LSK pre - BAF 2013

Juma, I have assembled the board for the amp shown below. Would like to know whether 200R trimpots are to be set at minimum for setting bias of 0.7Amps?

Boards for the attached preamp is also ready but not yet assembled. Thanks.
Yes, pots to minimum resistance before turning the amp on.
I'll be slow in answering in next week or two - moving to another country...
Thanks a million Juma. You're contributions here have been second to none; you have come up with so many innovative and great sounding designs. Hope you settle down quickly in your new country and continue to contribute and support in the way that you have thus far. Thank you again on behalf of the DIYaudio community.
Thanks a million Juma. You're contributions here have been second to none; you have come up with so many innovative and great sounding designs. Hope you settle down quickly in your new country and continue to contribute and support in the way that you have thus far. Thank you again on behalf of the DIYaudio community.

Thanks Juma :):):):)
Best regards
Well, I have assembled a single channel of Juma's Amp at post @118, schematic of which is attached herein.

It is fabulous. I will reserve my further comments until I complete the other channel and get it all tidy in an enclosure.

In the meantime, I have a question since I can hear audible noise/hiss through my 94db Fostex speakers even with PSU caps totalling 22,500uF per rail (CRC) and front end supplied through diode and filtered with 3300uF per rail.

I want to use a capacitance multiplier capable of atleast 2 Amps current and low noise (100uV or lesser) for the output section.

I am also attaching a schematic of a PSU to multiply and regulate supply for the front end.

My question is, what should be the value of R21, 22 to make it suitable for the front end of Juma's Amp?


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Thanks dobrivoje, that is also a capacitance multiplier but it needs about 4-6 volts headroom. I am thinking of using a BJT series pass which needs 2.5 volts of headroom for the output stage.

My question is regarding the cap multiplier-regulated supply for the front-end, tapped off the same main transformer. I measured Juma amp front-end and IIRC it draws a little over 120mA!