Jean Michel on LeCleac'h horns

Hi bear,

thank your explanation.
I am lookign to a way to increase the efficiency of the unit because my system is 104dB and to introduce the ribbon tweeters I would like to avoid another amplifier.

It is not simple and cheap an amplifier with a band over 60-80KHz and 5/6W rms, even if it is true there is nothing below 5KHz (I am planning to cross at 15KHz). I will try with a MOS amplifier.

What I am looking for with the ribbon tweeter is:
the vinils and the new generation of digital programs contains information over the 20KHz, at least till 60-80KHz. If we are able to extract I would like to test 2 effects:

1) transient response should be much better cause a better transient response needs the largest possible band of the system.

2) the beating, used also by the musicians to tune the instrument, and demonstrated also by violinist Tartini, who showed if you play two particular tones you can ear a third tone, below of 2 octaves.

Speaking as we eat, 1) should give more air, less weight, to the lissen, and 2) should give more live to the lissen (with the feeling of ear more vibrations around the main tones).

But I am tryinf to do something with these tweeters, mainly, because I have the tweeters in the loft and before to sell (always for nothing, this is the market) I want to experiment what I said. After these, bye bye.

If somebody has already tried something in this direction will be a pleasure to ear his impressions.

jean michel le cleac'h horns

some round horn wuth jmlc from audiopavillon
95cm (supravox) and 80cm(special) and 56cm (tad)
100% made in france loud plaster anf fibers mixed


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Joined 2008
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can you say something about configuration, and sound ?

Hi there,

Am setting up a 4-way speaker system.

GOTO SG-16TT - high channel
GOTO SG-370 - mid high (with AH-550 horn)
GOTO SG-555PS - mid low (with AH-340 horn)
ALTEC 416-8A - low (360L onken cabinet)

GOTO CF-1 4-way active crossover.

Amps, I'm unsure yet. Leaning towards building some 45 SET amps.

I got to hear Tuyens horns a few days ago and I can volunteer it sounded very nice. The GOTO were definitely showing their merit. The 50hz bass horn doesnt cut it without something playing beneath it so I imagine the setup with sound even better when Tuyen swaps in the 15 inchers.

I'm about a week away from finishing a 4-way too, using the AH-160, AH-425 and a Stereo Lab cf1000. A relative budget system though, Radian compression drivers, 5" Faital for upper bass, AE TD15M in 210L sealed boxes for bass. MiniWatt amps on the horns and cheap SS on the bass drivers. Digital XO.

Tuyen just down the road from me so maybe we can offer a useful comparison between the two approaches when we get them playing.

Very interesting! I am building a 3way at the moment with a Paudio 5" for mids in a AH-340 , Radian PB475 1" in a LeCleach 850hz (selfmade) and TD15M in a ported box tuned to ca 40hz.
And I am going the active route as well.
Any impressions on the TD15M in such a big sealed box? How low does it play..3db/ 75hz? I have the possibility to seal mine to, if I shouldnt be happy with BR.
Which Radian do you use?
Regarding Tuyen...very nice set-up...GOTO...something I will never afford! Would love to listen to them though :)
Nice one Sannax, look forward to hearing more about it.

Got the 850PB in the AH-425 and a 465PB for the tweeter.

I fired up the TD15Ms for the first time about an hour ago, running them fullrange as theyre the only functioning speakers I have at the moment :)

Did a quick measure 15cm from the driver and I'd say it looks flat to about 50hz which is better than I'd hoped. Theyre sitting nears the wall so maybe room gain factoring. I'll post a few quick pics. The graph is hard to read but the cursor is sitting at 50hz.


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Hard to say, but I think so. Unfortunately from the listening chair it sounds a bit less weighty than the graph would suggests as I sit in the middle of a 12m long room.

