My open baffle dipole with Beyma TPL-150

Hé Merry Christmass all,

Larss, i really hop that B&G will change you your driver if you send it to them and will give you the money back of the expedition and a new driver. No sense to add or do marketing without quality management, no ?

If not, you can transform you rd75 in ski and make beautifull photographs of the first ski hifi system in a land of snow ! Monopole from the ground to the ears:D (infinite glissant bafle step !)

I believe i always seen the XO one the genesis 1.2 somewhere in a internet add... on the genesis site or elsewhere, but don't remember where.
Genesis crossover RD75/tweeter

Evauluating to add tweeters to the RD75 (well, if receive a new unit) therefore curious what the crossover frequency is in Genesis 1.2.

Leaning towards to copy the Gryphon
Pendragon and add 4 AMT tweeters (Mundorf).

Any other recommedation for tweeters ?
I have no idea of what the Genesis 1.2 XO frequency might be, but I hope somewhere around 3-4 kHz, or no higher.

It's an interesting system which I have never heard, but I assume that is sadly not suitable for near-field listening because of all the tweeters and their interference pattern, and the very wide baffle will require a long listening distance for the RD-75.

I've worked a lot on different baffle shapes and widths for the RD-75, and have found that there are really only two ways to do it - no baffle like I did myself, or a very wide baffle like the Genesis 1.2. Something in between will not work well. The bass is also monopole, while the midrange is dipole, which will create integration problems between the wide baffle and the woofer towers.

Oh, and here's the 1.2 :)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Good guess:
Hong Kong Genesis Dragon Launch - Page 3

Gary L Koh said:
I've got 20 tweeters plus 6 more rear-firing.

Two reasons for having ribbon tweeters instead of running the treble through the midrange - dispersion and extension. You don't want to have high frequencies coming out of a transducer that is larger than 1/2 wavelength. So, with the width of the midrange ribbon, it should not be used above about 4kHz. The midrange ribbon in order to be able to go down to below 200Hz is also too heavy for frequencies above 20kHz.

Besides - having the midrange and tweeter sounded much better than even a crossover-less midrange.
Another quote of interest:
The Genesis Dragon - Page 2
Gary L Koh said:
These are have the standard baffle on the panels. Now, I've even been asked if I can make a wider baffle because the guy wants to build a larger room!!

None of our midrange drivers are standard BG midranges. BG use their ribbons as mid/tweeters from 200Hz to 20kHz. We use ours as mid/bass from 100Hz to 3200Hz. They use the same metalwork hence the confusion.
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Joined 2008
The problem is that you really cant find too many tweeters that are much narrower than the RD75. They all start to beam above 4-5 kHz anyway.

AMT's would not be my first choice for a super-tweeter, since they do not extend much beyond 20 kHz, and all of them have frequency-response problems in the 10-20 kHz range because of internal cancellation between the diaphragm folds.

A very narrow (10 mm or less) true ribbon would be the best choice.
AMT's would not be my first choice for a super-tweeter, since they do not extend much beyond 20 kHz, and all of them have frequency-response problems in the 10-20 kHz range because of internal cancellation between the diaphragm folds.
A very narrow (10 mm or less) true ribbon would be the best choice.

What kind of FR problems AMT's have in 10-20khz range? I am looking at Aurum Cantus AST2560 right now and would like to try it in dipole waveguides like David Pellegrine did. These graphs look very good:



I don't know if that rear waveguide makes any sense...
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Joined 2008
These are two different AMT's I've measured, Beyma TPL150 and Mundorf AMT2340. Both have a dip at 15k, and a peak at 10 kHz off-axis.

Your measurements look smoothed and the vertical resolution is low. Could you please show non-smoothed measurements with a 20 to 30 dB vertical scale?
That make up my mind to go for separate tweeters.

The question now is AMTs or RAAL ribbon.

Any suggestions appreciated!

Hi Larss

My vote goes for RAAL. The RAAL 140-15D would be nice, bit I would go with either Raal Dipole 140-15D of the RAAL Lazy Ribbon 9-inch Ribbon, also known as the Raal 210-10D. I think the Raal 210-10D would probably be the best option. Oh, and get the Amorphous C-core version regardless of which one you choose.

Hi Larss

My vote goes for RAAL. The RAAL 140-15D would be nice, bit I would go with either Raal Dipole 140-15D of the RAAL Lazy Ribbon 9-inch Ribbon, also known as the Raal 210-10D. I think the Raal 210-10D would probably be the best option. Oh, and get the Amorphous C-core version regardless of which one you choose.


Having used both quite extensively at home and in studio, my vote goes for Raal as well.
