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Mini A Board Run

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Joined 2005
Paid Member
Hello all, I have an irritating question to ask...just got my Aleph boards from Brian and have most of the parts for the Aleph 5 - all transistors, resistors, caps, 1200VA 28-0-28 torrid, four monster 56,000uF caps, chassis with heat sinks capable of dissipating 150w per sink, etc.

Now for the dumb question - I know the components of the Aleph 30 differ from the Aleph 5, but can I build an Aleph 30 and put the +/-34VDC rails on her to get the equivalent of the Aleph 5 (provided the components are good to go for the 35V)?

I like the fact that the Aleph 30 has a higher input impedance than the Aleph 5 (my tube pre is a bit highish 3k), and I have the schematic for the true Aleph 5 too, just believe the Aleph 30 at the higher rails may be a better bet..

Thanks in advance
john65b said:
Hello all, I have an irritating question to ask...just got my Aleph boards from Brian and have most of the parts for the Aleph 5 - all transistors, resistors, caps, 1200VA 28-0-28 torrid, four monster 56,000uF caps, chassis with heat sinks capable of dissipating 150w per sink, etc.

Now for the dumb question - I know the components of the Aleph 30 differ from the Aleph 5, but can I build an Aleph 30 and put the +/-34VDC rails on her to get the equivalent of the Aleph 5 (provided the components are good to go for the 35V)?

I like the fact that the Aleph 30 has a higher input impedance than the Aleph 5 (my tube pre is a bit highish 3k), and I have the schematic for the true Aleph 5 too, just believe the Aleph 30 at the higher rails may be a better bet..

Thanks in advance

... so you wanna build an Aleph 60 with less output fets? I think that would be maaarvelous.
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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jleaman said:
I wonder how hard it would be to track down a set of SMD version of the Output fet's, maybe something lower value, smaller package but also SMD, it would be cool to build a 5Watt version for headphones or tweeters :)


just use IRF510 ; just imagine it as SMD part which you bought with uncut legs and screw tab


you'll never stop amazing me .......... :clown:
Well, since an A5 runs on 6 fets/ch, I think an A60 will as well - same rails.

I believe you may get a bit more distortion using less fets (NP said?), but an advantage to less fets is that you can run more bias per device on a given heatsink as well as less capacitance. Oh, and simpler construction using the boards you have with no mods - :D
Joined 2005
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At only 6, my output devices will run hotter at the A5 voltages - my guess around 32 (I read Sir Nelson likes to be around 25), and the A60 has 12 devices because they are designed a bit lower to 17 ish...

I guess if I use monster heatsink or active cooling, the hotter temp may not be an issue for the lesser # of devices.

I'll try it.

I just have to decide on the KSA-50 Krell Clone (99% done) or the Aleph 60 (got all parts).

Just waiting for the chassis/heatsink from China.
I also want to build an A5 using Brian's board. Can someone kindly email me the service manual? Sorry for pain in the butt, please pm me via the forum, I will reply with my email.
I have the spread sheet that lists the different parts between A30 and A5, but I am wondering where C6 of the A5 goes?

pchw said:
I also want to build an A5 using Brian's board. Can someone kindly email me the service manual? Sorry for pain in the butt, please pm me via the forum, I will reply with my email.
I have the spread sheet that lists the different parts between A30 and A5, but I am wondering where C6 of the A5 goes?


to keep it simple, use brians xcell sheet's.

the manual can be found at passdiy.com.
Hi Jase,

Passlabs only has the owner's manual. It doesn't have the schematic. The spread sheet specifies 99% of the A5 values except the C6 of A5. The comment says "680pf no position on pcb". If I had the schematic, I can p2p solder this cap to the board.

Joined 2005
Paid Member
The service manuals are no longer on the pass site.

It took me a while, but I finally found the service manuals for the A2, A4, A5, A30 and A60 with their respective schematics.

Email me and I can forward.

I trust that I am not breaking any rules by offering them? Please let me know.

I assume they were taken down for a reason.
Joined 2005
Paid Member
Hehe, both amps are wonderful.

Hmm, that's just what I need, more decisions.

I actually finished a Rod Elliot P-101 amp biased quite a bit to into Class A - well 12 watts Class A - but sounds very impressive. The remaining watts (to 90 wpc) are in Class AB with +/-30V rails.

What I find a bit confusing is the Aleph type amps, a change from 8 ohm load to 4 ohm, increases the power, which is understandable, but on the Krell, the same change has a reduction in overall Class A output power (per the Class A spread sheet I downloaded off Krell Clone WIKI).

I must be missing something quite obvious. I am a bit of a tyro...
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