
Joined 2009
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Sorry vdi_nenna, it should only be a Joke , but I forgot the smiley ....:) and wanted to put away the the discussion a bit from demanding more from Mike.
So often someone is doing something good and then....more and more....

I cannot do Eagle either and a friend made two boards in handwork at the weekend, drilling and so on....

So I was privileged
Pass DIY Apprentice
Joined 2001
Paid Member
I'm glad you like the sound, Gerd. I credit the builder. :)

...introducing negative bias supply

I thought it might amuse you guys to know that the prototype had a place for a fixed bias and some jumpers to configure it. I tried it and it's worth some effort, but not strictly necessary to enjoy the sound. I like to leave those tweaks for you steely-eyed and golden-eared missile men.

I'm sorry I haven't shared the PCB artwork, but it's absolutely riddled with jumpers and alternative routes for different things I tried. It would take a lot of time and effort to clean-up and make DIY-friendly.

That, plus I'm lazy :)


  • protopcb.jpg
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Joined 2009
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So I still try to hear Luminaria and to play a bit with the parts.

Of course I also changed the 440R source resistor to a Vishay TO-220. I did not really compare, it was only for the good feeling, sorry.
After some hearing I had the impression that Luminaria plays like in heaven, really it is like a sound paradise. You only have the fear to wake up.....:)
After some more time I thought isn't it too soft, wouldn't be a bit more earthly tension better...?
The Panasonic caps I had on the in and output were only the 100V version, a bit too low for the output in my case.
I ordered, inspired by Nelson's use of the PWA caps in SIT one and two, four PWA Clarity caps.
Of course the sound changed, more body and more "on earth"
I think that is my final status.
Do not take these lines too serious, you all know the tendency to take a foreign design and change some things to make "own territories"

:) :)
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