Lii Audio 15" full range

from yt link
huge gap btw published and measured TS :(
take a look at the Mms... and others
SPL measured from 1m
TS meas vs TS publ.png


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There are some arguing about 2 "brands" of these drivers. IMHO booth are "fakes" and probability that they cooperating is high...
Booth companies using same generic metal baskets for drivers (as every single driver comes with in last 10 years), generic just slightly modified cones and hangings, generic magnets and so. Probably some generic voice coil...
The published datas of TS and SPL are false.
Measurements software using the different font and standard for displaying measured datas according to some member of this forum published facts (This is from "original" brand given datas), so published pictures are retouched...
For me the story about these "2 brands" are over... cheers


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I asked a commercial loudspeaker manufacturer for frequency response graphs of his designs. He answered, with a grin, "sure, which frequency response do you like?" He explained that he had bad experiences with providing the graphs, because people focus on what they think matters and always find fault. They also compare graphs to those from other manufacturers. And he knows the effects of his room perfectly, so he can find this one angle and distance where bass extends to 20Hz, there is balanced midrange etc etc etc, so he doesn't see the point. He can post measurements and still be lying. He does not object to users posting measurements however. Occasionally someone has measured his speakers and there are some wildly different response graphs out there... 🤣

None of these measurements are done in the standardised way like review magazines do them, and it shows. It's like several different drivers. Frustrating.
I asked a commercial loudspeaker manufacturer for frequency response graphs of his designs. He answered, with a grin, "sure, which frequency response do you like?" He explained that he had bad experiences with providing the graphs, because people focus on what they think matters and always find fault. They also compare graphs to those from other manufacturers. And he knows the effects of his room perfectly, so he can find this one angle and distance where bass extends to 20Hz, there is balanced midrange etc etc etc, so he doesn't see the point. He can post measurements and still be lying. He does not object to users posting measurements however. Occasionally someone has measured his speakers and there are some wildly different response graphs out there... 🤣

None of these measurements are done in the standardised way like review magazines do them, and it shows. It's like several different drivers. Frustrating.
But this is something different
  • they not giving "nothing" (to hide something, everybody who produce some drivers has real measurements...)
  • they giving false datas deliberately. That could be considered as fraud.
It is about simple specifications
(When You buy trousers You can also read the specs on the label.)
For instance old philips fullrange series was measured without box, just "naked" driver in 50cm distance.
These german magazine doing close the same, but with 20cm and 40cm distance. (But I dont know is the drivers are naked or on some baffle? As i have had ehperiance how the curve should look like with NF, NF without plate and LP measurements I can recognize what close tyope of measurement was made. Because I done it by my self and saw it many times. BUT some people does not have this experience and they will mislead deliberately by soemeone manipulating them, for making money)
The guys from forum gave the pictures of measuring process and usually stated what distance was as in the examples above.
And I believe more these graphs made by forum members. Sorry...
(Before almost 30 years or even more we measured some dynaudio driver model in the lab in silent chamber at the faculty, and gues what we got - exact the same specs manufacturer published. But that was some different time :(
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Joined 2017
@Zoran, regarding your post 406 above I did those measurements with my Omnimic V2 and at a few different distances. I was planning on posting measurements to show how the results change with mic distance since a previous person on the thread had expressed interest. Unfortunately I have reason to believe my Omnimic has developed accuracy issues and I'm not sure if you can trust the results in my previous post. I hope to resolve this soon-Dayton Audio has not responded to multiple messages so I need to call them. By the way I agree that the frequency response that both Lii companies post for their versions of this driver are poppycock.
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你好. :)
So, they use different names, one for local and one for export.
They can also make slightly different drivers for local and export.
Until they provide somewhat accurate data, I won't touch them.

TangBand, a Taiwanese company that moved production to China is better at T/S data, but they heavily doctor the graphs.

So far SBAcoustics is one company that provides accurate T/S and graphs.

So, if one is to do a one off, and doesn't mind adjusting the design to the actual data instead of published data, then sure, take a chance.

But if one wants a design that can be repeated, then chose a reliable source where published and real world data matches.
Pretty sure I saw it advertised here that they were the same company, and it stuck with me.
If they are not, it is pretty common in China to have copycat companies, or the same company producing the same product at different price point under different names.
Hence my aversion to Chinese products. You never know if you'll get the real thing or the copy.
I used to shop on TaoBao, and was burned a few times.
Outside of big brands like Lenovo, or DJI, you are right about the difficulty especially for people to understand chinese brands. Taobao is like a chaotic amazon. It's a jungle. And the worst part is for small brands trying to innovate in China...We often talk about chinese copying foreign brands, but less about chinese companies copying chinese companies...
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They are not the same company. I have dealt with both Lii Audio (西子喇叭花) and Lii Song (麗頌) and they have each told me in no uncertain terms that they are not the same company. They may have had some business relationship/partnerships in the past, as their product names are very similar in a variety of cases, but my understanding is that there has been a dispute and they are no longer working with each other.