My first DIY amplifier 20 years a go

gaborbela said:
I can find BDW93C/94C which is equivalent to the bigger brother BDW83C /84C but with less power .Still it would be enough with 40V rail voltage , and I plan to use 2pair of course .
Unfortunately the driver BF469 /BF470 hard to find parts , also with BC414C /416C have the same issue .
BDW83C/84C are still available here. A few weeks ago they were still offering them from STM as well, but now they only have the unspecified brand version left.
BF469/470 is also available from a different manufacturer at that place.
Replacements for BC414C/416C are BC550/560, if I remember correctly.
Thank you very much for the information .
I will order from Reichel .
Also today I ordered from Mouser BDW93C/94C produced by ST company . Those are good quality transistors .I did a lot of test before with different type of transistors . ST is the best for me .
Yes I plan to use BC550C/560C to replace the orig BC signal transistors .
Thanks one more time .
I post the lay out but if you want to use it you have to figure out the parts were they go .
I made the layout with out any software .


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Thanks for the information
That is a very big problem , I'm looking for these transistors about two month now .I don't find no where .Even if I found some country the BDW84 is in TO247 case another is TO218 and no BF at all .
Finally I have a sours but to spend 150 Euro instead 10-15Euro that will be a big problem .I cant do that , and there is no good replacement for the BF drivers .I did tested a lot of different transistors .
I have no need to buy any other items .To spend 150 Euro on these transistors that is crazy .
I must fund someone in Germany to do these order to me .
I send the money in that case ahead .
I'm very upset now .
That is my luck .
Thanks for the info any way
Yes I did and works better than only one pair .
Better bass , fuller mid range .More control over the speakers
It works much better , the designer told me to use 2 pair instead one pair .
I used over 50V power supply , I had that transformer in hand and it was a bit to much for 1pair darlingtons .
After I used two pairs and it sounded much better , no problem at all .
can we have

scope readings of this device ????

tip142-147 are famous for instability

also a complete new schematic will be also usefull ////

i wonder what resisitnce you have in the out of every transistor ???? NP used 0.68 per device

then again 50 volts rails ( dc i presume ) will produce easily 120w so there is a question of soa , thermal stability . and generaly iv never seen that before and if it works it will be very fine to see the complete thing ....

120w @8R ...and then how much in 4 ???? or 4 ohms is a total NO GO ????

seen similar application before but VI limiters for base limiting was a must

i trully hope that really works very fine but since i ve never seen that before i am a bit scpetic about it

regards sakis
Of course it has
BDW93C/94C etc

I didn't use scope I still I don't know how to use it .
But when the amp was modified the guy who gave me the schematic he tested with scope and he said it is fine .

I feel like going a hell , there is available transistors at Germany at Reichel but min. order 150Euro from Canada ???

I still don't have BF drivers .
I tested the TIP type of transistors , mostly available in N America but not a good replacement .
Even inside the the darlington how it built up is differently .

That is why I needed to double the power transistors .
50V is a bit to high .
But the driver only set up to give you 100W in 4Ohms .
Now if I found the stronger BDW83C/84C with two pair I will use 56V power supply .
If I get only the BDW83C/94C I will use max 40V power supp.
I used these amp successful a long period before I immigrated to Canada .
My fried still use it after 20 years !
That is your opinion these is a bomb .
Do you think I would suffer so much to find the parts and design the PC boards if I did not had these amp , or if did not have the amp a excellent sound .
I have many other amps at home like Aleph X , ProFet , DIY Naim ,
and I working on the Krell KSA 50 and many another project .
These I want to build again because it was my first DIT amp and believe me is a great amp .
My friend bias the amp 400mA and after 20 years still working well .
I sent to him a Symasym and he prefer these amp over the Symasym .
He not even kept the Symasym .
So these are the facts .
Of course if I use 56V rail I do not bias in to 400mA . If I use 40V yes I will do that with proper heat sink .
I also had Symasym , M Hiraga , SEWA and I didn't kept them .
These amp was tested with scope also but not by me , I don't have scope .But when we did doubled the power transistors it was tested . Everything was fine .

this is just an opinion

this is just an opinion please dont see it as apersonal attck cause its not

this ia a very long issue to talk still ....i havent seen any of these amps equped with this type of transitors working properly

add to this that you never scoped the amp

but to all this there is something forgiving ....there might be a posibilty that the amp is more stable with a lot of bias than it is with less .... this is just a hinch since this the way A40 from NP is working

trully i havent test none to be able to tell you ...i have a prototype of A40 ready with the original boards but since i have no good quality semis its still pending ...

if you dont mind sent me a complete schematic and pcb lay out i will construct and scope it very carefully for you

then you may keep the readings for feature reference
Yes now I see what you think
I do not push the amp more than 20W power .
I listen JAZZ , Classical . etc
These amp not for disco , I build these amp for the quality !
With higher voltage for some reason it has much better sound .Only that is why I want to use 56V rail . At first I had 51V rail with one pair power transistor and small heat sink . So yes it will cook the transistors with small heat sink when you start to push it . It happaned with me and took my woofer out . After we doubled the power transistors I had no more problem with it of course I used 5x bigger heat sink than at the first time .
I even built 8W amp the Monster Hiraga and it had power more than enough .
Thanks for your offer
The schematic you find on the first page .
The lay out at the third page , I do not have the layout with the parts since I made the layout by the paint program on my computer . With out any software .
I have a lay out were the parts marked with different colored lines but after redesigned the layout to be smaller so I can use even with BDW93C/94C in case if I get only those .
I attach that layout but a bit different .
The emitter resistors they will go to the bottom of the PC boars after everything is already mounted it to the boars .



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Re: ok

sakis said:
i dont want to dissapoint you but i think you are constructing a ticking bomb ....especially with 56 volt rails ....
Would it surprise you, if I told you that I own a commercial amplifier with three output pairs of BDW83D/84D per channel running from 52 V rails? It is 17 years old and has neither self-destructed nor destroyed any speakers so far. I really doubt that the manufacturer matched transistors.
You are right , these darlington were used in many amps with successful .
If you have proper heat sink it can work with out any problem .
My amplifier had a warm tone but clear , precise .It is a lovely amp .
Many people came to visit me or for a seans , some of them did not believe to their ear
It happaned one guy put his gang to the speaker cable and follow the cable until the amp speaker terminal .
One guy who was a businessman with amplifiers , he also was my friend to .
He brought two large old with large VU meter power amplifier . One Sansui and one Tecnics old type but after the first disc he told me those amps is a joke com-pair to these .
Only one important think I used a pair Mepco 60 000uF capacitor in the power supply and until the power charge those large caps it suck the woofer in ,It good to use a soft starter .
After I turn of the amp I still hear the music loud and clear almost two minutes .
I want these amp again !
But there are rules to know , right size heat sink , if you use high voltage power supp do not over drive the amp .
Check the heat sink at the beginning .
After you set up the bias 50 or 100mA check the bias when the amp warm up .
I had no offset problem at all .
And my first amp used Yaego 1% metal film resistors , nothing fancy parts .
Now I will use Dale resistors , Philips Axial capacitors , good quality hock up wire etc .