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Mini A Board Run

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Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
I ordered 100 through-hole Mini-A boards today. I ordered them at standard board thickness (0.063 instead of 0.092), so the price will be a bit less. I will start taking pre-orders relatively soon. I also orderd them in red this time, instead of blue, as I think that red is a much cooler color.

BrianGT said:
I ordered 100 through-hole Mini-A boards today. I ordered them at standard board thickness (0.063 instead of 0.092), so the price will be a bit less. I will start taking pre-orders relatively soon. I also orderd them in red this time, instead of blue, as I think that red is a much cooler color.


What will the cost of a through the hole kit (with components) be?

Will there be a stereo version as with your gainclones?

And what kind of toroid would one need for the PSU?

I'm really excited about this :D
Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
pixpop said:
What's the upper limit of output power for these boards?

For the through-hole boards, you should be able to run an Aleph 2 configuration with additional output boards, giving you 100w per channel. For higher power, you can also just wire the devices point-to-point and not use the output boards also.

Please view the webpage here for more info on configurations:

The Aleph2 is not mentioned there, but the design is an extension of the other design, with 12 output devices per channel.
Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
nerd of nerds said:

What will the cost of a through the hole kit (with components) be?

Will there be a stereo version as with your gainclones?

And what kind of toroid would one need for the PSU?

I'm really excited about this :D

The through-hole version is the same as the last version:

The power supply boards will not be included in the pcb set, only 2 amp boards and 4 output boards.

I have no kit pricing yet, as I will only be selling the pcbs for this project. Jason will be handling the kits, and I will determine the pricing for them once determining the total interest in the kits.

Re: interested, yes

Daveis said:
I'd commit to a set of thru-hole boards for 3 complete amps.

If all parts can be sourced from Digi-key, I might go SMD.

All parts will be from digi-key. I'll be putting up a parts list with part numbers also. the onl thing that is not from digi-key would be the transformer's and heat sinks. But i will also post the locations where i get these parts.

Brian has offered to help me with this and actually get a good price list together i'll be sticking the prices for the parts kit's. They will also be packaged and labeled better to.
MashBill said:
Jase and Brian,

Thanks for doing this! (And thanks to Nelson for letting us benefit from his circuit wizardry :D )

I would also be interested in the trafo and heatsink info.


This person > http://cgi.ebay.com/34-34V-500VA-To...oryZ4660QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

is where i got 3 Toroidal Transformers From i got 16-0-16 @ 300va they normaly go for from him about 29$ each us. You could email him and ask him if he has stock or if he is going to do another run @ that spec.
Retired diyAudio Moderator
Joined 2002
alright, I submitted a small order for the SMD boards, and once I get a working prototype, I will consider doing a larger order.

I would estimate about $100 in parts and pcbs to build a 2 channel stereo amp. This does not include chassis/heatsinks/connectors/transformer.. just parts for the pcb.

I will post a digikey parts list for the project once I get a working amp.

BrianGT said:
alright, I submitted a small order for the SMD boards, and once I get a working prototype, I will consider doing a larger order.

I would estimate about $100 in parts and pcbs to build a 2 channel stereo amp. This does not include chassis/heatsinks/connectors/transformer.. just parts for the pcb.

I will post a digikey parts list for the project once I get a working amp.


Right On Good Job Brian. Hope all goes well.

jleaman said:

This person > http://cgi.ebay.com/34-34V-500VA-To...oryZ4660QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

is where i got 3 Toroidal Transformers From i got 16-0-16 @ 300va they normaly go for from him about 29$ each us. You could email him and ask him if he has stock or if he is going to do another run @ that spec.

I'm pretty sure I have some toroids that are:
-Amveco Magnetics
-Prim: 120V 60HZ, 258VA
-Sec: 57 VCT or 28.5 VCT @ 4.68A
-potted center
-new in box

I think the secondaries are 57v ct with 'mid taps' at 28.5v, so I think you could use either voltage but at only 4.68A regardless of voltage.
The higher voltages could be good for small AB or gainclone too??

If anyone is interested I'll get one out, plug it in and make a couple of measurements to confirm voltages. I could sell 'em at 20 bucks ea. usd plus ~$10 flat rate shipping in US.

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