Lab 12 Based Offset Driver - Mass Loaded - Transmission Line (OD-ML-TL) Design by Bj

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I'm not smart enough to figure out a single fold, let alone double fold.:confused:

That is a single fold! A double fold might get the port to exit the same side as the speaker.
Those enclosures look good!

Thanks :) Yeah, they're pretty stout, it takes pretty much everything I've got to lift one and move it.

These are probably going to be my music subs for the foreseeable future, I'm probably going to have to build a single monster tapped horn for just for HT though, these sound good but for good "knock your breath out" explosions and thunder, they don't really shine.

Maybe a Gjallerhorn or something for HT, I can sit it right up against the back of the couch o_O
Where's the meat

Dr Dyna,
Those look good.
One question though, how will you get the stuffing into them while keeping it reasonably uniform?
Although, I will admit I pulled all the stuffing out of the top of the cabinet, from the speaker hole to the back of the top passage so I could replace the 16 gauge wires from the Speakon with 12 gauge wires which of course made no difference.
Anyway, just wondering.
Also, I really do like the way these integrate seamlessly into the whole system but do agree that they are not the heart stopping, thunderous dual 18's that I also want for those wow moments.
Still though, these are still making me find more and more things that vibrate in my house.

It's such a nice day today, perfect for some paint! :cool:

Those are looking really good. I need to make scale renderings of this design along with the two folding options for the OD-TL by tb46. Lots of options. I may build four of whichever design I end up using for a distributed approach to smooth in room response with minimal EQ. Second set would probably use the Epic 12 drivers.

I will supplement mine with a rather large TTQWT using a Maelstrom X driver which should be good up to about 60 Hz. I've been modeling other drivers since the Mal-X is no longer available and the 18" Dayton Audio and SI drivers both model well, but have about half the projected output (and amplification requirements) as the Mal-X. The TC Sounds and RE Audio 18" drivers looks like they would work in the enclosure with a little EQ. None of the pro drivers I tried modelled well. With the Mal-X Hornresp predicts around 120 dB at exursion limit at 13 Hz. Should put the umph in my HT.
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Those are looking really good. I need to make scale renderings of this design along with the two folding options for the OD-TL by tb46. Lots of options. I may build four of whichever design I end up using for a distributed approach to smooth in room response with minimal EQ. Second set would probably use the Epic 12 drivers.

I will supplement mine with a rather large TTQWT using a Maelstrom X driver which should be good up to about 60 Hz. I've been modeling other drivers since the Mal-X is no longer available and the 18" Dayton Audio and SI drivers both model well, but have about half the projected output (and amplification requirements) as the Mal-X. The TC Sounds and RE Audio 18" drivers looks like they would work in the enclosure with a little EQ. None of the pro drivers I tried modelled well. With the Mal-X Hornresp predicts around 120 dB at exursion limit at 13 Hz. Should put the umph in my HT.

Thanks :)

Yeah, if I was going to do anything with the TC Sounds 18 it'd probably be the Gjallerhorn, cause it'd be just for HT (and the occasional drunken EDM party)
The Gjallerhorn is a beast! I have the full plans from Ricci but would need to find a willingband able CNC shop as it is complicated. I would love to have one.

Yeah, there's lots of cuts, but if I were to build one, I'd just do one of them, I think the hardest part of the Gjallerhorn is getting an amplifier that would happily thump it as hard as it should be thumped..maybe a Lab Gruppen FP7000 or something..

Just have to wait for Ed McMahon to knock on the door, smh.

On the ODMLTL topic, I've decided to do a little fancy fluorescent paint in the vent, ala volvotreter. Hopefully I'll get em looking good enough to get some decent pics by the end of the day...and if the rain holds out, some outdoor measurements.
Have you been following that thread? Some there have found it to be a bit anemic, so are swapping out drivers..............


Yeah, I read a few posts in the DTS-10 thread, a lot of people are substituting LMS-R 12s for the eminence drivers, but I haven't seen any measurements or comments from the Danley guys about it, so I'm on the fence about the DTS-10.

Edit: I should note that I'm pretty much completely satisfied with these OD-ML-TL for the type of music I listen to most of the time, but just to have something with some serious grunt and punch for the occasional deadmau5 / Skrillex crankfest and watching movies with it's own amplifier is what I'm in the planning stages of now, but it probably won't come about until next year, as I've got a marriage to plan for at the moment, and the room isn't even 100% complete :|

Here's a pic of what state the OD-ML-TLs are in now, the paint looks a lot more orange-peel in the pictures than it does when you look at it, camera phones be damned.


  • OD-ML-TL-Finished3.jpg
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