midwoof choice? 8945a, 8948a, sb15, sb17, satori, ss8530

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Brilliant 5th I totally understand now.

I found this linkwitz tranform simulator which generates FRD files Linkwitz Transform Design Program, which will work with the Unibox "Frequency response correction filter"

I did a model with the 4ohm Satori
Target Fsc 23.00 Hz
Target Qtc 0.57
Plus I added a sub filter at 25hz 1st order roll off for xmax protection.

plugging into unibox with the 15L sealed looks great.
With 8watts I can hit ~91db max and stay within xmax limits. With 6watts I can hit 90db. Well within the limits of the TPA3116.
Response is -2db at 50hz and -4db at 40hz and -8db at 30hz

I might tweak the model a bit, but this is close to perfect for my target application (stand-alone without sub). I still need to work up the with-sub roll off version.


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  • CB Response SB Acoustics MW16P-4 15L LT 8watts.gif
    CB Response SB Acoustics MW16P-4 15L LT 8watts.gif
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  • CB Response SB Acoustics MW16P-4 15L LT 6watts.gif
    CB Response SB Acoustics MW16P-4 15L LT 6watts.gif
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jcandy, thanks so much for all your feedback! Sorry I mentioned the subwoofer in my first post, but it was a very short sentence in my 2nd paragraph so it was easy to miss. actually everyone thank you.

I have to admit that the satori in a 25L sealed box does look very good. Almost critically damped (qtc 0.445 for 4ohm, 0.534 for 8ohm). But this is just very big for my near-field application.... unless I went for a mini-tower sealed-box approach. hmmm. I could probably do something with internal dimensions of 600 x 190 x 220 mm (H W D). That might work?

I have also always wanted to try an aperiodic tuned enclosure. You can't find them commercially anymore. I wonder if I could get a 12L or 14L box to look like a 25L with the right aperiodic tuning?

OK I am 98% convinced on the Satori MW16. Still not sure if I should go for 8ohm or 4ohm. They model quite differently in unibox. Both should be ok for my TPA3116 classD amps (rated for 50watts 4ohm).

Has anyone reverse-engineered the kairos crossover into a miniDSP profile? Jeff published all his crossover plots so should be possible to duplicate it with DSP (my plan).
One nice thing about the DSP is that I can fine tune the time-alignment with time-delay, so I can get the kairos / ellam-flex crossover (2nd order, transient perfect, time-aligned) with either a flat baffle or a rear-mounted tweeter.

Time delay with DSP will not, unfortunately, produce the same result in the on or off-axis response as the angled baffle produces.

jcandy is correct, you can place the Satori in a larger box and tune it quite low and it will control over-excursions well. This is always an option.
No, it will not produce exactly the same effects as the angled baffle tilts the drivers, such that you are seeing their off axis response too, relative to your position. However this is very minor. If one were to implement the Kairos passive crossover on a flat baffle mounted system, then used digital delay on just the tweeter then you'd end up with 99% of what the Kairos does. The biggest concern would be a slight tonal balance change as the tweeter will now be pointing more on axis, but you could get around this by listening off axis, or by tilting the frequency response down via the DSP.
No, it will not produce exactly the same effects as the angled baffle tilts the drivers, such that you are seeing their off axis response too, relative to your position. However this is very minor. If one were to implement the Kairos passive crossover on a flat baffle mounted system, then used digital delay on just the tweeter then you'd end up with 99% of what the Kairos does. The biggest concern would be a slight tonal balance change as the tweeter will now be pointing more on axis, but you could get around this by listening off axis, or by tilting the frequency response down via the DSP.

You're right, it won't effect it a lot, but one of the design goals of the Kairos, one that I didn't talk a lot about in the write-up, involved the off-axis response through the crossover region. This is precisely the part that will be effected most, although it may not be a lot.You're other point is correct too, on-axis there will be excess energy in the tweeter's top octave. That may need to be adjusted.
Illuminator is better for bass but Satori is better for midrange. The Satori 4ohm is 91db, its much more appealing for me than others :)

Fair enough re: efficiency. Also, it's a really cool looking driver.

Klippel might not be stellar, but Zaph's distortion measurements show the most linear motor on a 6" that I've ever seen.

Motor linearity is what the Klppel measures. As for THD, I don't see why anyone cares about it (short of overdrive) because that measure is just not audibly relevant.

The other thing that the Satori seems to have going for it is fairly extended axial response. That can be good, but it strikes me as something that will often cause more harm than good. People who don't understand the concept of directivity-matching will run the woofer too high and get crappy-sounding lower treble a a result. In a properly-designed speaker (tweeter on a waveguide, or 3-way with something like a Scan Disco 10F or Vifa 10BGS for mid) the HF extension really doesn't matter and the lack of throw is more telling.

But as was said above me, if midrange reproduction is what you're after, Satori for the win.

IMO, if midrange reproduction is what you want, flat and smooth axial response, smooth polars, and low diffraction are what wins. The parts are just parts. People ascribe far too much importance to mere parts.
just placed an order for the Satori MW16P-4 (4ohm) and dayton RS28F!

This weekend I will go to akihabara and get the rest of the parts to finish my dsp/amp box.
will be enjoying the beach tomorrow on my day off :)

Well, these discussions are helping me with my possible next project. I'm wanting to use a Transducer Labs tweeter (most likely the MgO with fiber glass former) and a 5 to 7 inch mid-bass. I'm looking at the Vifa/Tymphany NE series, the SB Satori series and even Motus. The Motus 130 would be a very good match for me except I haven't seen enough feedback on this yet. I was just comparing TSPs on the NE and Satori 4 Ohm. My goal here also would be the cleanest and most accurate mid-bass into the midrange regions. Deeper bass is not really required here. Anyone do an serious listening to the Motus as compared to the SB or Vifa? Thanks.

p.s. I traveled with the Navy for 15 years to Japan. Akihabara is my favorite place in the world! Big boy play toy capital!
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