
Moray - I was surprised by John Lapaire's recordings of the short K
-lens vs no lens and vs a scaled JBLEON lens as the K sounded very even on vs off.
yes it does do well with dispersion especially considering it is a 2D version where the JBL Eon lens in a D design. In 2D I fond the Karlson tapers sounded more natural an retained better spatial qualities but that is just my take as always ymmv.
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features of the Karlson enclosure claimed "controlled ring" (reverb time) to enhance realism. K15 has a lrage enough fron resonator to gie some loading effect. Even K12 with aobu 0.6 cubic feet front chamber seems to give a sense of power - bass guitar sounds quick on transies (an illusion?). I need to get some more Lavoce or Faital 3" (4" would be nice if extended) - of course there's no money- we don't even have a functioning car.