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Mini A Board Run

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adwsail said:
I must be blind AND stupid. The Mini A SMD board I have doesn't seem to match any schematic I've found.

The Mini-A version 1.0 is unbalanced input. sig in to R1, out R1 to R2/Q1 gate. My PCB is balanced in with the + input going to R1 (thats fine) then to R7/R2/R3/Z1. No joy with rev 1.0.
So I finally found a Version 1.01 schematic, dated 21/01/02. It doesn't even have an R1 that I can find. What I THINK is the + input is R2 (10k) to R4/R9/R5/Z1. R9 then ties to Q1 gate.

Is there a schematic around that actually represents the Mini A rev.1 smd boards??? If there isn't one I'll try to draw up one with matching part numbers for the rest of us that need such info to build confidently.

PS I still love the boards, just need to put the support info together in one place for the rest of us internet challenged diy wanabees.

Thanks guys... :confused:

you can email meany questions.. You don't need a schematic.. ill send you the excell sheet..

adwsail said:
Just a quick glance at the parts list but all the resistors are leaded devices????? Haven't checked the rest but I'll get started on a SMD parts list which I'll post when finished. I would be interested in a Jfet version as well :smash:

Sorry. I sent it to Brian, and he sent back the link. I did a quick check of the values, but did not pay enough attention to make sure it was what I had sent him.

Here is the PL.
There are tabs to for ordering from digikey or newark, you can just cut and paste into their bom loading pages.



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Thanks Randy, now that is what I call a parts list!!! Well done.

I must admit I've been sitting here for several hours trying to figure out the "you don't need a schematic." statement. I was stunned after reading hundreds if not thousands of posts in several DIY forums and NEVER seeing someone say "you don't need the schematic." If I've upset some big wig I apologize, whatever it was was unintentional. I have been studying these circuits for months, I've built the BOZ, a set of Decware HDT's, a Tubelab SE 300 B amp, the 41Hz 2020 based T-amp and the LM3875 Gainclone. All have EXCELLENT support and the purveyors of the boards and kits have no problem helping with schematics given as a matter of course.

I study the circuits as posted in an attempt to learn and satisfy my own curiosity. To be told, "you don't need the schematic" on a Do It Yourself forum, a forum so well suited to teaching and education, just left me speechless. I cannot fathom what I have done to warrant such a reply to what I thought was a simple request.

I'll work up the schematic on my own from the board. Anyone needing a copy feel free to contact me.

Again, if I have offended anyone I apologize, I'm just trying to learn.
adwsail said:
Thanks Randy, now that is what I call a parts list!!! Well done.

I must admit I've been sitting here for several hours trying to figure out the "you don't need a schematic." statement. I was stunned after reading hundreds if not thousands of posts in several DIY forums and NEVER seeing someone say "you don't need the schematic." If I've upset some big wig I apologize, whatever it was was unintentional. I have been studying these circuits for months, I've built the BOZ, a set of Decware HDT's, a Tubelab SE 300 B amp, the 41Hz 2020 based T-amp and the LM3875 Gainclone. All have EXCELLENT support and the purveyors of the boards and kits have no problem helping with schematics given as a matter of course.

I study the circuits as posted in an attempt to learn and satisfy my own curiosity. To be told, "you don't need the schematic" on a Do It Yourself forum, a forum so well suited to teaching and education, just left me speechless. I cannot fathom what I have done to warrant such a reply to what I thought was a simple request.

I'll work up the schematic on my own from the board. Anyone needing a copy feel free to contact me.

Again, if I have offended anyone I apologize, I'm just trying to learn.

I am guessing the schematic remark was in reference to the parts list.

But, go here
BTW, this link was on the 3rd page or so of this thread.

Lots of good information on that page, and a link to the schematic PDF is on the very bottom of the page. No need to reverse engineer it.

BTW, as I said, I just ordered the resistors and a couple of transistors from Newark, so I cannot vouch for the PL I posted yet, except I double checked what Brian sent me.

