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Mini A Board Run

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Ryssen said:
Nice! Are you building a 4 channel amp?
do you thing heatsinks for the rectifiers are needed?

I dont know if they will need heat sinks if they do ill add them. I'm building 2 stereo chassis the idea is to have one chassis with 2 channels in it per speaker for bi-amping. :) im doing it now with Through Hole mini alephs and love it. PURE clean sound less parts and 15 watts TONES of power for me.
Kram said:
Hello BrianGT,

I would like enough boards to make 1 two channel amp. What is the situation with power supply boards, do you have some of those as well?


smd or through hole ?

the smd is one board with 4 boards 2psu boards and 2 smd amp boards. TO-Witch will build you a nice stereo block.

Hi, the SMD one was the one I was after.

I was not aware that the SMD board contained everything, sounds good to me. :)

What is the going price these days for the SMD PCBs then? If they are a reasonable price I could be tempted the take 2 sets if there is enough for other people.

could BrianGT please mail me with the costs and how to pay ( i have paypal) and will reply with my address etc.

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