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Joachim Gerhard Filter Buffer for ES9022

Question about buffer sound...

I added the buffer to my Subbu ES9023 (with two 9v batteries powering it). After listening to it for several hours I noticed that on a few tracks, and just a few, piano passges sound a bit distorted. I'm baffled because on 98% of the piano music I played it sounds great.

In particular two songs from the Hereafter movie soundtrack and So Far Away (Carol King). When I remove the buffer and play the same tracks with the dac only I don't hear the "distortion".

My music is all played from ripped cds on mpd. Oh, my preamp is a buffer itself, a dcb1.

Also, in my eagerness to listen to I used very thin cable for the input and power because they already had the connectors (a good hifi enthusiast, like a good programmer, is lazy first above all else...). But I can't think that this would have an effect on only a few songs.

Did I hose my buffer when putting it together?
@TheShaman I don't think you can get the JSR01 anymore according to the site. Here's something that I found on the Sjöström site that should do the trick and has the transformers on the PCB. It's not necessarily the smallest solution, but since it's all in one it might be useful in keeping space down. Its the SPS02...

Sjöström Audio - SPS02 Sjöström Power Supply

It seems to me that one doesn't need anything crazy to power this buffer ie a super high performance power supply. Am I correct in my understanding?

On the other hand I'm thinking of going for one of those Salas SSLV 1.1 boards. Would this board be better than going with the Sjöström SPS02?