I hope to have the board, Newark order and my heatsink in a week or so. I just need to figure out how I am going to build my PS, so I can make my Digikey order.

adwsail said:
Thanks Randy, now that is what I call a parts list!!! Well done.

I must admit I've been sitting here for several hours trying to figure out the "you don't need a schematic." statement. I was stunned after reading hundreds if not thousands of posts in several DIY forums and NEVER seeing someone say "you don't need the schematic." If I've upset some big wig I apologize, whatever it was was unintentional. I have been studying these circuits for months, I've built the BOZ, a set of Decware HDT's, a Tubelab SE 300 B amp, the 41Hz 2020 based T-amp and the LM3875 Gainclone. All have EXCELLENT support and the purveyors of the boards and kits have no problem helping with schematics given as a matter of course.

I study the circuits as posted in an attempt to learn and satisfy my own curiosity. To be told, "you don't need the schematic" on a Do It Yourself forum, a forum so well suited to teaching and education, just left me speechless. I cannot fathom what I have done to warrant such a reply to what I thought was a simple request.

I'll work up the schematic on my own from the board. Anyone needing a copy feel free to contact me.

Again, if I have offended anyone I apologize, I'm just trying to learn.

Sorry what i was trying to say was that you don't need the schematic to build the amp. The Parts list is what i used. part for part..

After part for part i applied power and poof they work. Lots of testing to have this work like that tho.

I have not been able to locate any of the IRF9610S-ND for Q1-Q3 anybody have any extras they want to sell? I am looking for 6 with 2 pairs matched, would buy extras to get some matches. I am building the mini A SMD , I ordered a 300 va transformer to run a pair of the boards. I have some MUR820 diodes left over from another project , I was wandering if they are big enough to drive 2 mina A boards with 1 powersupply board ? Or I have enough for 2 power supply boards if I can run them off one transformer.

wirewiggler said:
I have not been able to locate any of the IRF9610S-ND for Q1-Q3 anybody have any extras they want to sell? I am looking for 6 with 2 pairs matched, would buy extras to get some matches. I am building the mini A SMD , I ordered a 300 va transformer to run a pair of the boards. I have some MUR820 diodes left over from another project , I was wandering if they are big enough to drive 2 mina A boards with 1 powersupply board ? Or I have enough for 2 power supply boards if I can run them off one transformer.


Matched eh ? I didn't match mine at all. An i have zero problems and HARDLY any dc offset on the output.



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Hello Mini-a builders,

A word of warning to the smd builders. There is an error in the parts list posted by randytsuch. In the Digikey parts list the digikey part number for R18 is for a 392k resistor and not for a 392R. Guess what i orderd and solderd to my 4 boards :smash: .

A small cry for help here :cool:
I cant find anywhere in the UK that has 392R 1210 resistors or sells them in small quantities. It seems quite costly to buy just 10 from Digikey, does anyone feel generous enough to send me 4 of the correct resistors if anyone has some left over :angel: .
I have 6 392k resistors if anyone wants them :D

Has anyone got any pictures of their finished amps, it would be nice to see some.

Thanks Mark.
Kram said:
Hello Mini-a builders,

A word of warning to the smd builders. There is an error in the parts list posted by randytsuch. In the Digikey parts list the digikey part number for R18 is for a 392k resistor and not for a 392R. Guess what i orderd and solderd to my 4 boards :smash: .

A small cry for help here :cool:
I cant find anywhere in the UK that has 392R 1210 resistors or sells them in small quantities. It seems quite costly to buy just 10 from Digikey, does anyone feel generous enough to send me 4 of the correct resistors if anyone has some left over :angel: .
I have 6 392k resistors if anyone wants them :D

Has anyone got any pictures of their finished amps, it would be nice to see some.

Thanks Mark.

I have some i think, i can mail to you, no guarantee that i have them but i can look :)

I personally just gave p my Perfect F4 for my 4 Aleph SMD mini a's, why? because i love them. they are small and work perfectly.

PM me to remind me :)

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