Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

I tried the added mass using ~400grams and the BL comes out to be 18tm still....when using 920grams the mmd did not come to correct figure, somehow that throws the measurement off.

920g added mass to a cone that is only 1/10th of this mass??? Are you crazy?

Attached is a picture of CLIO Pocket method adding mass. I would assume that CLIO is much more reliable.


It is time that you post some pictures of your measurement setup and equipment version and windows soundcart settings.
Additionally after discussion with several driver manufacturers a variation of up to 25% in some parameters is considered acceptable. Additionally many parameters are easily affected by the environmental conditions, most notably the suspension stiffness.

If you take the alleged spec'd TM for my respective drivers and multiply it by'll get my Tm readings....How can this be a mistake. How convenient of it.

Docali, its a DATS3 version H, windows is set to cd quality. Not much going on there. 44.1 sample rate that is...because I'm into audio engineering I'm pretty familiar with control panel settings for sound cards. I didn't have to google where to go, to check these settings is what I mean.
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I guess since AE doesn't publish curves, it's hard to do a comparison and see what it's doing relative to what it's supposed to be doing? You are only able to really compare TS specs, not the curves right? This the TS probably tells you enough to know there's a discrepancy. I've just always wondered why no curves on AE site?
I guess since AE doesn't publish curves, it's hard to do a comparison and see what it's doing relative to what it's supposed to be doing? You are only able to really compare TS specs, not the curves right?

That's why I'm wary of 'exotic' drivers from small manufacturers. There are countless examples where quality control leaves something to be desired, or where the buyer has to rely blindly on the promised specifications.

Here's an example of a compression driver where an uneven opening in the coil gap caused a scraping voicecoil.


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If the TD18's measure ok and the TD15's don't....then it seems pretty obvious that the motor is weaker than advertised.

Similar anomalies showed up in TD8M measurements.

Or maybe they're both off and the TD18's have higher motor strength than advertised as shown in the DataBass measurement.

All the drivers BL measure 25% lower than advertised...

Ernie you are the man! The same trend is exposed within the thread you linked...the data cross referenced by someone else in the thread, not using the dats...hook line and sinker!...course AE isnt going to send this type of performance to databass....the guy in the thread also measured Q to be dbl advertised!
Most concerning is the qts of the 15m which is double the desired amount...
The 18H+ measure fine for the Q specs
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Lets look at the specs as they are and call them accurate....Should I replace these drivers or move on with them?....I can afford to invest in different would be nice to be able to use the wood that I have, even if I have to make adjustments.

I am sure the Faital 15FH500 and 15PR400 beat the 2216Nd in the midrange, easily.
You guys still feel this way? These drivers have higher Qts specs, If I am aiming for 0.5 is it true that adding a resistor in series to the woofer modifies Q? Going this method may allow me to keep my box and achieve desired Qts...if its a worthy method that is...

What about the 18H+'s....What would I replace those with?
I've taken measurements with the driver attached to its baffle on cabinet, the results are similar. The front baffle is 1.5" thick and the magnet has a brace rest on the magnet...its a really rigid config....Qts within the box, with all baffles attached are not reaching target...yet, are double. Tm is still as as in free air.
I've come close to ordering AE drivers on a few occasions. That's why I know about most of the issues posted on the interwebs :eek:

Although not ideal...I would still be tempted to use the TD15's in a home situation if there's nothing else wrong with them...

Do some consistency sweeps between the pair. If they're pretty much the same maybe give them a listen.
Lets look at the specs as they are and call them accurate....Should I replace these drivers or move on with them?....I can afford to invest in different would be nice to be able to use the wood that I have, even if I have to make adjustments.

You guys still feel this way? These drivers have higher Qts specs, If I am aiming for 0.5 is it true that adding a resistor in series to the woofer modifies Q? Going this method may allow me to keep my box and achieve desired Qts...if its a worthy method that is...

Do you have a test cab, so you can measure the mounted driver(s)?

While both Faitals (15PR400 & 15FH500) are proven high quality 15" midwoofers, (on paper) the TD15M shouldn't be inferior to those.

Qts alone is a mere indication of the driver's (electrical & mechanical) ability to control the movement of the cone.
Personally, I consider a Qts between .30 and 0.35 desirable for a mid woofer (in a BR cab).
T&S of both 15PR400 and 15FH500 are typical for mid woofers. The FH is a bit more 'heavyweight', but nevertheless used up to 1.8Hz (with a 1st order XO :rolleyes:) in this speaker:


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