I chose a sealed alignment as I was planning on having to sit up against a wall, but that has changed for the moment. I do have recourse to EQ which I'll play around with, but I am also thinking of a 40hz port....will have to see. I dont listen loud so I'm guessing I'll have the headroom to EQ flat to 40hz (with a highpass bellow that). I really should have got the TD15S as I'll only be running them up to 250hz, but the original design had them playing up to 800hz in a 3-way which is why I got them. Happy enough with them though and its nice to have the option of other configurations for when I move into a smaller apartment. Hell they are so flat up to 4k I could make a 2-way out of them if I wanted to :)
Joined 2008
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That's quite a line up!

The 45 SET should be superb on the horns. I'd use something more substantial on the 416/Onken, tho. It really does make a difference.

Thanks :)

Yep, I'm in process of sourcing all the parts to build the 3x 45 SETs. Any recommendations as to what circuits/ output trannies to look out for? I was thinking about the James OPT 2.5/3.5/5k primary 4/8/16ohm output 20watt SE units on ebay. Any thoughts? As for circuit, maybe something like the 'simple 45 set' ?

As for amp to power the Altecs, I thought the same as you. Hence why I have this amp to run them :)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Below is some info about the amp. It's a custom design amp.

Amp is pushpull parralell EL34 running in class AB1 useing fixed bias set at 30ma per tube. The speaker transformer are rated at 100w rms with a freq responce of 50hz to 20000hhz flat and 20hz to 35000hz at +/- 3db Power is up to 70 watts is less than 3%. Up to 100 watts less than 10%.

All three stage have anti phase shift netwoks between then.This is done to stop the miller effect caused within the tube itself. Both stages 1 & 2 are cathode coupled ( 2 triodes each stage).One side of stage 1 is for feedback and the other is for audio in.Each output tube is indiviually coupled to the driver stages.
All this is powered by a very heavy 600 va transformer in the psu section runing seperate supply for ouputs stages and a regulated stage for the other sections. There is a seperate fillament transformer for the EL34s.

Hopefully it has enough drive to run those Altecs.
Joined 2004
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I was thinking about the James OPT 2.5/3.5/5k primary 4/8/16ohm output 20watt SE units on ebay. Any thoughts?

The James seem like a good choice. I'm sure there are better, bit at a lot higher price, too. Silk might be a good choice. I've looked into them because I need to build an SET (45 or 2A3) to run my horns. Obviously bass and power handling are not an issue here - and that always counts for so much of a transformer's rating.

That big EL34 amp ought to give you plenty off bass satisfaction. :D
Joined 2008
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GOTO SG-16TT - high channel
GOTO SG-370 - mid high (with AH-550 horn)
GOTO SG-555PS - mid low (with AH-340 horn)
ALTEC 416-8A - low (360L onken cabinet)

GOTO CF-1 4-way active crossover.

but at the picture you use a basshorn, not a Onken cabinet.....

Hi ageloitacare,

Sorry, that photo is at Martin S' place. We used his bass horn instead of my onken cabinets that are still being built as I type this.

Currently for bass channel I am just using vintage Coral 12" woofers in sealed cabinets until the onkens are finished. :)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Thanks :)

Yep, I'm in process of sourcing all the parts to build the 3x 45 SETs. Any recommendations as to what circuits/ output trannies to look out for? I was thinking about the James OPT 2.5/3.5/5k primary 4/8/16ohm output 20watt SE units on ebay. Any thoughts? As for circuit, maybe something like the 'simple 45 set' ?

Wow, I didn't think I'd ever hear of someone going to Onkens,
after using 50 Hz straight bass horns...
I much prefer horns for mid-bass, to my ears it makes at least as much difference as the low mid / upper mid and tweeter.
That horn loaded mid-bass is one of the big things that makes a multi-way horn system work, to my ears...
This also allows a small SET amp to drive them, as efficiency is up (I'm using a 46 now, works great).
(And a pair of tapped horns for the bottom octave or so).

As for OPTs, for a system that nice, what with Goto drivers and all,
I would highly recommend dave Slagle at intact audio
Far better than James, or anything else I've ever used, or heard...