My open baffle dipole with Beyma TPL-150

Will my new RD75 unit work properly

I just received 2 pcs of the RD75. However one unit seams to have to much glue on the mid bar magnets from top to bottom, well all magnets actually. On one area it looks like the glue melted down from top of mid magnet to al-membrane. I can not see the kapton folie on that spot Close to the magnet.
Generally it looks like additional glue on all magnet sides more or less of it. Will this glue restrict the membrane movement. I assume so.

On the other unit all sides are free from glue and looks clean.

Well, I am concerned and would like not to unpack the unit completely unit I know what is going on.

Anyone with any information. Is the unit recommended to be returned.

Thanks for help.

Picture of glue on membrane

It is very difficult to take a Picture of it as the membrane reflects the light.

The area of glue is appr. 10mm length.



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Hi Lars

Bad news... and for the price strange quality control ???

How was the packaging from Part Express ? Wood ? How was the packaging when you recieve it?

I plan planars but hesitate with the expensive RD75 but good TCO because two way or the NEO 10 in 3 ways (or DIY ESL but another story). The big RD75 frighten me because of the shipping ?

And yes with the price of it you have to call them and inform us of their answer for a testimonie of their commercial feeling? 2 weeks lost minimum I can imagine !
Another pictures of the RD75 excess of glue

The Quality Control of these units may definately be questioned from my perspective. I also requested the QC test/inspection document on the units and received a commercial data sheet. I have now asked them to Contact Bohlender to receive that QC document if it exist. We will see what show up.

Parts Express will not replace the unit with a new one as these was not available for internationally order and offered a discount and will not rectify one fault with another fault as they informed.

I just feel that I have not done anything wrong here.

More to follow.


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The Quality Control of these units may definately be questioned from my perspective. I also requested the QC test/inspection document on the units and received a commercial data sheet. I have now asked them to Contact Bohlender to receive that QC document if it exist. We will see what show up.

Parts Express will not replace the unit with a new one as these was not available for internationally order and offered a discount and will not rectify one fault with another fault as they informed.

I just feel that I have not done anything wrong here.

More to follow.

Part Express are wrong because for a futur customer like me it's a no-go : they loose the value of 2 x RD75 !

B&G says they are no internet vendor !!!!! i assume the ones Part Express sell are not chineese copy and that B&G know whom buy theirs planars !!!!

In Europe it's impossible : the customer has a strong protection and the seller have to replace the unit and have correction with the firm which sell the unit !

Assuming too your are not the CEO of another planar brand, it's a real bad point for Part Express and B&G. Hope they answer you on's a shame if you have no news if you pay in a first time the shipping of the bad unit for inspection.:mad:

Have measurement if you can't from a neighboor's fellow of Diya of the two unit if they don't want to show you quality control report.
Many thing are maid in China with good quality control, it's not the problem where it was maid but how Part Express manage the relationship between the fabric and the buyer. Iphone 5 are maid in China and they work...bad example ; my Philips tv was maid in china and it works...bad example...the screws of my Boing plane was maid in China and...boom but my NAD was maid in China and it works very well like the fifty percent of electonics goods maid in the world Chineese!

Don't think it's a chineese conspiracy but if B&G was bought this summer by a china Company. And after all Volvo is chineese but are one of the safer car... !
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Many thing are maid in China with good quality control, it's not the problem where it was maid but how Part Express manage the relationship between the fabric and the buyer. Iphone 5 are maid in China and they work...bad example ; my Philips tv was maid in china and it works...bad example...the screws of my Boing plane was maid in China and...boom but my NAD was maid in China and it works very well like the fifty percent of electonics goods maid in the world Chineese!

Don't think it's a chineese conspiracy but if B&G was bought this summer by a china Company. And after all Volvo is chineese but are one of the safer car... !

:scratch: :scratch: :scratch: