Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

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Joined 2012
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I ran the simulations, and my back of the envelope scaling relations worked. A 0.60x scale Karlsonator will give super high sensitivity of circa 94dB at 2.83v but modest bass extension around 57Hz (-3dB point). a 0.90x H & D and 0.40x W scaled Karlsonator (6in wide x 27.6in high) will give deep 36Hz (-3dB) bass extension but about 88dB sensitivity - and will require a BSC to attenuate the highs to balance the lower bass sensitivity. Not sure how good it will be for deep bass as cone mvovement is limited.



Perhaps a 0.75x and adjusted width to get 1500 cu in box might be a better tradeoff of bass extension and sensitivity? Although 57Hz -3dB gets the kick drums just right and will work for 95% of music to sound rich and full.


  • Karlsonator-FE103E-Dual-0.60x-scale-Freq.png
    17.7 KB · Views: 1,414
  • Karlsonator-FE103E-Dual-0.90HDx0.40W-Freq.png
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I ran the simulations, and my back of the envelope scaling relations worked. A 0.60x scale Karlsonator will give super high sensitivity of circa 94dB at 2.83v but modest bass extension around 57Hz (-3dB point). a 0.90x H & D and 0.40x W scaled Karlsonator (6in wide x 27.6in high) will give deep 36Hz (-3dB) bass extension but about 88dB sensitivity - and will require a BSC to attenuate the highs to balance the lower bass sensitivity. Not sure how good it will be for deep bass as cone mvovement is limited.



Perhaps a 0.75x and adjusted width to get 1500 cu in box might be a better tradeoff of bass extension and sensitivity? Although 57Hz -3dB gets the kick drums just right and will work for 95% of music to sound rich and full.

Holy mother of speakers...that 94db of 0.60x Karlsonator is simply amazing.I think it is the best choice to make.Losing SPL for a weak low bass seems like a lost cause. That 36HZ bass doesn't look too promising and it comes with only 88db, wasted loudness. 57hz bass at -3db looks nice, if not I could compensate with a subwoofer.I think the 0.60X choice is the way to go even if the boxes will be big.The best trade-off.I can have loud mids with good bass. Thank you very much for playing with both scenarios, I really appreciate it.Once again , the Karlsonator is a great design.:)
I just finished my first-ever DIY speaker--a 0.53 Karlsonator in foam board, with a Dayton PA130-8 driver. The sound is a bit like coming from a tin can. There is bass, but not much treble. I used a few handfuls from the inside of a pillow to stuff it like the photos. Did I mess up, or do I need to give it time?
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Yes, on the inside area adjacent to the back of the driver, line with foam. Melamine miracle eraser sponges are the best. But thick felt or even grey open cell foam is better than nothing. You want to line any direct line of sight area from the back of the cone.

An example here:
Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FD's
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The sound is a bit like coming from a tin can. There is bass, but not much treble. I used a few handfuls from the inside of a pillow to stuff it like the photos. Did I mess up, or do I need to give it time?

On my XKi with 2x PA130-8, the 'boominess' was coming from the front chamber behind the Karlson aperture. I ended up lining the sides and the top section sloping down to the driver with wool carpet underlay. I also put semi circles of underlay behind the wings, directly over the driver. This drastically improved the sound.