M2TECH Hiface USB->SPDIF 24/192Khz asynch

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New USB->SPDIF interface from italian company M2Tech http://www.m2tech.biz/products.html

Got mine running for a week with very good results, sound wise is much better than my previous tas1020 based M-audio Transit.

Data is pumped from PC using asynchronous proprietary protocol over USB 2.0 full speed link, two oscillators are available for locally generated clock upto 192Khz.:)

I'll try tapping I2S from USB controller to SPDIF transmitter very soon, I'll keep you posted.

PS: beware that you lose warranty when you open it


A couple of internal photos of this very small device:


  • hiface-1.JPG
    737.5 KB · Views: 4,626
  • hiface-2.JPG
    701.2 KB · Views: 4,180
kernel streaming is the same as true asynchronous?

nope.. Kernel streaming is Windows mechanism for processing streaming data at lower latencies, bypassing kernel mixer and volume control.
AFAIH It's supported only in Winamp and Foobar.

and no.. KS does not automatically means asynchronous

HIface KS driver pumps out data to USB Controller using proprietary protocol which is in fact truly asynchronous.. Audio clock is not derived from USB or PC in any way, two local oscillators are used for this purpose. :)

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The word Async goes a long way nowadays . -Unless its followed by SRC. -

I would like to see behind the hype, thanks.

Hi tritosine.

you're quite right, it would be great to see real life measurements with a common methodology or by using a trusted third party.

In my case quite difficult being enduser of this stuff.

Comparative tests (trusted or not up to you) among common available usb/spdif interfaces available here http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f7/usb-spdif-shoot-out-emu-0404-usb-vs-musiland-monitor-01-usd-vs-teralink-x-vs-m2tech-hiface-449885/

AFAIH this unit pumps out data with locally generated MCLK using asynch way to refill local buffer.

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So it's only Async from the pc to the device, then after that its back to crappy old spdif, so whats the point?

what's crappy most?
SPDIF or standard USB adaptive crappy way used to recover audio clock?

IMO this interface is solving the problem for eliminating PC->USB introduced jitter .. similar approach (very cool) it was achieved by wavelength using tas1020.. 96khz limited and not cheap.

I don't like SPDIF either, I'll try tapping I2S very soon and I'll post results.
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I'll try tapping I2S very soon

Not an easy task: the resistors are so small that the simple "attaching" of a wire can damage them (imagine why I know it!:().
However, with some skills of microsurgery ;) and a powerful loupe is feasible (even if not advisable: see warning about the warranty).
Anyway, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!! :D:D
In the next days I'll be able to post some results.


At least (hopefully) a good USB - SPDIF interface will bring computers to the standards of good CDP or better. Then SPDIF to an external DAC, it's all the same.

Unless talking about interfaces better than SPDIF, but then you'd need a DAC with that interface, and it's another market altogether.
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