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Mini A Board Run

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Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
For those ordering their own parts, I updated the excel sheet to have the necessary parts for both the Aleph30 (30w) and the Mini-A (10-15w) configuration:

I have formatted the right side of the sheet, so that the text can be straight copied to the Digikey text import screen (need to register for a Digikey account to use this). The spreadsheet is dynamic, so you can enter the number of channels desired, and it will update the quantities. (copy the boxed region into the DK website) This is to avoid having to type all the numbers/quantities in. You will need to increase the 1/2 watt resistors to a min quantity of 5 for each resistor value, as this is the min order quantity for Digikey.

For the Mini-A configuration, Q1 and Q2 should have matched Vgs, but generally the devices already have a close Vgs without matching. So, you should be able to build a Mini-A without matching devices. It will make absolutely no difference if you match Q6-Q7 for the output devices, since they are not in parallel.

For the Aleph30, Q1 and Q2 should also be matched Vgs, along with Q8-Q10 and Q11-Q13 (on output boards). The devices just need to be matched for the devices in parallel, and not for the entire channel. I have been told that if you order 12 devices for the Aleph30 (enough for 2 channels), you should be able to get 4 groups of 3 devices grouped close enough together. (I would order a few extra just in case)

There is a pdf on device matching on the PassDIY website.

Current Digikey costs = $104.18 for 5 channels of Mini-A parts, and $127.13 for 5 channels of Aleph30 parts (not including shipping). The big difference in the cost of building these amps will be in the transformers and heatsinks.

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I fixed a typo in the excel sheet. I had the quantity for the IRFP240PBF devices as 2, instead of 6. The correct price from digikey for 5 channels of parts for the Aleph30 is $169.90 (not including shipping). The sheet is updated to reflect this.

Accounting for meeting the min order quantity for the XCT resistors (5 = min, and must be a multiple of 5), the cost for an 2 channels of parts for building the Aleph30 amp boards is $78.12, and $57.70 for the Mini-A parts for 2 channels.

Another nice feature of the Digikey text import tool is that when you receive the parts, the comments field (parts designation in this case) will be labelled on the bag that the parts are in. (such as the 221 ohm resistors will be labelled "R4.R7.R8.R11.R21.R29-R34")

Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
edoirt said:
what components are used for a configuration aleph 5 ?
Mini or standards ?
Are standards compatibles with your pcb and where can i find a partlist with references ?


For the Aleph 5, there are a few different resistors. Please look over the Aleph5 service manual on the Pass Labs website.

You can reference the board schematic for the part designations:

Hi all
I want to build a aleph 5 double mono with the pcb of brian and I seek the list of the top-of-the-range components ( vishay dale etc) necessary in this configuration. Is what some among you would lay out of the list with the references of the adapted components? In addition is what resistances owe hearth only in mini version or is what the versions standards can be considered? By advance thank you for your assistance
MashBill said:
Great news Brian!

These are a very well done PSU board and can be used for lots of projects due to their versatility. Besides ordering enough for my current projects, I will be ordering extras for my future project stash.


They are really nice board's, work well in lots of projects. I like the fact that they are crc too.
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