microTower bipolar ML-TL for CHR-70 or EL70

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Cute design - my only concern would be diffraction effects from the extended panels making the side bevels.
Oh, just the extended portion, yeah I was wondering about that myself. I originally drew them extending a full inch above the top, in subsequent drawings I've reduced them to 5/8 for that reason. I could reduce them even further if it might help the sound.
Perhaps they could be chamfered on the inside?
Easy for you to say :eek:
Actually, I think I could handle that. If I cut the bevel on the end before I beveled the sides of the strips it should work fine.

Something like this:


  • chamfer.jpg
    10.8 KB · Views: 972
Oh, just the extended portion, yeah I was wondering about that myself. I originally drew them extending a full inch above the top, in subsequent drawings I've reduced them to 5/8 for that reason. I could reduce them even further if it might help the sound.

Easy for you to say :eek:
Actually, I think I could handle that. If I cut the bevel on the end before I beveled the sides of the strips it should work fine.

Something like this:

You can always add a tweeter if necessary, but i'd build with the Mark Audios and see... they have outstanding high frequency response (they won't assault your ears like an aluminum Vifa tweeter, but are quite comparable to the better silk domes)

Dave. Does your remark about the Mark Audio speakers'"outstanding high frequency response" apply to his CSS EL70 design?
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I understand that the driver need to set on the brace but not too much... If by mistake I oversanded:cuss: the brace, what do you propose to fill in the gap?

Depends how much gap... a thickness of paper (or a few), or some non-corrigated cardboard. In the case where we are trying to accomodate 2 different drivers, a small block of wood for the driver with the shalloest depth.

Dave. I know that I am getting off the main subject of these posts, but can't think where else to pose this question :- What is a reasonable alternative to ply for enclosure building? Where I live, decent ply is EXPENSIVE . It costs about four times what particle board costs, which really makes me think twice about trying some of the designs for the CSS EL70's. I accept that particle board is inferior to ply (MDF seems to be even less acceptable), but if the big difference in material cost means not making anything, then that is a shame. There must be many of us who are frightened off by ply costs, so what could we use in lieu? Double thickness of half inch particle board? 18mm particle board face on one side with three ply? Maybe Scottmoose could add his views?
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MDF or partical board speakers are better than no speakers at all. Many people are ignoring the recommendation for ply and using MDF and are still enjoying their loudpeakers.

The alternatives to ply are all essentially, make your own ply.

6mm particle board + 6 mm HDF laminated inside and out with plastic laminate
6 layers of 1/8" MDF
particle board laminated inside & out with a layer of fiberglass mat.

that sort of thing. The plywood is probably "cheap" in comparison

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