JamJar: an HPA-1-inspired power amp



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I still would use a little degeneration lets say around 30 ohms......for thermal stabilization of the mirror. These resistors are probably not required in ic implementations of the mirror because the transistors are built on the same substrate.

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Not quite yet ;)........ but I suggest this offset adjustment solution as being less evasive ( a 5k - 1K pot should work) leave out the trim pot on the first differential, otherwise it's complete in my humble opinion, but it is Jeff's call.



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Hi Jam:

OK, I look forward to your call ....


Hi Michael,

Welcome to the best thread on the forum........:D

Probably the mirror improvements, but the design is converging into a fine amplifier but is excellent as it stands.

I need to talk to you after the first of the year about that pre-amp topology we discussed some time back. I may have some boards for you.

Regarding beefcake, I have been seriously intending on replacing TL431 with just an appropriate value Zener/led combination as a voltage reference and using a trim pot, to dial up the bias voltage, then you can use small value polypropylene caps instead of large electrolytics as used with TL431.

For the purpose of biasing up a lateral fet source follower output stage

Maybe 3 or 4 green leds or appropriate Zener with trimpot.

Or just keep throwing leds at the bias circuit till near enough is good enough (ie anything that achieves around 1.5A to 2A) and just have dc offset.
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...intending on replacing TL431...

Been scratching my head about that one.
My current TL431 bias setup for ref.
Idea A, GLED431 replaces TL431, or B? (neither have been built). My rambling thoughts lead on to should I use the LTP regulator? OK It's getting complicated again, do you really need all this? then thought, what's wrong with the amplified diode if a thermistor is included? Can't be that good if people are moving away, need a low noise Vref......... Go to Line 3 :)


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