Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

Hey xrk971, what's your impression of the W5-2143 irrespective of enclosure? I've been seriously eyeballing this model for a while. I'd been thinking for a long time that a ~5" with no whizzer might be my sweet-spot for FR drivers. Just about my favourite is the old Fostex FF125K (not WK), a 4.5".
>>> Hey xrk971, what's your impression of the W5-2143... Just about my favourite is the old Fostex FF125K (not WK), a 4.5".

Blind test! Just kidding.

TB and Fostex are good choices that sound different. You’d have to purchase both and build two different speakers. I still listen to the Fostex 168z (bedroom) and Eminence has taken over my living room.

I've a bit more experience with Fostex over TB. I've had FF225WK, but sold it and not for lack of enjoying it, FF125K and FF85WK. For TB, I've only heard W4-1320SIF in my DCR enclosures. I still have that one but haven't listened in a while. I like it quite a bit FWIW, but indeed different from Fostex. I like to think the W5-2143 would not be worlds away from it sonically.
Hey Christo,

Thanks for that suggestion, that sounds very interesting. I guess the tuning can just be done outside the cab and then put in once a good value is reached. Not sure what to aim for in attenuation of crossover point here? Do you reckon similar values to yours make sense with the smaller baffle or do i need to cross further up? How much attenuation is 1 ohm?!

Is it acceptable to compensate for e.g. a high R coil by just reducing the resistor value correspondingly?


Hi Silas

Your findings about fantastic midrange and treble, but with a lack of good bass sounds a lot like what I experienced with my Dual 3FE25 in 0.53 Karlsonator build. Btw, the bass level didn't change with break-in.

I'm pretty sure X is going to suggest a baffle step, but I'm going to beat him to it. :D

If you look a few posts back in this thread, you'll see the inductors I made for my speakers with FaitalPro drivers, and you'll also read how it changed the characteristics completely. These boxes ooze bass now. I used 1 Ohm resistors with my home made 0.9mH inductors, but want to give 1.8 Ohm resistors a try soon.

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Founder of XSA-Labs
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Hey xrk971, what's your impression of the W5-2143 irrespective of enclosure? I've been seriously eyeballing this model for a while. I'd been thinking for a long time that a ~5" with no whizzer might be my sweet-spot for FR drivers. Just about my favourite is the old Fostex FF125K (not WK), a 4.5".

Probably one of the best 5in full range I have heard. Nice sensitivity, good highs, deep bass, can handle complex music well. Try it, not that expensive. Very well made and oozes quality.
... Not sure what to aim for in attenuation of crossover point here? Do you reckon similar values to yours make sense with the smaller baffle or do i need to cross further up? How much attenuation is 1 ohm?!

Is it acceptable to compensate for e.g. a high R coil by just reducing the resistor value correspondingly?

Hi Silas

I'm a noob with these things. I just know what worked for my Faitals. It's best that X answers you there.

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The resistance in the coil affects the bass as well as the highs. Whereas changing the resistor affects the highs only. 1R is minimal - you will hardly notice it. I typically use 5R to 10R. Changing coil mH moves xo point up or down in frequency. 0.8mH to 1mH is about right xo point for any baffle from about 3in wide to 12in wide. It’s a very soft shallow -6dB/octave slope so not critical.
Got it, will get myself a few coils and some resistors and try it out! Thanks again for the inspiration, they are lovely speakers.

One other thing, i am wondering if i may have overdone it with the stuffing. I stuffed the top of the horn, like you showed in your single sheet guide, with a piece of acoustic foam behind the driver. I didn't stuff it hard but definitely filled the narrow gap above the driver, and didnt fluff up the wool stuffin beforehand. Is that OK? Would that steal bass?

The foam sits approx 2cm high and is glued to the small flap that extends straight down at the end of the tube. It doesnt block the channel, it is more or less the dimensions of the flap (56x165mm or such). I used this stuff, no idea if thats open cell or not but its not very dense:
the t.akustik HiLo-N70 - Thomann Danmark - cut to size
For filling i used this stuff:
Daempningsmateriale MDM-4 Hojttaler
Sorry its in danish, but it says thermocotton (whatever that is) and is a combination of cotton and polyester. Sounds like polyfill but i dont know much about these things...

If i need to change things, i guess i can tease the driver out carefully and maybe do some changes! Thanks for the advice.
Just made mine. I used the drawing that has them 6 1/2 inches rather then six. I combined ideas, added some of my own. One of the things I did was use the white foam core for the sides and top/bottom and black for the all internal and front. I used 200 sand paper to sand the surface slightly and rubber mat on the inside bottom and back 1/4 way up. Not sure if this makes a differences, but the black is not as smooth as the white foam core. I used 1 oz of PE acousta stuffing (usual places mentioned), felt on the back of the K panel. I tested before glueing it tight to come up with mine. Well no boomy bass on mine. All I did was laugh as these sound crazy amazing. Bass vibrates my desk, and highs are well high, mids are great. Sound stage I love. This is my desktop system and I run off my Mac, but I use my USB headphone DAC, then that goes to my Lepai T amp. A lot of my files are FLACS 24/96 studio master but not all. But all sound great, very happy with these Karlsonator"s!
Additional insight

Yes I used the TC9 and it was the .04 version only at 6 1/2 inch wide. I also added a second layer to the front of the K panel inset it 5mm around the outer edge so it inset. I took my time on these and also sealed all the inside edges of the enclosure as well, when I saw no light peaking through I was happy. Think this also helped the lower end. I have a few images of the build, but not the whole process, unfortunately. You will notice two white stripes at the top two corners, that is acoustic caulk. I cut the wrong way for the fold:(, but this fixed it fine.


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Thanks XRK. I appreciate your design and efforts a lot so a pat on the back! Your very observant also, I am a graphic designer/photographer by trade so I have this stuff available readily. I thought it was cool that I could build speakers that I could use in my office, with something I use daily! And yes, built them in the home office, cannot wait till clients and colleagues hear these puppies! Jaws will drop....
Founder of XSA-Labs
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Thanks XRK. I appreciate your design and efforts a lot so a pat on the back! Your very observant also, I am a graphic designer/photographer by trade so I have this stuff available readily. I thought it was cool that I could build speakers that I could use in my office, with something I use daily! And yes, built them in the home office, cannot wait till clients and colleagues hear these puppies! Jaws will drop....

I wasn’t trying to brag about my observation skills, I just know that the foam core you use is about $10 a sheet vs the $1 store stuff. It makes really nice speakers for that special foam core build. I see a large wide bed plotter/printer along with a kitty litter box:)

I love the midrange the most from this speaker. Although the bass is very impressive for how small it is.
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