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Mini A Board Run

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Id like to say 2 channels of the SMD Mini A's are up and running and SOUNDS SOOOOOOOO NICE!!! ALOT of detail.

Currently running at 20V rails with Balanced Input's

Pictures >> http://photo.jasesspace.com/main.php?g2_itemId=701&g2_page=3

Right now they are in demo mode nothing fancy but they are running really nicely.

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I haven't had time to order more boards, but I can provide the gerber files to anyone who wants to get a run of boards for the forum.

I can post the PSU board gerber files freely on the web for use by anyone. I was going to attach the gerber files for the PSU board to this post, but the size limit is 100k. I can upload them to my web server when I get home from work instead.

I am not going to post the Aleph board gerber files on the web, but if you want to help the forum and order a board run, I can provide them over e-mail. The Aleph design is property of Pass Labs, so the use of the files must be done with the permission of Nelson Pass, and on a non-for-profit basis.

I apologize for my delayed response, as I have been busy with work and other things in my life lately.

I used Advanced Circuits (www.4pcb.com) to order the boards initially. If you want to use them also, I should be able to tell them to use my tooling, so that you don't have to pay the tooling charges. (save $149)

Thanks Brian!

I will be happy to arrange the board order for the forum if that is OK with all.
I know the guy's at 4PCB as well.
Please let me know how many boards and I'l get a quote.


Could you point me to the gerber files and maybe find the order reference of the earlier order?

Tarasque said:
Thanks Brian!

I will be happy to arrange the board order for the forum if that is OK with all.
I know the guy's at 4PCB as well.
Please let me know how many boards and I'l get a quote.


Could you point me to the gerber files and maybe find the order reference of the earlier order?


P.s The red boards ARE really really nice..
jleaman.....Some one should. BUT Also track EVERY THING. I did a group buy and there is so much to track. Just some advice.

Do you have any information on where the previous board was fabricated and who, if anybody, has the artwork... I would put a Wiki up if I have that info and if there is enough interest for a next group buy.

BrianGT said:
I haven't had time to order more boards, but I can provide the gerber files to anyone who wants to get a run of boards for the forum.

I can post the PSU board gerber files freely on the web for use by anyone. I was going to attach the gerber files for the PSU board to this post, but the size limit is 100k. I can upload them to my web server when I get home from work instead.

I am not going to post the Aleph board gerber files on the web, but if you want to help the forum and order a board run, I can provide them over e-mail. The Aleph design is property of Pass Labs, so the use of the files must be done with the permission of Nelson Pass, and on a non-for-profit basis.

I apologize for my delayed response, as I have been busy with work and other things in my life lately.

I used Advanced Circuits (www.4pcb.com) to order the boards initially. If you want to use them also, I should be able to tell them to use my tooling, so that you don't have to pay the tooling charges. (save $149)


groov said:

Do you have any information on where the previous board was fabricated and who, if anybody, has the artwork... I would put a Wiki up if I have that info and if there is enough interest for a next group buy.

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I still about 20 SMD Mini-A pcb sets. They are gold plated and look like this:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

They consist of 2 amp boards (same schematic as the TH boards), and 2 PSU boards (minature version of the PSU boards)

I never got around to selling them before when I bought them back in March/April. A few amps have been made with them, and they appear to work without issues.

I have put them on my webpage for $9 each (2 SMD amp + 2 miniPSU boards, joined on 1 pcb). First come, first serve. If I receive more orders than I have boards, I will issue refunds via paypal. For international shipping, I have had issue with the smaller mailers not arriving properly (one took 6 weeks), so I will stick to the larger ones, increasing the shipping cost to $11 for international orders.

Order form:
(at the bottom)

I am still around, but have been crazy busy at work, and also have been spending a lot of my weekends with the wife, working on car stuff and autocrossing. I will make more of an effort to get back in to audio projects, and supporting this great community.

I am going to work with Marcel to get another order of the PSU and regular TH amp boards. If people like the SMD boards, I might order another small batch of them. I think they are really cute looking, but haven't had time to build one myself. There is a comparison pic earlier in this thread, comparing to the TH board size.

I am in the process of catching up with my e-mail, and am sorry if you mailed me over the past couple of weeks, and haven't yet received a response.

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