Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

Help? been struggling to follow the entire Karlson saga.
Found it a bit convoluted tbh..over many posts and many years.
Wanting computer speakers of decent sound/ and resolution Not needing worlds best tho.
Have tc9d's in hand.. Many sheets of foam core.. and finally I just found the 0.4x Karlson plans.. Great !
Do seem a bit large to fit next to my puter screen tho.
Always a complication.. sigh.
Are the xki's a bit smaller perhaps (haven't found those dwgs yet tho.) Have a couple of subs on hand so bass depth isn't a concerning issue, whereas desktop real estate is..
Realise that the highish Qts of the tc9's suggests a sealed cab but?
Any suggestions for an alternate to the XKi's plan (which I haven't yet found :eek:
or would Xk's do well 'mitt sub' ?
A simple sealed or lightly ported box could be simplest.. but where's the fun in that?
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I think the Karlsonators sound better than the XKi in general for a computer speaker. The XKi may be suited for deeper bass in a smaller cabinet, but overall sound quality I would say goes to Karlsonator 0.40x. They are not that big really. The rich sound and wide sound stage is worth it.

You can try the small XKi foam core I made for the RS100 on post 1 of xki thread with TC9FD. Should work.
Thank you..
Another foolish question: Foam core quality ?
$ store is FC is of quality befitting it's price point . Apply (v little) Humidity on the paper skin(s) and it peels off (great for mining it for it's foam substrate in RC model aircraft builds ) V easily.
Next step up (still in Elmers' brand tho) is Michaels' ~ 2 $ a sheet FC. Whose paper skin adhesion is Far more tenacious .. difficult to peel off intentionally.
Notably these same sized FC sheets (20 x 30) weigh exactly Double that of the $ store version.
Then there are Graphics Arts quality Foam core products.. even heavier, with no hope of successful paper removal.
Soooo... any known advantages to using the tougher / heavier /more durable FCs'.. vs the $ store variety?
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For cheapskate builds I use $1 store. For more premium builds I use Elmer’s. That stuff is harder to cut too. A good approach is use Elmer’s on front baffle or where driver mounts for more secure mounting and better looks. But making from the Elmer’s makes an almost permanent quality speaker as long as you keep it dry. For playing around with, you can’t beat the dollar store stuff - there is just so little stress in worrying if you are going to ruin the base material. Just have fun. I still have $1 store Karlsonators that still sound great after all these years.
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Thanks.. yet again.
As small fyi... IF one removes the paper skins on $ store FC.. (Water spritz and wait , then peel the paper off in one piece) one can heat form the Foam Into aircraft shapes..
Technique is to tightly packing tape wrap the foam over a carved DOW foam plug Or a wooden shape.
Heat in oven ..carefully! or use a hair dryer.. to heat mold/shrink it onto the plug.
The heat removes all wrinkling , sets the shape permanently into the foam shell..and the product is surprisingly credible.
One can then Re-paper the thing using painter's masking paper strips applied with watered White glue.. a light / rigid /tough shell results.
Use enough layers of paper/glue and it's a defacto Molded plywood result.
As in all things there is a learning curve But the method is long proven.
Possibly useful if wanting organic/senso shapes?
Ie; a clean Tractrix horn Bell? Or a Flower Petal Baffle sans 800 hours of grinding?
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Small update :)
This afternoon I built / assembled a pair of 12" diam (LP size) 5 petal OBs with my tc9ds as their centre .
Hey it was fairly easy as a First FC build attempt. V few parts.
Plus I have a 3 yr old Grandaughter who is going to love these Daises .. once painted up :).
It's 2.1 setup using the little sub from my temporary Cambridge Soundworks set.
This cobble up sounds wayyy better than it has any right to.
I'm seriously impressed. Decent bass too, almost usable, sans sub.
Thank you ! for the advise and concept for trying this.

Did find the $ store FC a bit fragile to handle ..really Easy to cut tho.
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Hi Bare,
Did you get the idea from here?
Foam Core Board Speaker Enclosures?

Yes, those speakers sound way better than they should given the ease of construction.
Finally Got show 'n tell pix.
Cobbling together stands was far more complex/time consuming than making the Daisies.
Stands are a tight friction fit onto the Driver's magnets, intent being to have them removable and ultimately adjustable.. once I figure out the best setup angle for purpose.


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Founder of XSA-Labs
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Very nice work, Bare! I can see you have some real foam core skills! Those stands look awesome. Very high tech. I never would have thought to use the magnet to mount the driver to the stand. I see you even added a layer to make baffle flush with driver bezel. That helps actually get rid of pesky little “grass like” diffraction around 500Hz to 2.5kHz range.

Please post this in Foamcore thread.
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Summer project

Back home in the UK on leave for the summer. Been a long admirer of this thread and as I was able to get the 5FE25-16 locally so I gave myself a project.

Was a bit underwhelmed by them initially but after a couple of days with them and doing a some of A/B swaps with my long-term favorites KEF 104ab (the bass on them sounds so wooly in comparison to the Karlsonators) I can't imagine now swapping them out again.

Its great party trick when people see (or have heard you tell them about) your dodgy little cardboard speakers and then their expressions of disbelief when they hear them!! A current favourite demo track is KARATE by Babymetal. Also listening to Alita Battle Angel soundtrack really shows off the bass. They are loud speakers!

I've had to put a stack on magazines on the one without clamps because the bass was making it spin and move off the stool it is sitting on.

Extensively modded NAD stack is my B-reserve team as the DIY A-team lives with me abroad.

Since these pics were taken I've added some masking tape around edges of front baffle to stop them farting.


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