for a rifle stock. It has been sitting waiting for me to decide how to make best use of it for over 27 years. Couldn't think of a better purpose than this that is for sure.
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I finally did finish it last night, and it working in my system. I had it jerry rigged to work in my system until I could properly complete it. All done now. This circuit is quite worthy of the time and cost that was involved. If I must, I will describe the sound as full yet holographic.
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