microTower bipolar ML-TL for CHR-70 or EL70

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The length I gave is tuned to 44.5hz. So, I make it higher, or match the 41hz of the Micro Tower? I think I see. 31" means 41hz, so, 29" means about say, 47hz. This is still 5.5" for a 3". So, maybe I can't get length from Unibox because it ignores the boost??

So , do I go less than the 4", or say 3.75".
This is EXACTLY what I'm looking for -- glad I asked the question. Tday today, so I'll have to come back and take a much closer look and print all this out.

I actually used to sell EPI speakers when I was younger, working in electronics retail and familiar with those microtowers.

I owned a pair of EPI 602's which were like a Bose901 (yuk) in appearance but sounded much better then the Bose.

Although the 602 reflected too much (and were rather "boomy), I have always liked the added dimension and sound stage of a speaker that had some reflected audio. (I know, purists would argue). BUT, that's the problem with speakers if you ask me.

When the image is so precise and phase coherent blah blah -- you are listening to SPEAKERS -- and fact is, the more precise this image, the more listener fatigue you have. (If you ask me).

It's like the great painters.

In my opinion, the impressionists are what it's all about -- no hard edges.

There is another speaker I ran across that is like this (Lowther 2.8 ambience?) -- is anyone familiar with these?

Also, what is the opinion on a rear firing vs top? Of course, if it's rear you would want the speakers away from the wall more. (I've also seen an angled top speaker).

I really want to do it right the first time and build the best sounding pair I can.

I do have a monomix subwoofer I may use as well.

Also, what is the opinion on a rear firing vs top? Of course, if it's rear you would want the speakers away from the wall more. (I've also seen an angled top speaker).

As you might have gathered, we built a pair of each the Castle tops and more "conventional" bipoles. It's not an entirely valid assessment between the two, as we used EL70 (paper) in the former and CHR70 (metal) in the latter, but for my particularly application, the Castles work very well indeed. Domestic factors preclude the accommodation of bipoles for me.

I really want to do it right the first time and build the best sounding pair I can.
admirable intent - good luck with that :rolleyes: but I suspect that even if you do succeed, you'll be tempted not to stop with a single pair

at least not if your "friends" here have anything to do with it ;)

I do have a monomix subwoofer I may use as well.

well, depending on your application / inclinations, you might not need much boost with these "little" guys.
Having built a pair of the Harlech style cabs based on the microtower, I can whole heartily concur with Scotts comments there be no loss of HF. They are a stunning performer with the CHR70 drivers. Several mates have been round my place to listen to them and all are amazed the performance from these little drivers. And there is no shortage of bass either.
I've received my drivers from C.S.S. (EL70s), and will be building a pair of the castle style microtowers some day when the weather permits working outside (currently -29').

I would like to modify the design to make it more interesting (to build and to look at), but don't want to do anything that may decrease their performance. Is it simply the internal volume that should remain true to the plans? Are the width and height critical as well?

I'm trying to encourage people to have fun with mutations on these, and bevels or roundovers are a very good one.
I really like the look of beveled speakers, and if they help with the sound? Well that's just a bonus! The micro towers also require legs, to allow room for the down firing port, so if large bevels are being designed in, why not use those pieces for the legs as well? And why not continue the theme up top, to produce a literal "castle". Others may groan at that, but it puts a grin on my face :D.

Here is a drawing I did, I think it's a pretty cool design aesthetically, and it accomplishes it's task fairly well. It would have two seperate grills, with the castle part on top holding the top grille slightly away from the actual speaker. At the right angle, you would be able to see the actual driver, which I think is kind of neat. The corner pieces could also be finished differently from the rest of the speaker, which would provide nice contrast.


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P.S. I created that drawing with google sketchup. I just downloaded the program last night and I absolutely love it. I spent most of last night running around the house with a measuring tape, and have so far digitized almost the entire main floor of my house! It's that user friendly!

No, I don't work for google :p


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I've been all over the place and seem to be settling on this arrangement --
an upfiring driver.

I love the dimension it adds. (even more than a total omnidirectional).

However, I'm not convinced I can live without the sizzle of my Vifa tweeters.

Here is the latest thing I have in mind --

I saw the Pioneer 8" full range at parts Express and searched it only to find a zillion posts on it in these pages in everything from open baffle to sealed enclosures. (!)

It sounds like what I may be looking for.

I want a full range but with a somewhat diminished high end so that I can use my Vifa tweeter (on the front) -- and not get a conflict and phasing problems with 2 "comparable" high frequency sources coming straight at me.

Perhaps the Pioneer would be a good match because I can also fill my other desire of having a sealed enclosure.

SO -- what about this?

The Castle configuration with 2 Pioneers and my Vifa upfront?

Looks like (from what I've read) the Pioneers do well in a sealed enclosure as small as .75 cu ' (so 1.5 for 2) ?

Sound like the Pioneer has some real fans and those on the other side of the fence.

I do want a very "listenable" non fatiguing speaker and it sounds like that's it's main attribute.

Problem is their high efficiency (94db combined) and I'll end up 4 ohms -- may have to use a different tweeter.

Give me the word and I'll order the Pioneers.

Maybe I should just try one pair in an open baffle first and go from there.

Damn this is crazy -- changing my mind as I speak.
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